世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/15 11:16
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  • Could we get some small plates?

  • Could we get some extra dishes?

  • Could we get some plates for sharing?

渡辺さんも回答しているように、英語には「取り皿」という単語がないので通常の単語を使うしかありませんが、具体的に何をする(したい)ための皿かを添えれば伝えることができます。 英訳1:Could we get some small plates?「小皿をいただけますか?」 英訳2:Could we get some extra dishes?「余分にお皿をいただけますか?」 plateをdishに換えてもOKです。 英訳3:Could we get some plates for sharing?「取り分けたいのでお皿をいただけますか?」 こう言えば、給仕の人にうまく通じるので自然な表現でしょう。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Can we have some small plates?

  • Can we have some extra plates?

こんにちは! 英語では「小皿」や「取り皿」という決まった言い方がないのですが、シェアするためにお皿をもらう時に一般的なのは small plates という言い方です。直訳は「小さい皿」なのでほとんど「小皿」だと思っても良いですね。extra plates(追加の皿)と言ってもオッケーです。 We want to share(シェアしたいんです)とか so we can share(シェアできるように)と付け加えれば確実に伝わりますよ。 例: Erik: Can we have some small plates? We want to share. 小皿いくつかもらえますか?シェアしたいんです。 Waiter: No problem. I'll be right back. かしこまりました。すぐ戻ります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Could we please have some extra plates.

  • Could we please have 2 extra plates.

1)Could we please have some extra plates.- This means you are requesting for extra plate. However you can be direct and mention the number, like the second sentence. At least the waitress will know exactly how many you want.
1)Could we please have some extra plates. (もう一つプレートを頂けますか.) これはもう一つ、別のプレートがほしい事を意味しています。 しかし、2番目のセンテンスのように、直接数を伝える事もできます。 この場合、少なくともウェイトレスは、必要なお皿の数を正確に知ることができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 2 extra plates please

  • 4 extra plates please

  • Extra plates and cutlery please!

Well, you could specify exactly how many extra plates you need. It is not necessary to say you want to share as it will clear in context anyway, - you are the paying customer, right! "Two extra plates please!" "Certainly madam!" If a group of friends arrive at the same time, a blanket request may be: "Extra plates and cutlery please!" How are these people going to eat without cutlery? With their hands?
何皿欲しいか行ってあげても良いと思います。シェア用っていうのは文脈で明らかなので言う必要もないです。 例: "Two extra plates please!" "Certainly madam!" 友達のグループも一緒にきたのなら、食器がないといけないので "Extra plates and cutlery please!" カトラリーとお皿お願いします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can we have some extra plates please?

  • I'd like a plate with a double portion please.

1. Can we have some extra plates please? This question is asking for some extra plates. 2. I'd like a plate with a double portion please. Sometimes when you go to a restaurant, the waitress serves the food for two people on one plate. It's just the way they serve food in some restaurants. If you have company, and you would like that you and your companion share the food, you can ask for a plate with a double portion.
1. Can we have some extra plates please? これは追加の皿を頼む質問です。 2. I'd like a plate with a double portion please. 時々、レストランに行くとウエイトレスが1つの皿に2人分の食べ物を運んできます。 レストランでの提供方法です。 もし、連れの人がいて、食べ物をその人と分けたいのであれば、もう一度皿を頼むことができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • A share plate

  • A sharing plate

At a restaurant a dish on the menu, or a dish chosen by diners, can be shared between them. There can more than 2 diners sharing a plate, if it is large enough to go around. Example sentence: This restaurant is popular for its sharing plates. Let's have a shared-plate appetizer to begin with. This Chinese restaurant serves the best share plates in town.
レストランでは、メニューの 料理又はお客が選んだ料理は みんなで分けて食べることが できます。 料理が十分取り分けできる ぐらい大きい場合、料理を 2人以上で分けることができます。 例文 This restaurant is popular for its sharing plates. このレストランは、料理を取り分けることが できるので人気がある。 Let's have a shared-plate appetizer to begin with. 最初に取り分けが出来る前菜を食べよう。 This Chinese restaurant serves the best share plates in town. この中華料理店は、町で一番おいしい取り分けが 出来る料理を出す。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • May we get some side plates to share the food, please?

