世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/27 11:37
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  • Do you have this in a different color?

Do you have this in ---? 服を買う時に是非覚えていただきたいフレーズです! 違うサイズはありますか? Do you have this in a different size? これより大きいサイズはありますか? Do you have this in a bigger size? これと同じので黒はありますか? Do you have this in black? 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Do you have this in another color?

Do you have this in another color? 〔訳〕別の色ってあります? another color と言ってもいいと思います。 商品を手にとって言ってみてください。 in の後には具体的な色を入れてもオッケーです。 例) Do you have this in white? これの白はありますか。 Do you have this in pink? これのピンクはありますか。 参考にしてください、 ありがとうございました。
  • Is this available in any other colours?

  • Would you have any other colour options for this item?

"Is this available in + colour" = we use this construction when we want to ask if any product is made or is available in other colours. "Would you have...?" We use this form when we start to ask for more information about a product that you are interested in. "Would you have these shoes in children's sizes?"
"Is this available in + colour" = 他の色欲しいときによく使われる文章構造がこれです。 "Would you have...?"このフォームは興味をもった商品についてもっと尋ねるときに使われます。 例:"Would you have these shoes in children's sizes?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get this in a different color?

  • Is this available in different colors?

  • Is this available in another color?

If you want a specific color: Do you have this in _____(name of color)____? Is this available in __(name of color)__? If you don't have a specific color in mind and you want to see all the different colors they have available: Can I see this in all the available colors? Can I see this in different colors?
もし特定の色が欲しければ、 Do you have this in _____(色の名前)____? (これの~色はありますか?) Is this available in __(色の名前)__? (これの~色はありますか?) と聞くことが出来ます。 もし、特に色が決まっておらず、お店にあるすべての色を見てみたいのなら、 Can I see this in all the available colors? (これの全ての色を見せてもらえますか?) Can I see this in different colors? (違う色のものを見せてもらえますか?) と聞けます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, does this come in different colors?

  • Excuse me, do you have any other colors?

  • Excuse me, does this item come in different colors?

The three sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to ask an employee at a store if they have a certain product in another color. You will notice that each sentence starts with the phrase excuse me. We use this phrase to politely get a person's attention. This phrase is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary
三例とも、店員にその商品の別の色があるか尋ねる時に使える表現です。 どの文も「excuse me」で始まっていますね。これは丁寧に人の注意をひく時に使います。このフレーズは日常会話でよく使われますので、語彙に加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Does this shirt come in different colors?

  • Do you have this pants in other colors?

  • Do you have this dress in black?

Sometimes different items of clothes do not come in other colors or the store only displays one color, so to ask if it does come in assorted (different) colors, you can use the following: "Does this shirt come in different colors?" "Do you have these pants in other colors?" "Do you have this dress in black?"
服によって色が無かったり、お店では1色しかディスプレイになかったりしますので、他の色があるのかを聞くにはこのように尋ねることができます。 "Does this shirt come in different colors?" (このシャツは他の色もありますか?) "Do you have these pants in other colors?" (このパンツは他の色もありますか?) "Do you have this dress in black?" (このドレスの黒はありますか?)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this in a different colour please?

  • Is this available in a different colour please?

  • Is this available in other colours please?

To ask if something is available is to say if they have it in stock or if you can get it straight away so if something is available you are able to get it. Different is something that is not the same so if they have the dress in blue then green or red would be a different colour.
availableかどうか聞くことは、在庫があるかどうか、またはすぐに入手できるかどうか確認することです。従って、availableな場合は入手できます。 differentとは、同じではないということで、もし青色のドレスがあったら、緑色や赤色がdifferentな色だということです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this (item) in a different color?

  • Do you have this in any other color?

When you want to find out from a shop assistant whether they have a different color on an item you are trying on, then you can ask in the following ways: -Do you have this (item) in a different color? -Do you have this in any other color? -Do you have this in Black? It would usually help to specify which color you would like the item in to make things easier.
お店で試着している商品に別の色があるかどうか尋ねたいときは、次のフレーズが使えます。 -Do you have this (item) in a different color? これの別の色はありますか? -Do you have this in any other color? これの他の色はありますか? -Do you have this in Black? これの黒色はありますか? どの色がほしいのか具体的に伝えたほうが相手は助かると思います。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Is this available in another colour?

  • Can I get this in a different colour?

Can I get this in a different colour? Is this available in another colour? Does this come in any other colour? Are all suitable in this situation.
●Can I get this in a different colour? ●Is this available in another colour? ●Does this come in any other colour? 上記例文はどれも「同じ服の違う色があるか?」について尋ねるときに適切な文章です。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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