世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 20:54
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  • Can you please give me a small plate?

  • Can I have a small plate, please?

「小皿」は英語では「a small plate」に相当します。 「ください」は英語で「please」になります。 なので、「小皿ください」と英語で言いたいならこのようはふさわしいです。 Can you please give me a small plate? Can you give me a small plate, please? Can I please have a small plate? Can I have a small plate, please? 上記の文章は友達か店員に対しても良いです。 英語頑張ってください!
  • Can we have small plates to share?

取り分け用の小皿とのことでしたので、"to share"をつけてみました。 実際にお店で店員さんにお願いするときには、"Can we have four small plates to share?"と必要な枚数も伝える方がよいかもしれませんね。
May バイリンガル教育 ブロガー
  • Could you bring some extra plates please?

  • We'd like to share so would you please let us have some extra plates?

  • We're short on plates here. Could you bring some more over please?

To be 'short' on something = there is not enough of something. "I'm short of money. Could you lend me some please?"
To be 'short' on something は、何か足りないものがあるときの表現です。 例"I'm short of money. Could you lend me some please?" お金がないんですが、いくらか貸してくれないですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please have four extra plates.

The waiter may ask you why and you can explain the reason. But usually they are quite helpful.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could we get some small plates, please?

  • Could I have [number] small plates, please?

Could we get some small plates, please? - Use this question and your waiter should bring you extra plates. Could I have [number] small plates, please? - use this expression to specify how many plates you want. 'Could you bring me four small plates please?'
Could we get some small plates please? ウエイターに追加の皿を依頼する時の表現です。 Could I have [number] small plates please? 何枚の皿が欲しいか依頼する時の表現です。 例えば、以下のように言うことができます。 Could you bring me four small plates please? 小皿を4つ持ってきてもらえますか?
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Please bring me an extra plate.

  • Can I have a side plate please?

an extra plate - another plate side plate - a smaller plate than a dinner plate
an extra plate - 取り皿、小皿、余計な皿。 side plate - 大皿でなく小さい取り分け用の皿など
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have a side plate.

  • Can I please have a side dish.

Both phrases indicate that you want a small plate which is smaller than a regular plate.Side plate and side dish mean - a plate on which a side dish is served.
両方のフレーズは、あなたが通常のプレートよりも小さいプレートを必要としていることを示しています。Side plate and side dish - サイドディッシュが提供されるプレート。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We'd like to share so would you please let us have some extra plates?

  • Can we have small plates to share?

"We'd like to share so would you please let us have some extra plates?" This is a polite and casual way to ask for additional plates so you can share a dish with your friends. "Can we have small plates to share?" This is another way of asking for extra plates and giving the waiter and idea of the size that would work for you and your friends. Giving the waiter extra details such as the size and the amount of plates you would like will give them a better idea of how to assist you and cater for what you want.
"We'd like to share so would you please let us have some extra plates?" これは友達と食べ物を分けるためにお皿が欲しいとお願いする時に使える丁寧なフレーズです。 "Can we have small plates to share?" これも友達と食べ物を分けるためにお皿が欲しいとお願いする時に使える丁寧なフレーズですが、お皿のサイズをいう事によってより具体的なフレーズになります。 ウェイターにお皿のサイズと枚数をリクエストすることによってウェイターによってもわかりやすいと思います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please give us extra plates since we need to share the food.

  • Will you please bring us extra plates so we can share the food.

It's always courteous (showing good manners) and to be extremely polite when requesting something. In the first request, you have shown extreme politeness by using the adverb 'please'. You have also gone on to use the adjective 'extra' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'additional'. So, you may say: Please give us extra plates since we need to share the food. or Will you please bring us extra plates so we can share the food.
何かを要求するときには、常に礼儀正しく(良いマナーで)、非常に丁寧であるべきす。最初の要求では、 'please'という副詞を使用して極めて丁寧な表現をしています。また、いくつかの意味を持つ 'extra'という形容詞を使用していますが、この文脈では'additional'(追加の)を意味しています。 ですので、以下のように言うことができます。 Please give us extra plates since we need to share the food. あるいは Will you please bring us extra plates so we can share the food.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • May I have two extra plates please

  • I'd like to have a two extra plates please, I want to share my food with my friend.

Any of these sentences can be used:- 1. May I have two extra plates please. "Extra" means more than the usual amount. So this sentence is aking for more plates than would usually be given to a customer. 2. I'd like to have two extra plates please,I want to share my food with my friend. This sentence if giving an explanation as to why you want the extra plates.
次のように言えます。 1. May I have two extra plates please.(お皿を二枚余計にいただけますか) "Extra" は「余分の/通常の数量に上乗せして」という意味です。ですから、ここでは「お皿を余分にください」とお願いしています。 2. I'd like to have two extra plates please, I want to share my food with my friend.(お皿を二枚余分にください。友達とシェアしたいので)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Could you bring some extra plates please? Want to share food with my friends

  • May I have two extra plates, please

Whenever you use the word "could" it makes it sound more politely, so, I would recommend using the first phrase, although, there is nothing wrong with the second one.
"could" を使うと丁寧な言い方になります。ですから、一つ目の例がおすすめですが、二つ目の例でも全く問題はありません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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