世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/30 11:59
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  • I'm not shy. I just can't express myself well enough in English yet.

  • Just because I don't speak much does not mean I'm shy.

I'm not shy. I just can't express myself well enough in English yet. (私はシャイではありません。ただ、まだ充分に英語で意思表示ができないだけです。) Just because I don't speak much does not mean I'm shy. (あんまり話さないからといって、シャイだという訳ではありません。) というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ express = 表現する well enough = 充分に just because ○○ doesn't mean ◇◇ = ○○だからといって◇◇という訳ではない 以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
Kanako 通訳/翻訳家・英語習得コンサルタント
  • It;s not that I'm shy, it's just my inability to speak well in English

  • I'm really not shy. When my English improves, I will come out of my shell!

To come out of one's shell - To become more outgoing. Usually said of a shy or introverted person.: "Wow, Anna has really come out of her shell lately. I remember when she wouldn't even talk to anyone, and now she's likely to be voted 'Most Talkative.'" When you wish to assert something, you may apply the adverb 'Really.' "I really feel we have made good progress today!" "I really appreciate you calling me during your holiday!"
To come out of one's shell - 内気だった人が自分をさらけ出すこと、打ち解けること。 "Wow, Anna has really come out of her shell lately. I remember when she wouldn't even talk to anyone, and now she's likely to be voted 'Most Talkative.'" わぁ、アナってここ最近、社交的になってきたね。誰とも話さなかったのを覚えているよ。最近は、「おしゃべり」になってきたみたいだね。 何かを強く言いたいときは、'really'を使います。   "I really feel we have made good progress today!" 今日はすごく進歩した気がする!  "I really appreciate you calling me during your holiday!" お休み中に、電話してくれたことにすごく感謝しているわ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a shy person. I just need to gather more vocabulary and improve my sentence construction.

  • I am not a shy person. As soon as I improve my sentence construction, I will speak more.

It is a well known fact that if one does not have a good enough collection of vocabulary and expressions, and, can not be able to construct meaningful sentences, one can not communicate well in English. This can lead to someone not finding words, thereby not saying anything. Such a person may remain silent for too long, thereby giving the impression that he/she is shy. If you find yourself in this predicament, you may say: I am not a shy person. I just need to gather more vocabulary and improve my sentence construction. or I am not a shy person. As soon as I improve my sentence construction, I will speak more.
知っている単語や表現が少ないと文章を構築するのが難しくなり、会話をする時に何も言えずに黙ってしまうことがあります。そうすると静かだと思われシャイだと言う印象を与えられがちです。もしそう言ったシチュエーションに陥った場合は I am not a shy person. I just need to gather more vocabulary and improve my sentence construction. (私はシャイではないのですが、もっと単語や文章を構築するスキルを向上させないといけません) I am not a shy person. As soon as I improve my sentence construction, I will speak more. (私はシャイではありません。文章を構築スキルを向上させたらもっと喋れます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm not shy, I just can't express myself well in English

  • I am not shy but I just have a hard time expressing myself in English

When you want to explain to your teacher that you are not shy but just find it challenging to express yourself in English; then you may express this in the following ways: -I'm not shy, I just can't express myself well in English -I am not shy but I just have a hard time expressing myself in English
先生に「シャイではなく、ただ英語がうまく話せないだけだ」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -I'm not shy, I just can't express myself well in English(シャイではありません、英語がうまく話せないだけです) -I am not shy but I just have a hard time expressing myself in English(シャイではありませんが、なかなか英語で言いたいことは言えません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I find it hard to express myself in English

  • I'm not shy, I struggle to express myself in English

"I find it hard to express myself in English" this is a expression/phrase suggesting you have difficulty in expressing/showing/talking about yourself in the English language. "I'm not shy, I struggle to express myself in English" The term 'shy' is used to describe a personality that is often quiet and reserved. To 'struggle' in/with something describes you may have difficulty in something.
"I find it hard to express myself in English"(英語でなかなか言いたいことが言えません) ここでは、英語で「英語でなかなか言いたいことが言えない」と伝えています。 "I'm not shy, I struggle to express myself in English"(シャイではありません、英語でなかなか言いたいことが言えません) 'shy' は、無口で控えめな性格を表します。 'struggle' は「~に苦労する/~がなかなかできない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not shy, I'm just not good at expressing myself well in English

  • I'm not a shy person, I find it hard to express myself in English

To be shy means you are quiet or nervous in people's company Sometimes if you are quiet or unsure of what to say then someone might think you are shy you can tell them your not by saying 'I'm not shy' or 'I'm not a shy person' to express yourself means to say what you are thinking or you know
shy' は、人前で緊張したりあまりしゃべらない人をいいます。 口数が少なかったり何を話したらいいか分からないでいると、'shy'(内気)と思われるかもしれませんね。'shy' でないことは、次のように伝えることができます。 'I'm not shy'(シャイではありません) または 'I'm not a shy person'(シャイではありません) 'to express yourself' は、自分の考えや知っていることを「表す」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I'm not shy, it's just more difficult for me to communicate in English"

  • "I'm not shy, I just find it more difficult articulating on things in English"

  • "It's not that I'm shy, it's just that I need more time to work on my English"

1. "I'm not shy, it's just more difficult for me to communicate in English" By starting the sentence with the statement 'I'm not shy' you emphasis the face that the issue is not related to your confidence. 2. "I'm not shy, I just find it more difficult articulating on things in English" This means the same thing as the first example sentence. Articulating means 'explaining' or 'expanding on something'. To articulate on something means to explain something. So by using the word 'articulating' you are saying that you are not shy, you just find it difficult explaining things in English. 3. "It's not that I'm shy, it's just that I need more time to work on my English" By using this sentence, you are telling your teacher that your English will improve the longer you study the language.
1. "I'm not shy, it's just more difficult for me to communicate in English"(シャイなわけではありません、ただ英語でのやり取りが苦手なだけです) 'I'm not shy'(シャイではない)で文を始めて、この問題が自信とは関係がないことを強調しています。 2. "I'm not shy, I just find it more difficult articulating on things in English"(シャイではありません、ただ英語を話すのが苦手なだけです) 'To articulate on something' は「~を説明する」という意味です。ここでは 'Articulating' を使って、「シャイではなく、英語で物事を説明するのが苦手なだけだ」と伝えています。 3. "It's not that I'm shy, it's just that I need more time to work on my English"(シャイというわけではありません、もう少し英語を勉強しないといけないだけです) この文では、「勉強していれば英語は上達する」と伝えています。
Liam F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not shy.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I'm not shy.」 =私はシャイではありません。 (例文)I'm not shy. It's just hard for me to speak in English because I only recently started studying it. (訳)私はシャイではありません。ただ最近英語の勉強を始めたので、英語で話すのが難しいです。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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