世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/20 00:04
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  • Would you please use easier phrases or words so that children can understand?

  • Would you simplify that so that children can understand?

  • Could you make it simpler/more simple for children to understand?

Would you please use easier phrases or words so that children can understand? (子供にも分かるようなもう少し単純な言い回しや語彙を使ってもらえますか。) Would you simplify that so that children can understand? (もっと子供に分かり易く説明してもらえますか。) Could you make it simpler/more simple for children to understand? (もっと子供に分かり易く説明してもらえますか。) というのはいかがしょうか!
Kanako 通訳/翻訳家・英語習得コンサルタント
  • Could you please use simpler English words that my daughter can understand.

  • Could you please rephrase that so that my daughter can understand.

*Could you please use simpler English words that my daughter can understand. Sometimes can assume that the child can understand but it is good to tell them to use simpler English words so that it is easier for your child to understand what they are saying. For example: Instead of the saying "The food was delicious." the teacher should say "The food was very nice." *Could you please rephrase that so that my daughter can understand. If you would like someone to rephrase something it means you would like them to say it in another way without changing the meaning.
*Could you please use simpler English words that my daughter can understand. 講師はお子さんが理解していると思ってしまう事が時々ありますが、やはり簡単な英単語を使ってもらうことでお子様が意味を理解し易いようにすることは大切ですね。 例として:"The food was delicious."と言うの替わりに"The food was very nice."と言う。 *Could you please rephrase that so that my daughter can understand. 誰かにフレーズの言い換え(to rephrase )をお願いするということは、意味を変えずに違う表現を使ってもらう事です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please keep the vocabulary simple for my daughter?

  • Please would you use just basic words and phrases for my daughter?

When an online teacher first meets, or starts having a conversation with a new student, it is sometimes difficult for them to assess the exact level of the student in the first few minutes. During this period, there may just be an exchange of greetings and normal introductions which are practised a lot. However, of course, later in the lesson, it may become clear the student is a beginner, or their vocabulary is quite limited. As a parent, you may say to your teacher: "Please would you use just basic words and phrases for my daughter."
講師が初めて持つ生徒さんの的確なレベルを最初の段階で測るのは難しい時もありますので、まずはいつもやっていて慣れている挨拶をすることが多いです。しかし、レッスンが進むとその生徒さんがビギナーなのか、語彙力に制限があるのか明確になってきます。ご両親は講師に "Please would you use just basic words and phrases for my daughter." (娘に簡単な単語やフレーズを使っていただけますでしょうか)と言うのが良いと思います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please use simple phrases? She's only a child.

  • Could you dumb it down to a child's level? She does not understand.

"Can you please use simple phrases? She's only a child." Here you can ask the teacher to use phrases that are not complex, and easy to understand. The later half of the response is an explanation as to why it should be broken down. "Could you dumb it down to a child's level? She does not understand." This is another polite way of asking if the teacher could make it simpler to understand. Dumb it down is a common phrase used to ask someone to the most basic words and phrase for them to understand.
"Can you please use simple phrases? She's only a child."(簡単なフレーズを使ってもらえますか。まだ子どもなので) - ここでは、シンプルで分かりやすいフレーズを使って欲しいと先生にお願いしています。回答の後半では、その理由を説明しています。 "Could you dumb it down to a child's level? She does not understand."(子どもレベルに引き下げてもらえますか。理解できていません) - これも、レッスンをもっとシンプルにしてくださいとお願いする丁寧な言い方です。"Dumb it down" は、基本的な語句を使ってくださいとお願いするときの一般的なフレーズです。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Please use laymans terms so my daughter can understand the work better

Laymans terms are simplified words which someone who is not a professional can understand easily. The do not require any further study as they are plain and simple to understand.
Laymans terms' は専門家でなくても分かるシンプルな言葉をいいます。調べたりする必要のない簡単でシンプルな言葉です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please use easy/simple words for my daughter?

