世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/20 00:42
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  • my eldest sister

  • my second oldest sister/the middle child

  • Between me and my two sisters, I am the baby of the family.

the eldest - this is the oldest the second oldest- this is the second oldest the middle child - if the second oldest is also in the middle, you can call them the middle child the baby- this is the youngest "In my family, there are 3 girls. I am the baby of the family. My sister Clara is the eldest and wisest and my sister Dawn is the second oldest, she is the middle child."
"the eldest" - 一番年上 "the second oldest"- 二番目に[年上]( "the middle child" - 二番目に年上の人が[真ん中](だったらこのように言う事も出来ます。 "the baby"- 一番年下 "In my family, there are 3 girls. I am the baby of the family. My sister Clara is the eldest and wisest and my sister Dawn is the second oldest, she is the middle child." (私の家族には3人姉妹がいます。私は一番年下です。 一番年上の姉クレアはとても賢いです。二番目の姉のダウンは真ん中さんです)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I am the youngest of three

  • I have two older sisters

  • My oldest sister/the sister above me

I am the youngest of three.- This is meaning that you are the youngest out of three children I have two older sisters. - This is meaning you have two sisters that are older than you My oldest sister/the sister above me. You can describe the oldest sister as your oldest sister. When describing the other sister you could say " The sister closest to me in age...." "The sister above me...."
I am the youngest of three. (私は3人[姉妹](の[末っ子](です。) こちらの文は、あなたが3人姉妹の末っ子だという意味です。 I have two older sisters. (私には2人の姉がいます。) こちらの文は、あなたより年上のお姉さんが二人いるという意味です。 My oldest sister/the sister above me. (私の一番上の姉/二番目の姉) 一番上の姉は、the oldest sisterで、もう一人の2番目の姉のことを言うときは、" The sister closest to me in age...."(私と年齢が一番近い姉) や、"The sister above me...."(私のひとつ上の姉)と言うことができます。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Jane is older than me but Mary is the oldest.

  • Mary is the oldest sister.

Remember we say old, older and oldest when comparing 3 things. For example: *Jane is older than me but Mary is the oldest.- This means that Mary is the first born, Jane is the second born and you are the last born. I am the youngest in a family of three girls. *Mary is the oldest sister and I am the youngest.- This means that Mary is the first born in your family and you are the last born. However in this sentence it doesn't imply how many you are in the family.
3つのことを比べる時は"old"、"older "、そして"oldest"と言うことを覚えておいてください。 例: *Jane is older than me but Mary is the oldest. (ジェーンは私よりも年上ですがメアリーが一番年上です。) - これはメアリーが長女、ジェーンが次女、そしてあなたが末っ子であるという意味です。 *I am the youngest in a family of three girls. (私は三人姉妹の一番年下です) *Mary is the oldest sister and I am the youngest. (メアリーが長女で私が一番年下です) - これはメアリーがあなたの家族の長女でありあなたが末っ子であるという意味です。しかしこの文ではあなたが何人家族であるかは示していません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My eldest sister is tall.

  • Sarah is the second eldest sister.

  • I have two siblings older than me.

"My eldest sister is tall." "Sarah is the second eldest sister" "I have two siblings other than me." Jane is the oldest of the sisters and that makes her the firstborn child of the family. Nikita was the second born child of my parents and she is my second eldest sister. I am the youngest of the three children. "Siblings" is another word for sister or brother. My eldest sister and "second eldest" sister are four years of age apart.
"My eldest sister is tall."(私の一番上の姉は背が高いです) "Sarah is the second eldest sister"(サラは二番目の姉です。) "I have two siblings other than me."(私にはきょうだいが二人います) ---- Jane is the oldest of the sisters and that makes her the firstborn child of the family. (ジェーンは一番上の姉で、家族にとっての最初の子どもです) Nikita was the second born child of my parents and she is my second eldest sister. (ニキータは両親にとって二人目の子どもで、私にとっては二番目の姉です) I am the youngest of the three children. (私は三人の子どもの中で一番下です) "Siblings" は「きょうだい」のことで、性別に関係なく使われます。 My eldest sister and "second eldest" sister are four years of age apart. (私の一番上の姉と二番目の姉は年が4歳離れています)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I have two older sisters: Jane is the elder and Samantha is the younger

We can use elder and eldest as an alternative to older and oldest to explain the order of birth of family members. We use elder when we speak about two brothers or sisters (also called siblings), or two sons or daughters: his elder brother, his elder sister. their eldest son, their eldest daughter, their eldest child. "Of my two younger brothers, John is the elder."
家族の誕生の順序を説明するために「old」や「oldest」の代わりに「elder」や「eldest」を使うことができます。 2人の兄や姉(siblingsとも呼びます)もしくは、2人の息子や娘について話すときに「elder」を使います。 上の兄や上の姉、上の息子、上の娘、上の子供のように。 Of my two younger brothers, John is the elder. 2人の弟のうち、ジョンが年上です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Eldest sister

  • Middle sister

  • I am the youngest of 3 sisters

Eldest sister means oldest sister. You could say. I am the youngest of 3 sisters. Carrie is the eldest, Lisa is the middle sister and I am the youngest.
「eldest sister」は「長女(oldest sister)」という意味です。 例えば: I am the youngest of 3 sisters. Carrie is the eldest, Lisa is the middle sister and I am the youngest. (私は三姉妹の末っ子です。Carrieが長女、Lisaが次女、一番下が私です)
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Older sister

  • Oldest sister

Your middle sister would be your "older sister", because "older" is older than you, but not the most old. Oldest is more than older, so you would say oldest sister.
あなたの"middle sister"(真ん中のお姉さん)はあなたの "older sister"(お姉さん)になります。 なぜなら"older" とはあなたより年上と言う意味になりますよね。 でも"the most old"(一番年上)ではないです。 "Oldest"とは"older"より年上になるので"oldest sister"(一番年上のお姉さん)と言う事が出来ます。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • my oldest sister, my second oldest sister

oldestが「一番年上の」、second oldestが「2番目に年上の」という意味になります。 このように、second, thirdなどの序数詞を最上級の前に付けることで、何番目かを表現できます。 例) the third tallest building「三番目に高いビル」
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