世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/29 12:44
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  • A popular cafe where people go to practice their English

  • An English hotspot

"A popular cafe where people go to practice their English" This is a simple and direct way to express what you are trying to say. You can also use the term "English hotspot" "Hotspot"is a place of significant activity. So you can use this term to explain the fact that many people go to this place (cafe) to practice their English.
"A popular cafe where people go to practice their English" 英語を練習するための人気のあるカフェ。 という表現がぴったりです。 "English hotspot"英語のホットスポットとも言えます。 "Hotspot"というのは、特定のアクティビティをする場所なので英語を練習するカフェにいくということもできます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • English conversation cafe

  • English chat cafe

A "Where shall we go this evening?" B " Mmmm, I'd like to practice some English conversation. A "There's an English conversation cafe near my place." B "OK, but can we go to the English chat cafe in the city centre? After, we can have restaurant meal." A "OK, good idea!"
A "Where shall we go this evening?" 今夜はどこにいく? B " Mmmm, I'd like to practice some English conversation.んー英会話が練習できるところがいいな。 A "There's an English conversation cafe near my place." 英会話カフェが近くにあるよ B "OK, but can we go to the English chat cafe in the city centre? After, we can have restaurant meal." いいね、けどシティーセンターの英語チャットカフェにいかない?そのあとどこかで食べよう。 A "OK, good idea!" いいね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • An English cafe

  • English Conversation Cafe

  • English Conversation Lounge

Lounge = a public place where people can sit,relax and converse with other guests. It could also be referred to as a Language Cafe in instances where guests can practice other languages too.
Lounge = 人々が座ってリラックスしたり、会話を楽しむ公共の場所 Language Cafe iほかの言語を練習できるカフェ、ラウンジといえます
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • An English conversation cafe.

  • An English coffee shop.

  • There are cafes/coffee shops where you can go to practice speaking English.

"Cafe" means the same as "Coffee shop" "An English coffee shop" Is a cafe where people speak English. "There are cafes/coffee shops where you can go to practice speaking English." This Explains to the person what a English conversation cafe is.
"Cafe" は "Coffee shop"と同じ意味。 "An English coffee shop" 人々が英語を話すカフェ。 "There are cafes/coffee shops where you can go to practice speaking English." 英語の会話を練習するために行くことができるカフェがあります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • English cafe

  • English-conversation cafe

These are cafes where Japanese people practice their English conversation skills. Provides people an alternative to private English lessons which are more expensive. The people interact with one another and in the process can discuss topics in English. ____________________________________________________________________________- Example A: How was you trip to Japan? B: Amazing! I went to a few English-conversation cafes.
これは日本人が英語を勉強するために行くカフェです。 費用が高めのプライベートの英語のレッスンを受けない場合はEnglish cafeに行くのもいい選択肢です。 英語で指定されたお題について会話をします。 ____________________________________________________________________________- 例 A: How was you trip to Japan? B: Amazing! I went to a few English-conversation cafes.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • English cafe.

Although 英会話 translates to English conversation, in this case, it feels more natural to say English cafe.
英会話 を直訳すればEnglish conversationですがEnglish cafeという方がナチュラルに聞こえます。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • An English conversation cafe

  • A cafe where people visit to practice their English

When you want to explain that there are cafes where people can practice their English; you may explain it as: -An English conversation cafe -A cafe where people visit to practice their English
「英語の練習ができる喫茶店」は次のように表せます。 -An English conversation cafe(英会話喫茶) -A cafe where people visit to practice their English(お客さんが英語の練習のために訪れる喫茶店)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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