  • Can you use words/phrases my daughter would understand

When teaching children it can be hard as they don't have the knowledge for bigger words as they are younger so you could ask the teacher to use 'simple/easy words' or 'words/phrases my daughter would understand'
子どもには難しい言葉は使えないので、教えるのが難しいことがあります。 ですから、先生に 'simple/easy words'(易しい言葉)や 'words/phrases my daughter would understand'(娘にも分かる語/句)を使うようにお願いできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible to use easy, simple words and phrases during my daughters English lesson?

  • Could you please simplify the terminology for my daughters lesson in order for her to better understand as she is a beginner

"Is it possible to use easy, simple words and phrases during my daughters English lesson?" a very easy an often used way of wording this certain context, simple and used widely by native speakers. "Could you please simplify the terminology for my daughters lesson in order for her to better understand as she is a beginner"
"Is it possible to use easy, simple words and phrases during my daughters English lesson?"(娘の英語のレッスンで簡単でシンプルな語句を使っていただくことは可能ですか) = 簡単でよく使われる言い方です。シンプルでネイティブスピーカーに広く使われています。 "Could you please simplify the terminology for my daughters lesson in order for her to better understand as she is a beginner"(娘はまだ初心者なので、分かるようにレッスンではシンプルな言葉を使っていただけますか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like you to explain it in simple words(for my child to understand it).

  • My child would need easier words to understand that.

1) I'd like to (I would like to)は私が~したい、という意味になりますがlike とtoの間に誰か人をいれるとその人に~してほしい、という意味になります。 ここではI would like you to explain~と間にyouが入っているので”私はあなたに説明してほしい”となり、お願いの文章になります。 Please explain~などと命令文を作るよりも柔らかく響くので文面でも会話でも人に何かを頼むときによく使われる構文です。 これが事後アンケートのようなもの(先生に直接言うのではない状況)であればyouをteacherにして先生にこうしてほしい、という文章にしたほうがわかりやすいです。 2)お子さんを主語にしてうちの子供にはこういうことが必要だと思う、という文でも良いと思います。
Nanami Chinatsu 国際文化交流活動家
  • Please work at a slow pace and explain in terms that a child can understand.

  • Please keep your language simple and straightforward for my daughter.

1.Please work at a slow pace and explain in terms that a child can understand. It is best to ask the teacher to work slowly (at a slow pace which means at a slow speed) in order to allow your child the opportunity to follow what the teacher is saying. Terms are words/expressions/phrases/idioms, etc.It is the abbreviation of the word terminology. 2. Please keep your language simple and straightforward for my daughter. The word simple is the opposite of complex.It also means easy.Straightforward means uncomplicated and not difficult to understand.
1. Please work at a slow pace and explain in terms that a child can understand.(ゆっくり進めてください。説明は子どもでも分かるような易しい言葉でお願いします) 「子どもが授業についていけるように」と考えているなら、"To work at a slow pace"(ゆっくり進めてほしい)と頼むのがベストだと思います。 "Terms" は「語/表現/句/イディオム」などを指します。これは "Terminology" の略です。 2. Please keep your language simple and straightforward(シンプルに分かりやすく説明してください) "Simple" は "Complex"(複雑な)の反意語です。"Simple" には「簡単な」という意味もあります。 "Straightforward" は「シンプルで分かりやすい」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Can you use simple English so my daughter can understand easily please?

  • If possible, can you use basic/simple English so my daughter understand please?

If you want to ask a tutor/teacher to use simple English so your child can understand, you can say something like "Can you use simple English so my daughter can understand easily please?" or "If possible, can you use basic/simple English so my daughter understand please?".
子どもが理解できるよう先生に簡単な英語を使ってもらいたいということですね。これは次のように言えます。 "Can you use simple English so my daughter can understand easily please?" (娘が理解しやすいよう、簡単な英語を使ってもらえますか) "If possible, can you use basic/simple English so my daughter understand please?" (可能なら、娘が理解できるよう簡単な英語を使ってもらえますか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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