世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/13 15:54
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  • I will be going to an English speaking country as part of the training of my new job next year.

研修はtraining / training course です 先生に伝える場合は I am studying because I will be going to an English speaking country as part of training for my new job next year and I want to be prepared と言うといいと思います
  • I am learning English because I will be going abroad to study English next year.

  • Next year, I am going to learn English while I travel abroad.

  • I need to learn English because the company I will work for is sending me to English speaking

I am learning English because I will be going abroad to study English next year. This would be a good reply if the reason you are want to explain why you are learning English now. You want to be prepared to speak English on your travels, but you plan to learn more English. Next year, I am going to learn English while I travel abroad. You could reply to you teachers question with this reply if you mainly plan to study English while you are abroad. I need to learn English because the company I will work for is sending me to English speaking countries. If you are learning English in order to be more productive for your company, this would be a good reply. You telling why you are learning English and that you will be speaking to people with different English accents.
I am learning English because I will be going abroad to study English next year. 来年英語を学びに留学するので英語を勉強しています。 もし英語を勉強したい理由も説明したいのなら、これはかなりいい返事だと思います。 留学の前に英語を喋る準備をしておきたい。 そしてもっと英語を勉強しておきたい。 Next year, I am going to learn English while I travel abroad. もし、留学の目的が英語であれば、これを先生に言うこともできます。 I need to learn English because the company I will work for is sending me to English speaking countries. もし英語を学ぶ理由が、会社の生産性のためであれば、これがいい説明になりますね。 なぜ英語を学ぶのか、そしてなぜいろんなアクセントを持つ人と喋る必要があるのか?
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to be living in the UK and need to improve my English as much as possible right now

  • I desperately need great English skills to face the challenges ahead when I live in the UK.

Well, you could tell whoever is listening your life story if they have the time, or, more likely, be a little more economic with your words just to get the basic message out. When you are going and who is sending you is not essential information in this conversation. You need English because you are going abroad and you made a decision to study English because of that. That is the essential information. "I desperately need great English skills to face the challenges ahead when I live in the UK."
あなたのライフストーリーを聞いている人に時間があるかどうかを聞いたほうが良いかもしれません。そうでない場合は言いたいことを伝えるために言葉をもう少し少なくしたほうが良いでしょう。 この会話であなたが海外にいく時、誰が見送りにくるかは重要な情報ではありません。 あなたは海外に行くので、英語が必要で、そういう理由で英語を学ぶことを決心しました。これが必要な情報です。 "I desperately need great English skills to face the challenges ahead when I live in the UK." イギリスに住む時、これから直面する困難に立ち向かうためにどうしても高い英語力が必要なのです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Next year I am going to an English speaking country so I want to learn before I go.

  • The company I am working for is sending me to an English speaking country so I want to learn before I go.

You can use the following the sentences to express yourself: 1)Next year I am going to an English speaking country so I want to learn before I go. 2)The company I am working for is sending me to an English speaking country so I want to learn before I go.
次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1)Next year I am going to an English speaking country so I want to learn before I go. 来年英語圏の国に行く予定なので、英語を学びたいです。 2)The company I am working for is sending me to an English speaking country so I want to learn before I go. 会社の研修で英語圏へ行くので、その前に英語を学びたいです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm studying English so that I can prepare for when I go abroad to study this April.

  • I'm planning to study abroad, so I want to brush up on my English before going.

"I'm studying English so that I can prepare for when I go abroad to study this April." This is a basic way of expressing why you're studying English, and when you will be leaving to go abroad. "I'm planning to study abroad, so I want to brush up on my English before going." In this sentence brush up means to polish, or do some practicing (after not having practicing for awhile), before studying abroad.
"I'm studying English so that I can prepare for when I go abroad to study this April."(今年の4月に海外留学するのでその準備として英語を勉強しています) - これは、なぜ英語を勉強し、そしていつ海外留学をするのかをベーシックな言い方で伝えています。 "I'm planning to study abroad, so I want to brush up on my English before going."(海外留学をする予定なので、その前に英語を学び直しておきたい) - "brush up" はここでは、「海外留学する前に(しばらくぶりに)練習する」という意味です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to an English speaking country to study so want to start studying before I go

  • Next year I'm going to study English while abroad

  • My work is sending me to an English speaking country so want to learn before I go

When travelling to a country that speaks a different language it is always good to have some basics words/phrases so you can communicate for even basic things to explain why you are studying English then you can say 'Next year I'm going to an English speaking country' by adding 'so want to start studying before I go' or 'so want to learn before I go' explains why you are taking English lessons
異なる言語を話す国に行くときには、最低限のことが伝えられるよう基本的な単語や表現は学んでおいた方がいいですね。 英語を勉強する理由は次のように説明できます。 'Next year I'm going to an English speaking country' (来年英語圏の国に行きます) 'so want to start studying before I go'(行く前に勉強したい)または 'so want to learn before I go'(同)は、英語のレッスンを受ける理由です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'd Like to study English before I move to an English speaking country.

  • It will be more convenient if I can understand English before moving to an English speaking country.

"It will be more convenient if I can understand English before moving to an English speaking country." 'More convenient' Is used when trying to refer something being easier or it would make more sense to do so, to avoid confusion and hassle. "It is more convenient if I pick you up on the way back from the shop rather than going home and coming back for you"
"It will be more convenient if I can understand English before moving to an English speaking country."(英語が分かった方が英語圏の国に引っ越したときに楽) 'More convenient' は、物事をするのをより簡単にするものや混乱や面倒を低減させるものを表します。 "It is more convenient if I pick you up on the way back from the shop rather than going home and coming back for you" (店から帰る途中に迎えに行った方が、いったん家に帰ってそれから戻るよりも楽)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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