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ドリンクを売っているお店で、甘さと、氷の量がメニューから選べるんですけど、 その時に言うフレーズを教えてください! かしこまったお店ではないので、簡単な軽めのものでお願いします!
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2018/06/11 12:27
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  • How sweet do you want your drink? How much ice would you like?

  • Would you like your drink to be a little sweet or very sweet? Also, how much ice do you want?

In customer service when asking a customer a question like this, its always easy and reliable to ask "How much ice....." or "How sweet..." they would like. This is polite and gives them the chance to make it clear how they like their drinks. You can also offer them the choice between very sweet or a little sweet, this is a good option if you want to ensure clarity between you and the customer .
お客さんにこのような質問をするときには、"How much ice....." や "How sweet..." の形が簡単で頼りになります。これは、飲み物をどのようにしたいか尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 他に、すごく甘い(very sweet)のが良いか少し甘い(a little sweet)のが良いか選択肢を与えることもできます。これは相手の気持ちを明確に確認したいときに使えます。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • Here are your options for sweetness and ice.

Because you have a menu behind you it is easy to just point to the menu that shows the options. This would only work with the menu as a display. If you didn't have the menu you would say, "We have different levels of sweetness, they are ... We also have different amounts of ice you can have..." You would have to say the options for the sweetness and the options for the amounts of ice. But with the menu you can say, "Here are your options for sweetness and ice." You will have to point to the menu, but they will understand.
後ろにオプションを示したメニューがあるので、それを指さすと簡単です。上の例はメニューが掲示されている場合のみ有効です。 メニューがないなら: "We have different levels of sweetness, they are ... We also have different amounts of ice you can have..." 〔訳〕甘さは数種類あります... お選び頂ける氷の量もいくつかあります... 甘さと氷の量のオプション(「...」)を伝える必要があります。 もしメニューがあるなら: "Here are your options for sweetness and ice." 〔訳〕甘さと氷の量のオプションはこちらです ↑メニューを指さして言わないといけませんが、これで伝わります。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Ice and sugar?

  • Ice? Very sweet, sweet, or barely sweet?

In cases where you wish to describe a stronger effect, you can place 'very' before the appropriate adjective. Eg. "John is a very good swimmer." In cases where you wish to describe a weaker effect, you can place 'barely' before the appropriate adjective. Eg. "The oven is barely hot - I can touch it without burning myself."
あなたが強い効果を期待したい場合は、適切な形容詞の前に、「very」を置くといいでしょう。 例)John is a very good swimmer. (ジョーンはとても優秀な泳ぎ手です。) あなたが弱めの効果を期待したい場合は、適切な形容詞の前に、「barely」を置くといいでしょう。 例)The oven is barely hot - I can touch it without burning myself. (オーブンはほとんど熱くありません。やけどせずに触ることができます。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How sweet would you like your drink to be?

  • How much sugar would you like in your beverage?

  • Would you like some ice? How much ice would you like?

If you want to ask the customers about how much sweetness or ice they would like in their beverages, you could ask a few different things. For the sweetness, you could ask some things like this: "How sweet would you like your drink to be?" or "How much sugar would like in your beverage?" If you are talking about ice, you could ask: "Would you like some ice?" or "How much ice would you like?" If you want the customer to decide, you could point to the menu and say something like: "Please choose how much ice you would like in your drink and how sweet you want it to be."
お客様に飲み物にどのくらいの甘さと氷を希望するかを尋ねたい場合には、いくつかの異なることを聞くことができます。 甘さについては次のように聞くことができます: "How sweet would you like your drink to be?" (お飲物はどのくらいの甘さがよろしいでしょうか) または "How much sugar would like in your beverage?" (お飲物にどのくらいの量のお砂糖をご希望でしょうか) 氷について話している場合は次のように尋ねることができます: "Would you like some ice?" (氷はいかがでしょうか) または "How much ice would you like?" (どれくらいの氷をご希望でしょうか) お客様に選んで欲しい場合はメニューを指差して次のように言うことができます: "Please choose how much ice you would like in your drink and how sweet you want it to be." (お飲物のご希望の氷の量と甘さをお選びください)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like for your drink to be sweet or not?

  • Do you like a little or a lot of ice in your drink?

Both of these questions touch on the extremes of either having a very sweet or not sweet drink and a little or a lot of ice. The person will respond to you that either they like one of those extremes or something in the middle. From there you should be able to decide the appropriate amount of sugar and ice to add to their drink. I hope this helps :)
どちらの質問も、両極端の選択肢に触れています: 「甘い(sweet)」「甘くない(not sweet)」、 「氷少し(a little)」「氷たくさん(a lot)」。 相手はその二つのどちらか、もしくはその間を選びます。そこから、砂糖・氷の量を決められるはずです。 参考になるといいです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How sweet would you like it?

  • How much ice would you like?

  • You can choose how sweet and how much ice you would like.

The best thing to do it this situation is show the customer the menu and tell them that they can choose how sweet they would like their drink and also how much ice they would like. ''Here is the menu. You can choose how sweet and how much ice you would like.''
この状況では、メニューを見せて「飲み物の甘さと氷の量を選べる」と伝えるのがベストです。 ''Here is the menu. You can choose how sweet and how much ice you would like.'' (こちらがメニューです。甘さと氷の量をお選びいただけます)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How sweet would you like your drink? and how much ice would you like?

  • Please choose from the menu how sweet and how much ice you would like in your drink

You would really need to ask the person these 2 questions as everyone likes things different so you would ask 'how sweet would you like your drink, how much ice would you like?' this would give you the answer you need the customer might not know the choices so you might show them the menu and let them choose and let you know the way they want it
人それぞれ好みが違いますから、この二つの質問は必ず聞かないといけないでしょうね。 次のように言えます。 'how sweet would you like your drink, how much ice would you like?'(飲み物の甘さはどうされますか。氷はどのくらい入れましょうか) これで、あなたの知りたいことが分かります。 もしかするとお客さんは選択肢を知らないかもしれません。その場合は、メニューを見せて選んでもらうこともできます。(例2)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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