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2017/09/27 14:16
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  • I only read comics

A comic is a magazine that contains stories told in pictures. Joe loved to read 'Superman' comics. I only read comics. I don't like reading newspapers, only comics.
comicというと、話と絵が一緒に含まれている雑誌のことを言います。 Joe loved to read 'Superman' comics. ジョーはスーパーマンのコミックを読むのが大好きだ。 I only read comics. 僕はコミックしか読まない。 I don't like reading newspapers, only comics. 新聞は読まない、コミックだけさ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The only books I like to read are Comics.

  • I enjoy reading comics, they are all I read!

"The only books I like to read are Comics." There are many varieties of books, but you only like read comics. Like, this conveys the idea that you enjoy reading the comic books. "I enjoy reading comics, they are all I read!" You can begin by saying you enjoy comics books, then state how much you enjoy them by saying, "They are all I read!" I hope this helps!
"The only books I like to read are Comics." 「私が好んで読むものといえば漫画くらいです。」 本にはいろんな種類がありますが、漫画が大好きだとしましょう。 この場合、漫画が好きだということがしっかりと伝わるでしょう。 "I enjoy reading comics, they are all I read!" 「漫画読むのを楽しんでいるよ。それしか読まない。」 enjoy comic booksと始めることができます。 その後、どれくらい楽しんでいるかどうかを、They are all I readで表すといいでしょうね。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I only like to read comics.

  • I only read comic books.

  • I really only read comic books.

The expression "comic" or "comic book" decsribes this type of literature. So you can say simply, "I only like to read comics."
"comic"や"comic book" と表現します。 つまり、こう言えますね。 "I only like to read comics." 「漫画しか読みません。」
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Manga is the only reading material I can read

  • I shun all kinds of literature bar manga

To shun = persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution. "He shunned fashionable society" synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from, keep away from, keep one's distance from, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with, leave alone, not touch. Bar = except "I love all kinds of fruit bar bananas."
To shun (避ける) 反感から又は用心して(何か、誰か)を一貫して 避けたり無視したり拒絶すること He shunned fashionable society 彼はファッション業界を避けた。 同義語: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from, keep away from, keep one's distance from, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with, leave alone, not touch. Bar(除いて) "I love all kinds of fruit bar bananas." 私はバナナ以外の果物は全部大好きだよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I like to read comics.

  • All I like to read are comics.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1.I like to read comics. 2.All I like to read are comics.
以下の文章で、言いたいことが伝わるでしょう。 1.I like to read comics. 2.All I like to read are comics.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I only read manga

  • I only read comics

  • The only books I read are comics

Manga are also known as 'comics' so if all you read is comics then you can simply say 'I only read manga' or 'I only read comics' a more formal way of saying this is 'the only book I read are comics'
「漫画」は 'manga' の他に 'comics' ともいいます。ですから、漫画しか読まないなら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 'I only read manga'(私は漫画しか読みません) または、 'I only read comics'(私は漫画しか読みません) よりフォーマルな言い方は、 'The only book I read are comics'(私は漫画しか読みません) です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I only read Manga

  • I do not enjoy reading anything other than Manga

I only read manga. You do not enjoy reading anything other than manga, anything other than is used to describe any other genre.
I only read manga(漫画しか読みません) I do not enjoy reading anything other than manga(漫画しか読みません) 'anything other than' は漫画以外のジャンルを指します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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