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How temperature is during summer ? この文法で合ってますか。
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2017/09/27 17:04
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  • What is the temperature during summer?

  • What is the temperature in summer?

「夏の間の気温は何度ですか?」はこのようにいいます: What is the temperature during summer? What is the temperature in summer? 「何度ですか?」というのはWhat is the temperature...?となります。 Howは「どう」や「どうやって」という意味なので、この疑問文に使えません。 「夏の間」はduring summerといい、またはシンプルにin summerも言うことができます。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • What's the temperature like during summer?

Native speakers will say like this: “What's the temperature like during summer”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: I was wondering.. What's the temperature like during summer in your city? B: It's moderately hot at most.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “What's the temperature like during summer?” (夏の間の気温はどのくらいですか) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: I was wondering.. What's the temperature like during summer in your city? B: It's moderately hot at most. ↓ A: あなたの街では夏の間の気温はどのくらいですか。 B: せいぜい程よく暑いぐらいだよ。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • How is the temperature in summer?

  • What's the temperature like in summer?

気温について聞きたいなら、一番いい質問は What's the average temperature in summer? だと思います。 一日の気温が知りたいなら、あの日をつかって、「what」を使います。 What's the temperature tomorrow? What was the temperature yesterday? 「Summer」は期間ですから、一般的にしか言えません。 だから以下の方がいいです。 How is the temperature...? What's the temperature like...? What's the average temperature...?
  • A) What is the temperature during summer ?

  • B) How warm does it get in summer ?

  • C) What's the weather like in summer time ?

A) What is the temperature during summer ? B) How warm does it get in summer ? C) What's the weather like in summer time ? Any of the above will be suitable to use during this situation. Examples : a: What is the temperature during summer ? b: it reaches up to 40 degrees a: How warm does it get in summer ? b: It's not that warm. The highest temperature we reach is 26 degrees a: What's the weather like in summer time ? b: Really warm! maximum 40 degrees I hope this helps :-)
A) What is the temperature during summer ?(夏の間の気温はどのくらいですか) B) How warm does it get in summer ?(夏の間は何度くらいになりますか) C) What's the weather like in summer time ?(夏の間の天気はどんな感じですか) 上記はどれもこの状況で使うことができます。 例: a: What is the temperature during summer ?(夏の間の気温はどのくらいですか) b: it reaches up to 40 degrees(40度まで上がります) a: How warm does it get in summer ?(夏の間はどのくらい暖かくなりますか) b: It's not that warm. The highest temperature we reach is 26 degrees(そんなに暖かくないですよ。最高で26度です) a: What's the weather like in summer time ?(夏の間の天気はどんな感じですか) b: Really warm! maximum 40 degrees(すごく暖かいですよ。最高で40度になります) 参考になれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • How is the temperature in summer?

  • What is the temperature during summer?

These two questions basically mean the same but the first one is expected to have one answer, like - 25 degrees. Whereas, the second one can have a few answers depending on the month.
この二つの質問は基本的には同じ意味ですが、 一つ目の質問には例えば「25度」のように一つの答えが返ってくると思います。 一方、二つ目の質問には月に応じて複数の答えが返ってくるかもしれません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • What is the temperature usually like in the summer?

  • How high is the temperature during the summer?

  • Does the weather get hot during the summer

These are ways that you can ask what the temperature is like during the summer. Below are examples of way they could be used in a sentence. It's usually hot during the summer were I live, does the weather get hot during the summer here? The weather here is lovely, how high is the temperature during the summer? I'm trying go there for the summer, what is the temperature usually like in the summer?
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • What is the highest temperature here in the summer?

  • How many degrees is normal here in the summertime?

Different countries have different climates and some have lower temperatures than others, depending on the location of the country, the wind or if it is near the water. Sometimes high temperatures in one country are low temperatures in another. The sentences ask about the maximum temperature in a given city during the summer. Both can be used in any situation.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • What's the temperature in summer?

  • How hot does it get in summer?

When talking about the temperature in summer, you want to ask how (many degrees) the temperature is in summer. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How high does the temperature climb during the summer?

  • How hot does it get in summer?

  • Is it very hot in summer?

To ask how hot a certain area gets, use the sentences above. Different places have their own unique climate. Climb: we can use this word when talking about temperature reaching higher levels. How hot does it get asks to find out what the highest temperature experienced there in summer is. "The summer here is very hot, it can climb up to 40 degrees."
夏にその地域がどのくらいの暑さになるのか聞くなら、上記の文が使えます。 地域によって気候はさまざまですね。 Climb: この単語で気温が上がることを表せます。 'How hot does it get' は、夏に最高でどのくらいの気温になるのかを尋ねます。 "The summer here is very hot, it can climb up to 40 degrees." (ここの夏は暑いです。40度になることもあります)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • What’s the temperature like in summer?

  • How warm does it get during summertime?

“What’s the temperature like in summer?” Is asking someone to tell you the temperature in summer. You can also ask “how warm does it get during summertime?” since summer is usually warm.
“What’s the temperature like in summer?”(夏の気温はどのくらいですか)は夏の気温を尋ねます。 また、夏は普通 'warm'(暖かい)ので、“How warm does it get during summertime?”(夏はどのくらい暑くなりますか)という聞き方もできます。
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • What's the temperature like in summer?

