世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




会話中にwhen I'm free I'll go to thereと相手が言った時に、Free という一部分が聞き取れませんでした。 こんな時に、何と言えばいいでしょうか?
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2017/09/24 07:08
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  • Sorry, I could not completely catch what you just said...can you please say that again?

  • Could you please repeat what you just said as I could not take it all in.

Some of the words you said just flew over my head. Can you please say it again! Some of the words you used are unfamiliar to me. Could you please reword that for me?
例文 Some of the words you said just flew over my head. あなたが言った言葉の一部が 聞き取れなかったです。 Can you please say it again! それをもう一度言って頂けますか? Some of the words you used are unfamiliar to me. あなたが言った言葉の一部が 私は分かりません。 Could you please reword that for me? それをもう一度繰り返して 頂けませんか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I'm sorry, could you say that again.

  • What did you say?

  • I didn't catch a part of your sentence.

The phrase, "what did you say" is informal, but it is polite. If you want to say it like an American, we often say: "I didn't hear you." "What?" (If you say "what", it is understood by the person you are speaking to that you did not hear what they said.) or "I didn't catch what you said." These are all phrases you can use while speaking English.
The phrase, "what did you say" is informal, but it is polite. what did you sayはくだけた表現ですが、 丁寧な表現です。 If you want to say it like an American, we often say: アメリカ人のように言いたいのなら、こう言います。 "I didn't hear you." あなたの言うことが聞き取れなかった。 "What?" (If you say "what", it is understood by the person you are speaking to that you did not hear what they said.) 何?(whatと言えば、話している人に、自分が相手が言っていることが 分からなかったということを理解してもらえます。) or "I didn't catch what you said." 又は言っていることが分からなかった。 These are all phrases you can use while speaking English. 英語を話す時にこれらの表現は全て使うことが出来ます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • You said ...?

  • Could you please repeat what you said in the beginning. I only heard "I'll go to there."

*You said ...? This is a way to make them fill in the blanks so that you can try get what they said in the beginning. Therefore they are able to know which part of the sentence they didn't get. *Could you please repeat what you said in the beginning. I only heard "I'll go to there." This is also way of informing where you would like them to repeat so that you can get what they said in the beginning and they will try say clearer again.
例文 *You said ...? ~って言いました? この文は、相手が最初に言ったことを 理解するために、分からなかった部分を 相手に埋めてもらおうとしています。 例文 *Could you please repeat what you said in the beginning. I only heard "I'll go to there." 最初におっしゃたことを繰り返して頂けますか? ”そこに行く”しか聞こえませんでした。 この文は、相手が最初に言ったことを理解するために 再度はっきりと言ってもらうために どの部分を繰り返して欲しいかを知らせています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please repeat?

  • I never heard you, please say it again

--->If you repeat something, you say or write it again. --->Can you please repeat? --->I never heard you, please say it again. *He repeated that he had been mis-quoted. *She had an irritating habit of repeating everything I said to her.
--->repeatは、何かをもう一度言ったり、書いたりすると言う意味です。 --->Can you please repeat? もう一度言ってもらえますか? --->I never heard you, please say it again. 聞こえませんでした、もう一度言ってもらえますか? *He repeated that he had been mis-quoted. 彼は間違って引用してしまった部分を復唱した。 *She had an irritating habit of repeating everything I said to her. 彼女は自分が彼女に言ったことを復唱するイライラする癖を持っていた。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Could you repeat that?

  • I am sorry I did not hear you. Could you say it again?

"Could you repeat that?" Or you could say, "Could you say that again please?" This tells the speaker that you did not understand or are just uncertain about what they said. You are politely asking them to say it again. "I am sorry, I did not hear you. Could you say it again?" You can begin my explaning that you did not hear, followed by a polite request for the speaker to repeat what they said.
"Could you repeat that?" もう一度読んでもらえますか? または "Could you say that again please?" これで、相手に理解できなかった、またはなんと言われたのか曖昧だと伝えることができます。 丁寧にもう一度読んで欲しいと伝えることができます。 "I am sorry, I did not hear you. Could you say it again?" 「ごめんなさい、聞こえませんでした。もう一度言ってもらえますか?」 you did not hearと説明から入ってもいいでしょうね。 その後、丁寧に、もう一度読んで欲しいとお願いにつなげます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, could you just repeat that bit about the magician?

  • I didn't quite catch what you said about the magician?

  • What did the magician do?

Interesting question - and it really depends on how much of what was said you did not hear. You need to think about what you heard and what you didn't hear to form the right question. For example, if someone says: "I met a magician in Spain and very quickly he made my......................" you could ask: "What did the magician do?" "He made my wife disappear!"
面白い質問ですね。どう答えるかは言ったことをどれくらい聞き取れなかったかによります。 きちんとした質問をするためには、何を聞き取れて、何が聞き取れなかったかを考える必要があります。 例えば誰かがこう言ったとします。 "I met a magician in Spain and very quickly he made my......................" you could ask: スペインで手品師に会って、すぐに彼は・・・を作ったんだ。 この場合は "What did the magician do?" 手品師は何をしたの? "He made my wife disappear!" 彼は自分の妻の姿を消したんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind repeating that please, I did not hear you properly.

