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2017/08/31 19:14
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  • Summer vacation is over and today was my first day back at school.


長期のお休みの後に学校に行く・戻ることをback at school と言います。
Are you already back at school? =もう学校行ってるの?
This is my first day back at school and I already got homework = 学校に戻ってまだ初日なのに、もう宿題が出されたよ。



Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • This was your first day of school after the summer vacation.

  • Summer vacation is over, so you went to school for the first time this year.

This was your first day of school

Luiza Japanese - English translator
  • This is my first day back after the summer hols

The word 'holiday' may be abbreviated by some people down to 'hols.' The first day back is the day that you return to school after a break such as the Winter, Spring or Summer holiday in the school timetable. Your personal 'day back' may be the day of the official return to school - or your own personal day back as you have had an extended break for some reason.

 'hols'はholidayを短くした言い方です。the first day backとは、冬休み、春休み、夏休みのような学校の休みが明けて、学校に戻ってくる日のことを指します。

 'day back' が、学校にがスタートする日の人もいますし、休暇を何らかの理由で延長した場合はその戻ってきた日になり人もいます。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was back to school today. Vacation is over.

  • Today was my first day back at school after a long vacation.

>It was back to school today. Vacation is over.
*Back to school= vacation has ended and school has started.

>Today was my first day back at school after a long vacation.
*This sentence clearly indicates you went back to school for the first day and that your vacation has ended.

It was back to school today. Vacation is over.
「Back to school」とは、長期休暇が終わって、学校が始まることを意味します。

Today was my first day back at school after a long vacation.

Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Today was my first day back to school after summer vacation.

  • I went to school today for the first time after the summer holidays.

If you would like to tell someone that today you went to school for the first time after summer holidays, you can say something like "Today was my first day back to school after summer vacation." or "I went to school today for the first time after the summer holidays.".

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • First Day back at school over summer Vacation

  • Summer Vacation is over and today is my first day back at school

"First Day back at school over summer Vacation."
This explains that you are going back to school after your Summer Vacation.

"Summer Vacation is over and today is my first day back at school."
This also explains that it is your first day back at school after your Summer Vacation.

"First Day back at school over summer Vacation."

"Summer Vacation is over and today is my first day back at school."

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My summer break is over which means I go back to school today.

  • I go back to school today because my summer holidays are over.

Both phrases serve the same function but are structured differently.

They both deliver the same message but use different grammatical structures.



Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • "The first day back at school"

  • Summer vacation is over! This is our first day back at school after the break.

"The first day back(at school) after a vacation" can be a fun and exciting time!
Catching up with classmates and discussing our holiday adventures...
We can then get down to studying and get on with ..."the business of learning";_D

"The first day back(at school) after a vacation"(休暇明け初めての登校日)は楽しくてわくわくします!
勉強モードに戻り、"the business of learning"(学ぶという仕事)を続けます。

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My summer vacation has come to an end

I have to go back to school, because my summer vacation has ended.
I will go back to school on the first day of the month.
Or you could say my first day of school starts next week.
Or I have to go back to school on Monday the 2nd of September for example.
Or today is my first day back at shool after my summer holiday or vacation.
I hope this will help.

Ziegler DMM英会話講師
  • It was back to school today after a long summer break.

  • Today is my first day back after the summer vacation.

  1. It was back to school today after a long summer break.
    "Back to school" means that you returned to school after
    not going to classes for a while. ''Summer break'' means summer
    vacation or summer holiday. The word "break" literally means
    an interruption in studies or work but it has a positive connotation
    because it means that you had time off to enjoy some leisure or
    pleasurable activities.

  2. Today is my first day back after the summer vacation.
    This sentence is pretty straightforward: It means that you
    returned to school on this day after having had a break in

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Summer vacation is over and tomorrow is my first day of school.

  • Today is the first day back from summer vacation.

  • I am so sad that summer vacation is over. Now I have to go to school tomorrow.

Summer is over and it is time to go back to school. That time off is considered summer vacation. There is always the first day of school feeling and it can vary between excitement and/or sadness.

Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • I just returned to school today after the summer vacation.

  • Today is my first day back at school after the summer break.

Vacation: period of time off school or work.


Summer vacation just finished, so I have to start going to school again, today is my first day.
The vacation is finished, time to back to school today.
The summer break was awesome! It's finished now though so I have to go back to school, today is my first day!

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Today was my first day back at school after the summer holidays

It is always upsetting for children when the summer holidays finish. Lots of children don't want the summer to end because they are so happy with their free time, while others don't mind so much. They are happy to get back to the books.

We say "summer holidays" in Ireland and the UK. In the USA and Canada, they say "summer vacation.

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • My summer vacation is over and today is my first day back at school.

  • Today is my first day back at school since summer vacation.

  • Summer vacation was great! Today is my first day back at school.

Summer vacation is a great time away from school and work responsibilities.
It is a time to rest and spend time with friends and family.
Some people enjoy catching up on work or on movies and books that they didn't have the chance to during school or work.

"I had a great summer vacation and now I'm back at school ready to do well!"
"Today is my first day back since summer vacation, I am looking forward to doing well this term/semester."
"My summer vacation was great, now its time for me to do well at school."
"I had a great break during summer vacation, now I am ready to get back into my school books!"

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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