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2016/01/16 10:21
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  • How much do I need to live in California?

  • How much is the cost of living in California?

KenさんがWhat~ ?で攻めているので、私はHow much ~ ?で考えてみました。 「カルフォルニアに住むのにいくら必要ですか」 1)How much do I need to live in California? 2)How much is the cost of living in California? 多分この質問だけだと大まかすぎて答えられない。 だって、家族で一軒家と、独身の学生がルームメイトとアパートに暮らすのとではコストがだいぶ違います。答えやすいように条件を少しあげるといいですよ。 例)独身(a single person)で普通サイズの賃貸アパート(a decent apartment) How much do I need to live in California? For example, how much is the average monthly living expenses for a single person living in a decent apartment in California? 「カルフォルニアに住むのにいくら必要ですか。例えば、独身で普通のアパートにカルフォルニアで住んだ場合の平均的な1ヶ月の生活費っていくら?」 語句のチェックリスト 生活費:living expense(s) 食費: food expense 光熱費: utilities (単数形はutility) 通信費: internet /cell phone (インターネットと携帯電話) 家賃: rent
  • What is the average living cost in California?

  • What does it take to live in California (as far as the living cost is concerned)?

How much do you need to live in California? だけだと “カリフォルニアに住むにはいくらかかるの?” という意味になっちゃいますので “生活する” という意味にはなりません。 従って、“average living cost” = 平均的な生活費、これが最初の例文のストレートな聞き方。 又はより間接的な表現で “what does it take to..” = “何が必要” → “どれくらい必要?” という意味の表現も可能ですね。 二個目の例文のように “as far as” (○○○については)、 “is concerned” (○○○を考慮すると)と付ければばっちり通じるはずだと思います♪
Hara Ken English teacher
  • How much does it cost to live in California?

  • How much is the average living expense in California?

How much does it cost to live in California?=カルフォルニアに済むには幾ら掛かる? How much is the average living expense in California?=カルフォルニアでの生活費は幾ら掛かる? average=平均 living expense=生活費 costもexpenseも「費用」と言う意味です。
  • What is the cost of living in California?

What is the cost?' When asking this question, the answer should be sufficient to give you an indication of the average costs for living in this city.
What is the cost?' この質問をする時、答えはこの 街での暮らしの平均的な費用を示すのに十分なものになるでしょう。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • What's the cost of living like in California?

  • Is day-to-day life expensive in California?

Cost of living = 1. The average cost of the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing. 2. The cost of basic necessities as defined by an accepted standard. Day-to-day = ordinary, everyday. "‘Our day-to-day domestic life is marked by arguments and poverty."
Cost of living = 1. 日常生活の食べ物、家、服など必要品を揃えるための平均コスト 2. 国の機関などで定められた日用必需品のコスト Day-to-day = ordinary, everyday.毎日、いつもの 例:"‘Our day-to-day domestic life is marked by arguments and poverty."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are the cost of living in California for and average person?

  • Can I have a estimated amount for the cost of living in California for an average person?

--*>What are the cost of living in California for and average person? --*>Can I have a estimated amount for the cost of living in California for an average person? *Average person = Middle class person. Not low salary and not high salary. *Estimate = roughly calculated. *Both phrases are clearly indicating that you want a rough amount for the cost of living for a middle class salary person.
What are the cost of living in California for and average person? (平均的な所得の人にとってカリフォルニアの生活費はいくらかかりますか?) Can I have a estimated amount for the cost of living in California for an average person? (平均的な所得の人に対して、カリフォルニアでの生活費はおおよそどのくらいかの金額を教えてもらえますか?) *avarage person=中産階級の人。給料は低くもなく、給料は高くもない。 *estimate(見積もり)=おおよその計算。 *両方のフレーズは、中産階級の給料を得ている人のおおよそのかかる生活費の金額を尋ねている事を明らかに表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How much will it cost to live in California?

  • Is it expensive to live in California?

How much will it cost to live in California? Is it expensive to live in California? What are the rental prices like in California? What are house prices like in California? Are are suitable in this instance.
How much will it cost to live in California?(カリフォルニアで生活するとどのくらいかかりますか) Is it expensive to live in California?(カリフォルニアで生活するとお金がかかりますか) What are the rental prices like in California?(カリフォルニアでは家賃やどのくらいですか) What are house prices like in California?(カリフォルニアでは住宅価格はどのくらいですか) これらは全てこの状況で使えます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • What is the cost of living in California?

  • Do I need alot of money to live in California?

These are two both sentences that can ask about the cost to live in Califonia :- 1. What is the cost of living in california? The phrase "cost of living" means the average of prices relating to a range of everyday items. 2. Do I need alot of money to live in California? If you need a lot of money to live in Califonia we can then say :- "It's expensive to live in California. If we don't need a lot of money to live in Califonia we can then say:- "It's inexpensive to live in Califonia."
どちらも、カリフォルニアの生活費について尋ねる言い方です: 1. What is the cost of living in california? [訳]カリフォルニアの生活費はどのくらいですか? "cost of living"は「生活費」という意味です。 2. Do I need a lot of money to live in California? [訳]カリフォルニアの生活はお金がかかりますか? もしお金がかかるなら、次のように言えます: "It's expensive to live in California." [訳]カリフォルニアの生活はお金がかかります お金があまりかからないなら、次のように言えます: "It's inexpensive to live in Califonia." [訳]カリフォルニアの生活はそんなにお金がかかりません
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • How much will it cost for me to live in California?

  • What is the average cost of living in California?

  • Is it expensive to live in California?

"What is the average cost of living in California?" A "cost of living" is the average amount of money it would take to live in a certain place like a city or state.
【例】 "What is the average cost of living in California?" (カリフォルニアの生活費はどのくらいですか?) この"cost of living"(生活費)とはある場所や国などでの平均的な生活にかかる 費用の事です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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