世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




雑誌でお店が紹介されていて、お店の情報が箇条書きになっていると仮定します。・営業時間9-17 ・休日:不定休 という場合の「不定休」って何て言うんでしょう?
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2017/09/14 11:52
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  • The store has random opening hours.

  • The store isn’t always open.

The store has random opening hours. By using ‘random’, it means that there are no set opening times advertised anywhere. Therefore, it is a gamble when you turn up to shop, will it be open, or will it be close. There is no fixed schedule. Open and closed hours falls under only ‘opening hours’ there is no need to use “what are the stores open and closing times”. You can also express this by saying “the store isn’t always open”. This again shows the store has no fixed opening times.
The store has random opening hours. 店舗にはランダムな営業時間があります。 ‘random’を使用すると、公に提示した営業時間が設定されていないことになります。 したがって、あなたが店を訪れた時開いているのかどうかは懸けになります。 固定スケジュールではないので、「店舗の開店時間と閉店時間」提示する必要はありません。 “the store isn’t always open”. と言う表現することもできます。 これは、店舗に固定された営業日/時間がないことを度示しています。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • The opening hours of the store is irregular.

  • The store have unplanned opening hours.

  • The store has odd trading hours.

>The opening hours of the store is irregular. *irregular=not even or balanced in shape or arrangement. .............. >The store have unplanned opening hours. *unplanned=not planned. it just happens when it happens. ............... >The store has odd trading hours. *odd=different to what is usual or expected; strange. *trading= .................. Example Friend: Do you know what the opening hours are of the new store ? You:The opening hours of the store is irregular. ..............****....................****/////////////////////
The opening hours of the store is irregular. *irregular=形や配置が整っていない The store have unplanned opening hours. *unplanned=計画されていない。発生時まで知ることのできない The store has odd trading hours. *odd=普通ではない。奇妙な、おかしい。 以下のように表現することもできます。 Friend: Do you know what the opening hours are of the new store ? 新しい店の営業時間を教えてください。 You:The opening hours of the store is irregular. 営業時間は不規則です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The store does not have a fixed schedule.

  • The store does not have regular service hours.

  • The store doesn't have a regular schedule of when they open and close.

The store's hours of operation or opening hours are different each day. The store has an irregular schedule.
The store's hours of operation or opening hours are different each day. The store has an irregular schedule. 店の営業時間というのは、毎日違うものです。 その店は不規則なスケジュールで営業しています。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • This store always seems closed to me!

  • Whenever I go there, it's closed!

  • This store has highly irregular and random opening hours

British people love hyperbole and making things seem much worse than they really are as a form of expressing, in this case, anger or irritability about the shop having irregular hours. "This store always seems closed to me!" "Yes it was closed in the morning yesterday too!" "Whenever I go there, it's closed!" "Yes - it certainly keeps highly irregular and random opening hours!"
英国の人々は誇張表現が大好きです。物事を実際よりも悪いように見せます。この場合、イレギュラーな営業時間を持つ店についての怒りや苛立ちが表現します。 「この店はいつもあいてるね!」 「ああ、昨日の朝しまってた!」 「いついっても閉まってるよ!」 「はい、それは確かに営業時間が非常に不規則ですよね!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Haphazard opening hours

  • That shop is so weird..One day open and then its not. Such haphazard working hours

Haphazard is the perfect word to use in this context:-D it means...random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular, indiscriminate, chaotic, hit-and-miss, arbitrary, "That shop is so weird...One day open and then its not. Such haphazard working hours
Haphazardとは、無計画の、ランダムな、不定期な、行き当たりばったりなといった意味です。  "That shop is so weird...One day open and then its not. Such haphazard working hours." あの店はすごくかわっている。ある日開いていると思ったら、開いていない日もあったり。なんてばらばらな営業時間なんだ。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The closing times of the store are irregular throughout the week

  • The store closes at different times throughout the week

To explain that a store is closed at irregular times throughout the week, then you can say: -The closing times of the store are irregular throughout the week -The store closes at different times throughout the week
お店が不規則に閉まると言うことを言いたいとき、以下のように言えます: The closing times of the store are irregular throughout the week. The store closes at different times throughout the week. (お店の閉店日は不規則です。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The store has irregular hours

  • the store opens and closes at special times

  • the store does not have a regular opening time

"Attention: Irregular hours" can be seen on sings outside of a store that does not have regular opening hours. This is a strange concept, but can be seen with certain stores. You can express to someone "the store opens and closes at special time". This is understandable. "You never know when the store is open". This is a very informal way to explain irregular hours. I would say this to a friend. "The opening and closing times are never the same". "This store does not have regular hours" is the best way, and very formal to express a particular shop's habits.
「Attention: Irregular hours」という文言は、開店時間が決まっていないお店の外の看板などで見られます。これは不思議なことですが、そういうお店も実際にあります。「the store opens and closes at special time(その店は開店時間が決まっていません)」と言えます。これで伝わります。 You never know when the store is open. (いつお店が開くかわかりません。) これは、開店時間が不規則なことを表すとてもインフォーマルな言い方です。私なら友達に使います。 The opening and closing times are never the same. (開店時間と閉店時間がいつも違います) This store does not have regular hours. (この店は開店時間が決まっていません) これは、お店の営業時間を表すベストな言い方です。とてもフォーマルです。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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