  • May we get some small plates for sharing the food, please?

アメリカとヨーロッパにはシェアする文化はあまりないのですが、上記の言い方をすれば伝わります。必ずなぜ小皿を欲しいかを伝えましょう。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • We'd like to share our food..So can you bring extra plates and cutlery please

  • Sharing dishes at a restuarant can be fun, but you will need extra plates!

There is "no shame" in sharing food around a table with friends... That way we can often get to taste things we would otherwise have missed... When in a ffod establishment you are the customer... And ..."the customer is always right" (adage) So don't be afraid to ask for exactly what you want...!! Some extra plates & cutlery please..we are going to share ;-)
例:We'd like to share our food..So can you bring extra plates and cutlery please 「食事を取り分けたいんです。なのでお皿とナイフをお願いします。」 例:Sharing dishes at a restuarant can be fun, but you will need extra plates! 「レストランで食事を分け合うのはいいね!だけどもっとお皿がいるよ。」 同じテーブルを囲む仲間に料理を分けることは恥ずかしいことではありません。 本来味わえない料理を試すことができますね。 客としてレストランに行くということは、「客がいつも正しい」!(ことわざです。) なので、とりあえず聞いてしまうのがいいでしょう。 「お皿何枚かとナイフをお願いします。分けるんです。」
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Could we have some extra plates please?

  • Can you bring us some more plates please?

Either question should get you some more plates so that you can share. You could also add something like 'Thank you - we'd like them so that we can share food.' Also, you may want extra cutlery to help you divide and plate up the sharing food. You could say something like 'Could we please have some more cutlery/spoons/forks/knives etc?'.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind bringing us extra plates and cutlery please?

  • We'd like to share the meal so please bring extra plates and cutlery.

Would you mind bringing us extra plates and cutlery please? - Extra means more than usual and cutlery means knives and forks. We'd like to share the meal so please bring extra plates and cutlery - this makes it very clear to the waiter that he has to bring sufficient plates and cutlery for the number of people sitting around the table.
例文 Would you mind bringing us extra plates and cutlery please? お皿と食器を余分に頂けますか? Extraは、通常以上ということで、 cutleryは、ナイフとフォークと いうことです。 例文 We'd like to share the meal so please bring extra plates and cutlery 食事を取り分けたいので、 お皿と食器を余分に頂きたいです。 この文は、テーブルに座っている 人の人数分のお皿と食器を持って きて欲しいということをウェイターに はっきりと伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please bring me some smaller plates so we can share this please?

  • Could I have some side plates please so we can share this dish?

If you would like to ask the waiter for some extra small plates to share something, you can say something like "Can you please bring me some smaller plates so we can share this please?" or "Could I have some side plates please so we can share this dish?". These are both easy and polite ways to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Could we get some extra plates, please?

  • Could you bring us a few extra plates, please?

Mishaさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - Could we get some extra plates, please? - Could you bring us a few extra plates, please? お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Please could you get me some extra plates so we can share this food? Thanks

  • Were going to share, so please could you get me some extra plates?

Saying 'please' and 'thank you' is a nice and polite way of asking for what you want. It is seen as extremely rude when you ask for something but dont use manners like please and thank you. You would need extra plates when sharing food, so when asking, you should say you would like extra food.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Could we get some plates for sharing?

  • Can get get some small plates?

  • Could we can some small extra plates?

This question is asked in a pretty straight forward way but can be changed in slight ways and still come out with the same meaning. First its good to mention that you can use, "could," and, "can," interchangeably here, and that it's totally up to you if you want to include the phrase, "for sharing," to explain the purpose of needing/wanting the extra plates.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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