  • Sorry I did not catch the complete sentence, please repeat.

▪Do you mind repeating that please, I did not hear you properly. repeat= say it again. properly= correctly ▪Sorry I did not catch the complete sentence, please repeat. did not catch= did not hear everything. Example 1 Friend: when I'm free I'll go to there You: Do you mind repeating that please, I did not hear you properly. Example 2 Friend: when I'm free I'll go to there You: Sorry I did not catch the complete sentence, please repeat.
例文 ▪Do you mind repeating that please, I did not hear you properly. それをもう一度言って頂けますか? よく聞き取れなかったです。 repeat= もう一度言う properly= 正確に 例文 ▪Sorry I did not catch the complete sentence, please repeat. すみません、文が完全に聞き取れませんでした。 もう一度繰り返して下さい。 did not catch=全てを聞き取れない 例文 Friend: when I'm free I'll go to there 暇な時にそこへ行くつもりだ。 You: Do you mind repeating that please, I did not hear you properly. それをもう一度言って頂けますか? よく聞き取れなかったです。 例文 Friend: when I'm free I'll go to there 暇な時にそこへ行くつもりだ。 You: Sorry I did not catch the complete sentence, please repeat. すみません、文が完全に聞き取れませんでした。 もう一度繰り返して下さい。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry, I didn't catch that? I missed what you meant?

  • He was mumbling when he answered, so I didn't catch what he said.

If we find we are missing out on the meaning or sense of a conversation... It's best to simply let someone know ... "You have been left in the dark" or "didn't catch their meaning". "Sorry could you repeat that I think I misunderstood what you meant."
会話の意味がわからなかった時にはちゃんと伝えたほうがいいです... "left in the dark" 「理解できていない」 "catch someone's meaning" 「意味を理解する」 "Sorry, could you repeat that? I think I misunderstood what you meant." 「すみませんもう一度おっしゃっていただけますか。ちゃんと理解できなかったかもしれません」
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I missed one word. Could you possibly repeat what you just said?

  • I am sorry, I didn't catch everything you said. Would you mind repeating it?

"Sorry, I missed one word. Could you possibly repeat what you just said?" If you missed just one word, it is possible just to say this. Missing one word means that you didn't hear one word. This is a very polite phrase also, when using "sorry" and "could you possibly.." I am sorry, I didn't catch everything you said. Would you mind repeating it? You can say "I didn't catch everything" which means the same as I didn't understand or hear everything that was said. Adding "Would you mind repeating it" makes the sentence sound very polite again
"Sorry, I missed one word. Could you possibly repeat what you just said?"(すみません、一つ聞き取れなかった言葉がありました。もう一度言っていただけますか) 聞き取れなかった言葉が一つあったなら、このように言うことができます。"Missing one word" は「言葉を一つ聞き逃す」という意味です。"Sorry" や "Could you possibly.." を使って丁寧に伝えています。 I am sorry, I didn't catch everything you said. Would you mind repeating it?(すみません、聞き取れなかったところがありました。もう一度言っていただけますか) "I didn't catch everything" は「理解できない部分[聞き取れない部分]があった」という意味です。"Would you mind repeating it" を加えると、とても丁寧です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't catch that, what did you say?

  • Can you repeat one more time?

  • Say that again please?

These are three great phrases or questions that we can use to ask the person to say what they said again. Typically the most common way would be the second or third example, because you're directly asking them to repeat themselves. However, the first example might sound more colloquial.
全て「もう一度言ってもらえますか」と尋ねる言い方です。 最も普通の言い方は二つ目ないし三つ目の言い方だと思います。ここでは、「もう一度言ってもらえますか」と明確に伝えています。一つ目の例はより口語的に響くかもしれません。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I didn't catch all of that.

  • I'm sorry, please repeat.I didn't get that.

1.I'm sorry, I didn't catch all of that. To not catch something in this sense means that you missed some parts of what the person was saying. 2.I'm sorry, please repeat.I didn't get that. "I didn't get that" is another figurative expression which means that you did not hear the entire sentence. To repeat means to do something again so you are asking the person to say exactly what they had just said before.
1. I'm sorry, I didn't catch all of that.(すみません、聞き取れなかったところがありました) "To not catch something" はこの場合、「聞き逃す」という意味です。 2. I'm sorry, please repeat. I didn't get that.(すみません、聞き取れませんでした。もう一度言ってください) "I didn't get that" 、これも「聞き取れなかったところがあった」という意味の比喩的な表現です。 "To repeat" は「もう一度行う」という意味です。ここでは、「もう一度言ってください」とお願いしています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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