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2016/01/18 14:23
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  • the youngest

通常であれば末っ子は英語で“the youngest”、この後に ”child” という単語を付ける場合もありますが、ほとんど入れなくても通じると思います; I'm the youngest (child) of the three. (三人の中の末っ子、- ただここでは全員が “男” と明確にしておりませんので、  その場合は “child” の代わりに “son" を入れればいいと思います。) また、一つの表現として何歳になっても “末っ子” というのを "the baby” と表現することがあります。これは決して末っ子を馬鹿にしている表現ではなく、皆年上なので全員から可愛がられた、兄弟で最も年下の子、というニュアンスを持つこともあります。 "I'm the baby in my family, the youngest child."
Hara Ken English teacher
  • the youngest

I'm the youngest of the three. 3人の中で一番下の子。 I'm the youngest son of the three. 3人の中で一番下の男の子。 逆に oldest と言うと「一番上」「一番年上」となります。 ちなみに、兄弟の言い方はsister, brotherの他にsibling(男女の別をつけない兄,弟,姉,または妹のこと)と言います! 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • The last-born

  • The baby of the family

Usually people will say they are the first-born, middle or last-born child to explain where in their family unit they stand. If you are the youngest you can use the term last-born to show you are the last in order of birth. Often people will refer to the youngest child as the baby of the family, so this is another way that you can explain that.
子どもの生まれ順を言う時は、普通 "first-born"、"middle-born"、"last-born" などと言います。 末っ子(一番最後に生まれた子)は "last-born" になります。 また、年齢が一番若い子どものことをよく "the baby of the family" と言います。 これでも言い表せるでしょう。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I'm the youngest/She's the youngest

  • 2. I'm the firstborn.

  • 3. Of all my siblings, I was first on the scene.

The youngest, the oldest, the best = superlative forms to describe the most outstanding of a group. Firstborn = a mother's first child 'First on the scene' = the first person to arrive at a location.
The youngest, the oldest, the best = 最上級表現で、一番上のまたは一番下のということを表現することができる。また、"First"を用いてもいいと思います。 "1. I'm the youngest/She's the youngest 私は一番若い。/彼女は一番若い。=末っ子 2. I'm the firstborn. 私は初めに生まれた。=長男/長女 3. Of all my siblings, I was first on the scene. すべての兄弟の中で初めての出来事だった。=長男/長女"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A)He/She is the baby of the family.

  • B)I am the youngest in our family.

A)He/She is the baby of the family. *Baby of the family - The youngest in the family Example - Sarah is the baby of the family. B)I am the youngest in our family. Example- - Do you have any siblings? -Yes, i have two older brothers and i'm the youngest. *Youngest - having lived or existed for only a short time. "a young girl"
A)He/She is the baby of the family.(彼女・彼は末っ子です) *Baby of the family - The youngest in the family(家族で一番若い) 例 - Sarah is the baby of the family.(サラは末っ子です) B)I am the youngest in our family.(私は末っ子です) 例- - Do you have any siblings?(兄弟はいますか?) -Yes, i have two older brothers and i'm the youngest.(はい、2人の兄がいて私は末っ子です) *Youngest - having lived or existed for only a short time.(短い期間しか生きていない・存在していない) "a young girl"(幼い女の子)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • The youngest

  • Last-born

The youngest = the youngest child or member of a family last-born = One that is born last --------------------------------------- His youngest is a toddler. If you look at the family of the first-born child, it is very different than that of a last-born child.
The youngest = the youngest child or member of a family(家族の中で一番幼い子ども) last-born = One that is born last(最後に生まれた者) --------------------------------------- His youngest is a toddler.(彼の一番下の子どもは幼児です) If you look at the family of the first-born child, it is very different than that of a last-born child.(一番上の子どもの家族を見てみると、末っ子の家族と大きく違います)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • How is your little one?

How is your little one? - this will be used when the youngest child is, in fact, the smallest than the rest his or her siblings and refers to the smallest child in the family.
How is your little one? これは、実際、末っ子が他の兄弟より小さいとき、家族の中で最も小さいとい言えます。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • The youngest brother or sister.

  • The last born (in the family).

The youngest sibling can be described as :- 1. The youngest brother or sister. The meaning of the word "sibling " is a brother or sister. So the youngest sibling is another way to say 'the youngest brother or sister. 2. The last born (in the family). The youngest sibling or the youngest brother or sister can also be called the last born in the family.
"the youngest sibling"(末っ子)は次のように言えます: 1. The youngest brother or sister. [訳]末っ子(一番下の弟/妹) "sibling"とは兄弟姉妹のことです。ですので、"the youngest sibling"(一番下の弟/妹)は"the youngest brother or sister"の別の言い方です。 2. The last born (in the family). [訳]末っ子 「末っ子」は"the last born in the family"(家族で最後に生まれた人)とも呼ばれます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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