You can use either pick up or collect. Both are natural phrases used when you arrive at a shop to collect your online order.
You can also say "I made an order online, I was wondering if it is available to collect now?".
This is a longer phrase but it is more polite.
「pick up」もしくは「collect」のどちらも使うことができます。
I made an order online, I was wondering if it is available to collect now?
I ordered some shoes online and I would like to pick them up.
*I ordered some shoes online and I would like to pick them up.
This means that you have already paid for the shoes and you would like to pick them up.
For example:
You: I ordered some shoes online an I would like to pick them up.
Cashier: Okay let me help you. Can I have your ID and the order reference number.
*I ordered some shoes online and I would like to pick them up.
You: I ordered some shoes online an I would like to pick them up.
Cashier: Okay let me help you.
Can I have your ID and the order reference number.
I'm here for the shoes I ordered online. Thank you.
I ordered a pair of shoes from your online website and I'm here to pick them up. Thank you.
I'm here for my online order. Thank you
All three phrases can be used when asking for the online order you placed. They all explain the reason why you are at the counter.
The first phrase is more common.
The second phrase explains what you want exactly.
The third phrase is also used.
It's always great to be polite to the retail staff so add a thank you!
Hope this helps!
I ordered shoes online and I am here to collect them.
I am here to pick up the shoes that I ordered online.
I have come to collect the shoes that I ordered online.
You may start with the expression' 'I ordered shoes on line' or the expression 'I am here to pick up', or 'I have come to collect'. Alternatively, you may end with these expressions, such as: I ordered shoes on line and I am here to collect them / pick them up.
So, you may say:
I ordered shoes online and I am here to collect them.
I am here to pick up the shoes that I ordered online.
I have come to collect the shoes that I ordered online.
'I ordered shoes online' (オンラインで靴を注文しまいた)または、 'I am here to pick up'(受け取りに来ました)、 'I have come to collect'(受け取りに来ました)というフレーズで始めるといいでしょう。
I ordered shoes online and I am here to collect them / pick them up.
I ordered shoes online and I am here to collect them.
I am here to pick up the shoes that I ordered online.
I have come to collect the shoes that I ordered online.