  • How hot is it in summer?

Native speakers would ask any of a question about the weather in any two of these ways:- 1. What's the temperature like in summer? 2. How hot is it in summer ? Here are some example sentences:- Q "I want to visit Austrailia next summer but..... A "But what.?" Q" What's the temperature like in the summer?"
ネイティブスピーカーなら、次の二つの言い方で尋ねるでしょう。 1. What's the temperature like in summer?(夏の気温はどのくらいですか) 2. How hot is it in summer?(夏はどのくらい暑いですか) 以下、例文です。 Q "I want to visit Austrailia next summer but....."(来年の夏にオーストラリアに行きたいんだけど) A "But what?"(だけど、何?) Q "What's the temperature like in the summer?"(夏の気温はどのくらいですか)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What is the average temperature in summer?

  • What is the degree range during summer where you live?

  • What is the climate usually like during summertime where you live?

There are many ways to ask this question. If you want to be short and simple, you can ask, "What is the average temperature in summer?" The person will automatically understand that you are asking for the degree. However, you might need to specify if you want your answer in Fahrenheit or in Celsius. If you want to ask a more complex sentence, then you can ask, "What is the degree range during summer where you live?" Lastly, you can also ask, "What is the climate usually like during summertime where you live?" (This is asking for the kind of weather in general, not just temps.)
これはいろいろな聞き方ができます。 短くシンプルに言いたいなら、 "What is the average temperature in summer?" (夏の間の平均気温は何度ですか?) と聞けます。相手は温度について聞かれているとすぐに分かります。しかし、カ氏あるいはセ氏で答えて欲しいなら、明確に言う必要があるかもしれません。 もっと複雑な文がいいなら、 "What is the degree range during summer where you live?" (あなたの住んでいる所では、夏の間の気温はどのぐらいですか?) と聞けます。 最後に、次のように聞くこともできます。 "What is the climate usually like during summertime where you live?" (あなたの住んでいる所では夏の気候は普通どんな感じですか?) ※ これは気温だけでなく、気候を尋ねています。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • What is the temperature in summer?

  • How warm does it get in summer ?

By stating"What is the temperature in summer?" this directly implies that you desire information from this question. This would be the most common way to ask a question regarding temperature as it allows for an open answer. This allows whoever is answering to provide a detailed response, they are able to state a specific answer.
"What is the temperature in summer?"(夏の間の気温はどのくらいですか) これは、相手から明確に情報を求めています。相手が(Yes か no でなく)自由に答えられる聞き方をしていて、気温について尋ねる言い方としては最も一般的だと思います。相手に具体的な説明を求める言い方です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • How hot does it get here/there in the summer?

  • What is the temperature here/there in the summer?

"How hot does it get here/there in the summer?" and "What is the temperature here/there in the summer?" - Both of these questions have the same meaning. They are both asking for how many degrees the temperature is in the summer. You would use 'here' if you are currently in the place you are talking about, or 'there' if you are not. The first question is assuming that it is hot in the summer; if you are asking about a cold climate you should ask "What is the temperature here/there in the summer?".
"How hot does it get here/there in the summer?" "What is the temperature here/there in the summer?" 「ここでは/そちらでは夏の間は何度くらいになりますか」 これらはどちらも同じ意味です。どちらも、夏には気温が何度になるのか尋ねています。自分の今いる場所について聞くなら 'here'(ここは)、そうでないなら 'there'(そこは)を使います。一つ目の質問は夏が暑いという前提で尋ねています。もし寒い気候について尋ねるなら、"What is the temperature here/there in the summer?" の方がいいです。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • How many degrees does it get in the summer?

  • How hot does it get here during the summer?

If you would like to ask someone how hot it gets in the summer, you can say something like "How many degrees does it get in the summer?" or "How hot does it get here during the summer?" This is a very easy and polite way to ask someone how hot it will get in the summer.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What is the temperature during the summer time?

There are a lot of different ways to ask this question, here are a few examples: 1: How hot does it get during the summer? 2. What is the hottest the temperature gets during summer? 3. Does it get very hot during the summer time? 4. How hot is the temperature in the summer time?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What are the temperatures like in the summer?

  • How hot does it get in the summer time?

You can use phrases like "how hot does it get" or "what's the temperature" when referring to the weather in the summer. Temperatures in the summer are usually hot so if you ask, "How hot does it get?", it makes sense.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What is the temperature like in the summer?

  • How hot does it get in the summer?

  • What is the hottest it gets in the summer?

The first two sentences can be used interchangeably with the main difference being that one is asking about the general temperature in the summer time whereas the second is more referring to the heat itself. The last example is to show you that you can be very specific in your question to asking what is the highest the temperature gets in the summer time.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What is the maximum temperature in the summer?

  • How hot does it get during the summer time?

Maximum; means what is the highest that the temperatures go during the summer. You could use any of the above two questions when wanting to know how hot the temperature gets during the summer time.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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