The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your listener if you want them to get anything while you are out. In the first sentence you will see the word grab and in the second sentence you will see the term pick up. Both the word grab and the term pick up means to get. These are commonly used in our everyday conversation.
When going out to buy some coffee, if you want to ask someone if they want you to get them anything, then either of the above exampled sentences would be a typical way of asking this..
"Can I grab you something?" is an informal way of asking someone if there is any food or drink you would like. The person has already stated they are going to go out to buy some coffee, it is polite to to ask "Can I pick you anything up?" as a way to help them if they require food or drink.
"Can I grab you something?"(何か買ってこようか?)は、何か食べたい物、飲みたい物があるかどうか尋ねる砕けた言い方です。
既にコーヒーを買いに出かけると言っていますので、"Can I pick you anything up?"(何か買ってこようか?)と尋ねてあげると丁寧です。
Hey, I'm going for a coffee. Do you want me to grab you one?
Hey, Im gonna go get coffee. Do you want me to bring you something back?
Its important to first explain that you are stepping out to grab coffee so the person you are asking has an idea of where you are going. You can be precise with your answer by asking if they specifically want a coffee themselves or you can ask in a more broader spectrum by asking if they want "something" which implies that there is more than coffee available too them and your willing to bring it to them.
"Want anything?"
"You need me to get you anything?"
Both phrases are a good way of expressing this desire. The first one is a more informal way of saying it. You just finished letting the person know where you are going and you follow with "Want anything". The second phrase is more formal. You are probably asking someone at work that you don't know well but you want to be nice or polite so you ask "You need me to get you anything?
"Want anything?"(何か欲しいものはある?)
"You need me to get you anything?"(何か欲しいものはある?)
一つ目のフレーズはよりカジュアルな言い方です。「今から~に行く」に続けて、"Want anything" と尋ねます。
二つ目のフレーズはよりフォーマルです。例えば、職場でそれほど親しくない人に礼儀として "You need me to get you anything?" と聞けます。
If you are with someone and are going to get something such as a coffee and would like to know if they would like for you to get them something, you may say something along the lines of "Would you like me to get you something?" or 'Do you want me to grab something for you?" all of the above are polite ways to ask someone if they would also like something aswell.
"Would you like me to get you something?"(何か買ってきてほしいものはありますか)
"Do you want me to grab something for you?"(何か買ってきてほしいものはある?)
Can I get you anything too means that you are basically just
checking with the person whether he or she would like
something to eat or drink as well and that you'll be happy
to get it for them.
What are you in the mood for?
Usually you use this expression when the person has indicated
to you that they would like something. Now you just want them
to specify exacty what it is that they would like.
This expression can also be used when you have made plans to go
out to dinner. Using "What are you in the mood for?" essentially
means that you want the person to state which type of cuisine
they'd like, eg. Japanese, Italian, Indian, American fast-foods, etc.
"Can I get you anything too"(あなたにも何か買ってこようか?)は、何か食べ物や飲み物が欲しいか確認しています。欲しい物があれば喜んで買ってくる、ということです。
What are you in the mood for?(何が欲しい気分?)
普通これは相手が、欲しい物があると伝えてきたときに使います。具体的に何が欲しいのか確認しています。この表現は外食を予定しているときにも使えます。"What are you in the mood for?"は基本的に、どんな種類の料理(和食、イタリアン、アメリカのファーストフードなど)を食べたいかを聞きます。
These are different ways you can ask a person if they would like something from the place you are heading to, if you want to be more specific, you can always ask regarding the item you are getting, for example if you are getting coffee you can ask, ( Do you want a coffee as well?).
Would you be interested in having coffee as well?
Do you want me to get you anything from the store?
I'm purchasing something, do you want me to get you anything?
These are different ways to politely ask someone if they are interested anything. It is always polite to ask someone if they would like anything whenever you are purchasing something.
Here are some more examples:
I'm going to get some donuts. Would you like some as well or would you like something else? - This gives the person a chance to have broader options in case they do not want donuts, they can request something else. Some people are shy and are afraid to speak up, so this is helpful for them and easier as well.
ついでに買ってきてほしいものがあるか尋ねる言い方はいろいろあります。より具体的に、自分が買うものについて尋ねることもできます。例えば、もしコーヒーを買うなら、"Do you want a coffee as well?"(あなたもコーヒーどうですか)。
Would you be interested in having coffee as well?(あなたもコーヒーいかがですか)
Do you want me to get you anything from the store?(ついでに何か買ってきますか)
I'm purchasing something, do you want me to get you anything?(買い物に行きますが、何か欲しいものはありますか)
I'm going to get some donuts. Would you like some as well or would you like something else?(ドーナツを買いに行くんですが、あなたはどうですか。他のものでもいいですけど)
When you are offering to purchase someone something when you are on your way out to the store, you can use the sentences above.
"I'm off to the store, want anything?" (Casual)
"I am leaving for the store, is there anything you would like for me to ourchase for you?'' (Formal)
"I'm off to the store, want anything?"
"I am leaving for the store, is there anything you would like for me to ourchase for you?''
"Do you want anything from the ________?" --> This can be a polite phrase to use in many different situations. When asking for, "anything," it refers to anything that the store/restaurant has to offer. In your example with a coffee shop, "anything," would refer to what is sold at the coffee shop.
"Can I get you something from the _____?" ---> is used in the exact same way! You can use the idea of, "something," to refer to a thing or product that a place might sell to it's customers.
"Do you want anything from the ________?"(________で何か欲しいものはある?)
--> これはいろいろな場面で使える丁寧な表現です。"anything" は、その店/レストランで売られているものを指します。この場合はコーヒーショップですね。"anything" はコーヒーショップで売られているものを指します。
"Can I get you something from the _____?"(________で何か欲しいものはある?)
---> これも使い方は全く同じです!"something" は店で売られている商品を指します。
・「Is there anything you want?」
(例文)Is there anything you want?// I need a new phone case.
(例文)Is there anything you want?// Not really.
I'm going to buy a coffee. Is there anything you want?
I'm going to buy a coffee. Is there anything you want me to buy for you?
「anything you want(何か欲しいもの)」
「anything you need(何か必要なもの)」
・It's on me for today.(今日は私のおごりだよ。)
・You pay me later.(お金は買って来てからでいいよ。)