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2017/10/12 19:52
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  • That cake tasted store bought!

  • That cake tasted like it was from a bakery

To say that something tasted so good it seemed like it was from a shop, you can say: That cake tasted store bought! Store bought - This means it was purchased from a supermarket, shop or store. You can also say: That cake tasted like it was from a bakery. A bakery sells baked goods like bread, cake, pastries etc. I hope that helps!
何かがまるでお店で買ったもののように美味しかったという場合、次のように言うことができます: That cake tasted store bought! Store bought - それがスーパーマーケットなどのお店で購入したものであることを意味します。 次のように言うこともできます: That cake tasted like it was from a bakery. Bakery はパン、ケーキ、お菓子類を販売しています。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • That cake tasted like it was professionally baked! It was delicious.

By indicating that the cake tasted as if a professional made it, means it tasted really good. People go to professional bakers for very extravagant and luxurious cakes. Telling someone that their cake tasted professionally made is almost better than saying that it tastes like a cake bought from a store.
まるで専門家が作ったような味であると述べることで、本当に美味しかったということを意味します。 人々は豪華なケーキのためにプロフェッショナルのパン屋さんへ行きます。 そのケーキは専門家が作ったような味がすると伝えることは、お店で買ったケーキのような味だと言うよりも良いでしょう。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the cake, it taste just as good as the shops cake.

  • The cake taste so nice its like it came from the shop.

▪Thank you for the cake, it taste just as good as the shops cake. ▪The cake taste so nice its like it came from the shop. ● Example 1 Friend:Did you enjoy the cake? You:Thank you for the cake, it taste just as good as the shops cake. ▪ Example 2 Friend:Did you enjoy the cake? You:The cake taste so nice its like it came from the shop.
▪Thank you for the cake, it taste just as good as the shops cake. ▪The cake taste so nice its like it came from the shop. ● 例1 Friend:Did you enjoy the cake? ケーキは美味しかった? You:Thank you for the cake, it taste just as good as the shops cake. ケーキどうも。 店に置いてあるのと同じくらい美味しかったよ。 ▪ 例2 Friend:Did you enjoy the cake? ケーキ美味しかった? You:The cake taste so nice its like it came from the shop. ケーキすごく美味しくて、まるで店のものみたいだった。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This tastes better than a shop cake!

  • This tastes like something from a top class bakery!

Well, a shop cake may be very good or very average so any comparison with a shop is a little unclear. Usually, in the UK, home cooking would be considered superior to mass produced items sold in shops, so it seems like barely a compliment. However, you could use 'better than.' "This tastes better than a shop cake!" or, "This tastes like something from a top class bakery!"
そうですね、お店のケーキはとても美味しいものもあればそうでもないものもありますので、店のケーキと比較しても、言いたいことがはっきり伝わらないかもしれません。 イギリスでは、家で作ったケーキのほうが、店で大量に作られている商品よりも素晴らしいと考えられていますので、お店と比べることは褒め言葉になるか微妙なところです。 でも'better than.'(~より良い)を使うことで褒めていることは伝わります。 例文 "This tastes better than a shop cake!" このケーキはお店のケーキより美味しいね。 "This tastes like something from a top class bakery!" このケーキはトップクラスのケーキ屋のケーキみたいだね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This cake is scrumptious...just like what they sell at a cakery.

  • This cake is as yummy as the cakes at a cake shop.

  • This cake is delicious. You bake like a professional.

Example sentences: This cake is out of this world! It taste like the cakes at a cake shop. This cake looks and taste the ones you can buy at a cakery. Wow! So scrummy! This cake if far out (extremely good, excellent)...just like the cakes that sell at the local patisserie.
例文 This cake is out of this world! It taste like the cakes at a cake shop. このケーキは 凄くおいしいね。ケーキ屋で売っているケーキみたいだよ。 This cake looks and taste the ones you can buy at a cakery. このケーキは見た目も良くて、おいしそう。ケーキ屋さんのケーキみたいだね。 Wow! So scrummy! This cake is far out (extremely good, excellent)...just like the cakes that sell at the local patisserie. わぁ、本当においしそう。このケーキは素晴らしいね。(本当に良い、素晴らしい)地元のケーキ屋さんで売っているケーキみたい。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • This cake taste professionally made.

  • It tastes like it came from a bakery.

Cakes that are made by professional bakers are found in places called, bakery, cakery, and cake shops. Of course, because these places specialized in baked goods, anytime you compare a person's cakes to these places it will be considered a compliment. For example: Your cake tastes like it came from a bakery. Your cakes tastes like it is from a cakery. It tastes professionally made.
プロのパン職人が作るケーキは、"bakery"、"cakery"、"cake shops"と呼ばれる場所にあります。 もちろん,これらの店は焼き菓子を専門にしています。ですから、個人のケーキをこれらの店のものに例えれば、それは常に褒め言葉になります。 例文 Your cake tastes like it came from a bakery. (あなたのケーキはパン屋さんのケーキの味がする) Your cakes tastes like it is from a cakery. (あなたのケーキはケーキ屋さんのケーキの味がする) It tastes professionally made. (プロが作ったような味だね)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • That cake tasted as if it came from a bakery

  • That cake tasted like it was shop bought

  • The cake tasted so good i thought it was from a bakery

By saying the cake tasted good will make your friend feel happy if you say "it tasted as if it came from a bakery" it means that it tasted really good and will make your friend feel pleased You could add better than if you want to let them know how good it was so to say - "the cake tasted better than shop bought"
ケーキがおいしかったと言えば友達も喜んでくれるでしょう。 It tasted as if it came from a bakery (パン屋さんのくらいおいしかった) この例では、すごくおいしかったと言っています。友達も喜んでくれるでしょう。 「better than」を加えて、おいしさを表すこともできます。 例: The cake tasted better than shop bought. (ケーキ屋さんよりおいしい)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Your cake tastes like it came from a bakery.

「あなたのケーキお店で売っているものみたい。」は、 "Your cake tastes like it came from a bakery." "taste like"は複合動詞で「~のような味がする」という意味です。後に節や名詞が続きます。 "come from"は、「~からのものである」 "bakery"は、「パン・ケーキ販売店」 という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • It tasted so good, I thought you bought it at a store!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「It tasted so good, I thought you bought it at a store!」 =すごく美味しくてお店で売っているものかと思った。 (例文)How was the cake?// It tasted so good, I thought you bought it at a store! (訳)ケーキどうだった?//すごく美味しくてお店で売っているものかと思った。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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