世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 11:56
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  • There is snow as far as the eye can see!

as far as the eye can see: あたり一面 この表現を使うと、 There is snow: [雪](だ! というシンプルな表現も、「一面の雪景色」っていう日本語の表現に近づくと思います。 ちなみに、学生時代、as far as I can seeだと勘違いしてて、theが付いてる気がするけどなんでだろーって思ってました。 as far as the eye can see 正しく覚えて使ってみてくださいね!
  • to be covered with snow

  • winter scenery

英語の場合は日本語の“雪景色”という一つの決まった熟語っぽい表現が無いので文で言い表す他無いと思います。 従って最初の例文のように; Everything was covered with snow (when I opened my curtain this morning)!! (今朝カーテンを開けたら)全て[雪](に覆われていました。 とか、二個目の表現を使うと: It was winter scenery (with snow) everywhere! “winter scenery”だけだと“[冬](景色”になるのでカッコの中の“with snow”(雪で)を入れてあげれば解りますよね。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • The world was covered in a blanket of snow

  • A snow-covered world

We had travelled late at night and finally got to the isolated lodge on the edge of the forest at the foot of the mountain. The driving conditions had been difficult with rain, sleet and some snow lashing the windscreen. We tumbled into bed quickly and slept soundly until 10am the following day. I pulled open the curtains and saw that the world was now covered in a blanket of snow!
私たちは夜遅くに旅をし、ついに山の麓の森の端の孤立したロッジに到着しました。 雨、みぞれ、そして雪がフロントガラスに激しく打ち付けられ、運転は困難なものでした。 私たちはすぐにベッドに転がり込み翌日の午前10時までぐっすり眠りました。 カーテンを引き開け、目にしたものは、「the world was now covered in a blanket of snow!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • a winter wonderland of snow

  • covered with snow from east to west

If you look outside your window and see only snow everywhere, we can say that the area is a 'winter wonderland of snow'. This is a more poetic and creative way to explain that everywhere outside is covered with snow. Another equally artistic and appropriate way to explain that snow is everywhere is to say that everything is 'covered with snow from east to west'. 'from east to west' = this means 'everywhere' or, 'in all places' or, 'in each direction'. These are some great artistic descriptions to use when writing in a journal, diary, or just for ordinary use. Likewise, if we want to explain everything is 'white like snow', we can say everything is 'snow-white'. "All around me was snow-white and freezing cold."
窓から外をのぞくと一面の雪景色が見えました。 これを 'winter wonderland of snow'と呼びます。 これはどちらかと言うと一面の雪景色を説明する、詩的で創造的な表現です。 もう一つの同じような芸術的な表現で一面の雪景色を言い表してみると 'covered with snow from east to west' (全てが雪で覆われていた) と言います。 'from east to west' =これはどこもかしこも/隅から隅までという様な意味になります。 これらはジャーナルや日記などその他の普通の文書に使うととても芸術的な表現になります。 同じようにすべてが 'white like snow'(雪のように白い)と言うように説明したい場合 'snow-white'と言う事が出来ます。 【例】 "All around me was snow-white and freezing cold." (私の周りは雪の様に真っ白で凍える様に寒かった)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Everything was covered with snow

You can say : Everything was covered with snow Everywhere was snow All I could see was snow Everything was white of snow
次のように言うことができます。 Everything was covered with snow 全てが雪に覆われた。 Everywhere was snow どこでも雪が降っていた。 All I could see was snow 私が見ることができたのは雪だけです。 Everything was white of snow 全ては雪の白色でした。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Everything was covered in snow.

  • Snow everywhere.

▪Everything was covered in snow. Everything=all things. ▪Snow everywhere. Everywhere=all places. Examples a. When I opened the curtains everything was covered in snow. b. When I opened the curtains all I could see was snow everywhere.
▪Everything was covered in snow. Everything=全て ▪Snow everywhere. Everywhere=全ての場所 例 a. When I opened the curtains everything was covered in snow. カーテンを開けた時全てが白い雪に包まれていた。 b. When I opened the curtains all I could see was snow everywhere. カーテンを開けた時、見えるもの全て雪に覆われていた。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The entire area is blanketed in snow.

  • Its a snow covered world out there.

If the whole area out there is covered in snow, it actually means that the snow is looking more like a white blanket. The verb 'blanket' used in the first statement means to cover with a blanket. So, if you do catch such a scenery, ;you may say: The entire area is blanketed in snow. or Its a snow covered world out there.
その地域一帯が雪で覆われている場合は、雪が白いブランケットのように見えます。最初の例文では動詞'blanket'を使用しており、これはブランケットで覆うことを意味しています。ですので、このような景色に出会ったら、以下のように言うことができます。 The entire area is blanketed in snow. または Its a snow covered world out there.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "The snow has covered everything with eyesight outside my house"

  • "There snow as far as the eye can see"

  • "There is a blanket of snow outside"

If you opened the curtains in the morning and outside was completely covered in snow and you want to explain this to someone, you could say any of the following: "The snow has covered everything with eyesight outside my house", "There snow as far as the eye can see" or "There is a blanket of snow outside".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • A blanket of snow

  • The entire backyard was knee-deep in a blanket of snow.

A well known idiom come to the rescue here:-)" A blanket of snow covered the street". We might be ..."Knee-deep in a wintery scene" We may just express it as :heavy snow cover"...But "a blanket" says so much more!
よく知られたイディオムがここでは最適でしょう。 " A blanket of snow covered the street" (雪のブランケットが道を覆った) 冬には膝位まで雪が積もっていることもあるでしょう。 ただ一面が雪に覆われた”heavy snow cover"という表現を使うこともできますが、"a blanket" という言葉はより豊かに表現してくれます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • There was a blanket of snow outside this morning.

  • There was snow everywhere this morning.

We would commonly use the phrase 'blanket of snow' as you can imagine putting a blanket on something it completely covers it. Therefore it means that everything you can see is completely covered in snow.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • My whole front yard was covered in snow.

  • Everything is covered in snow.

You want to explain that everything is covered in snow. Some people will make use of the phrase 'There is snow as far as the eye can see' - which means wherever you look there is snow, within every corner of your eyes. The above two sentences are both suited to express this specific situation.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • The whole place was covered in a blanket of white snow

If you live in a city that does not get much snow and suddenly it snows, it is a great novelty. Everybody goes out and enjoys it and takes lots of pictures. When it happens all the time, it's not really a novelty because it is something regular and expected every year. We say a "blanket of white snow" because if you look outside when it has just snowed, the whole place is covered in white as if a white blanket were spread across the street.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Everything was covered in snow.

  • There was snow everywhere.

These two sentences can be used interchangeably to describe the scenery of snow outside of your window. The first example, you can use the subject noun, "everything," to describe, all that you can see. The second example using the subject verb, "there is," to talk about the existence of something within a space or area.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • When I woke up I saw a blanker of snow on the ground outside.

  • Everything was covered in snow when I woke up and looked outside.

If you would like to explain to someone that everything was covered in snow when you woke up and looked outside, you can say something like "When I woke up I saw a blanker of snow on the ground outside." or "Everything was covered in snow when I woke up and looked outside.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • As far as I could see the snow was everywhere

  • I could see snow for miles.

Blanket of snow suggests there has been a lot of snow down which has covered pretty much everything you can see. Everywhere = means that every detail, place you can see 'I opened my window to a blanket of snow'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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