世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/28 06:12
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  • Would it be okay if I send you those pictures tomorrow?

  • I will send you those pictures tomorrow.

Would it be okay if I send you those pictures tomorrow? (写真を送るのは明日でもいい?) I will send you those pictures tomorrow. (写真は明日送るから。) というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ would it be okay if = ~してもいいですか? 以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
Kanako 通訳/翻訳家・英語習得コンサルタント
  • Would it be OK if I send them tomorrow?

  • Could you wait until tomorrow?

If you want to ask someone something which requires their permission or agreement, you may start the question: "Would it be OK if...?" Eg. Would it be OK if I use your toilet?" Or, "Could you...?" Eg. "Could you let me have your answer by midnight tomorrow at the latest, please?"
依頼や承諾、許可などを得たい時は、次のような質問で始めましょう。 "Would it be OK if...?"(~してもいいですか?) 例 Would it be OK if I use your toilet?" (お手洗いをお借りしてもいいですか?) 又は "Could you...?" (~してくれますか?) 例 "Could you let me have your answer by midnight tomorrow at the latest, please?" (遅くとも明日の真夜中までにあなたの答えをもらえますか?お願いします)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I send it tomorrow?

  • Will tomorrow be okay?

▪Can I send it tomorrow? ▪Will tomorrow be okay? These two phrases are very simple ways of asking and clearly indicates that you only going to have time to send it tomorrow. Example 1 Friend: Hey, can you send me a few of the weekends photos. You:Can I send it tomorrow? Example 2 Friend: Hey, can you send me a few of the weekends photos. You:Will tomorrow be okay?
▪Can I send it tomorrow? (明日送っても良いですか?) ▪Will tomorrow be okay? (明日でも大丈夫ですか?) これらの2つのフレーズはとても簡単な質問方法であり、あなたがそれを送る時間が次の日しかないことを明確に示しています。 例1 友人: Hey, can you send me a few of the weekends photos. (ねえ、週末の写真を何枚か送ってくれる?) あなた:Can I send it tomorrow? (明日送ってもいい?) 例2 友人: Hey, can you send me a few of the weekends photos. (ねえ、週末の写真を何枚か送ってくれる?) あなた:Will tomorrow be okay? (明日でもいい?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Is it OK if I send photos tomorrow?

  • Can I send photos tomorrow?

これはいろいろと表現がありそうですね。 一番覚えやすいものからいくと、Is it OK if…? という形です。 これは日本語でも「明日でもOKですか?」と言ったりしますので、覚えやすいと思います。 それからCan I~?の形も使えます。何か許可を得たい時にはCan I~?やMay I~?を使うといいですね。友達であればCan I~の方がいいと思います。
Masaki Suzuki バイリンガルTOEIC、英会話講師
  • Would it be okay if I sent the photo(s) tomorrow?

  • I'll only be able to send the photo(s) tomorrow

  • Can I send them tomorrow?

This would be a casual situation, so any of the above phrases would be appropriate. "Can I send them tomorrow" would be appropriate, because they would know when you are referring to when you say "them" - that is, the photos. It might be polite to say "I'll only be able to send them tomorrow. Is that okay?" - ending that with a question would be regarded as polite.
これはカジュアルな状況の様なので、上記のどちらの表現も適切でしょう。 "Can I send them tomorrow" (それ明日送ってもいい?) "them"(それら)と言っているので、写真の事ですよね、これは適切な表現でしょう。 次のように言うともう少し丁寧です。 "I'll only be able to send them tomorrow. Is that okay?" (明日しか送れないけど、いいですか?) 文末をこの様に質問にすると、丁寧になります。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'll send you the picture tomorrow.

  • Is it OK to send you the picuture tomorrow?

上記回答文を和訳すると以下になります。 1) 明日その写真を送りますね。 2) 明日写真を送るのでOKかしら? 参考になれば幸いです。
Natsuko 英語通訳・翻訳
  • Would it be alright, if I sent them tomorrow?

  • Is it okay to send you the photos tomorrow?

"Would it be alright, if I sent them tomorrow?" is a question that can be asked if the person you are speaking to wouldn't mind if you sent something they want the next day. "Them" can refer to anything, in this case it can refer to photos.
"Would it be alright, if I sent them tomorrow?" (明日送ってもいいですか?) これは相手に何かを次の日に送ってお構わないかどうか尋ねる質問です。 "Them"(それら)とは何の事でも言い表します、ここでは写真になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if I send it tomorrow?

  • Can I send them to you tomorrow?

  • Do you need them right now?

We can ask for permission by saying, "is it ok," to do something by a particular time. We can ask if its possible to, "send them to you tomorrow," or if the person, "needs them right now," to see if the issue needs attention right away.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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