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  • Congratulations on your graduation, so proud of you.

  • You graduated, congratulations.

▪Congratulations on your graduation, so proud of you. >Congratulations=words expressing one's praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion >Proud=feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated ▪You graduated, congratulations. >This is a short and sweet way of saying congratulations. ............................................................
▪Congratulations on your graduation, so proud of you. (卒業おめでとう、あなたをとっても誇りに思います) >Congratulations=特別な時などにおめでとうと言う意味で送る言葉です。 >Proud=大喜びの気持ちで、親しい人などが何かを成し遂げたり、満足したりした時などに、誇りに思う気持ちを表したものです。 ▪You graduated, congratulations. (卒業したね、おめでとう) これは短くて親切なおめでとうと言う表現です。 Congratulations は Congrats と訳すこともできます。 Congrats の方がカジュアルな印象になります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Yay! You did it! Congratulations.

You express your happiness with the word 'yay'. "Yay, no more school" "yay, we finish early today". 'You did it' - you can replace graduation with this phrase. You did it - you graduated. If you want to include 'graduation', you can say it like this, "Yay! You graduated! Congratulations".
"Yay! You did it! Congratulations." (イェイ!やったね!おめでとう) 'yay'を使って喜びを表すことが出来ます。 "Yay, no more school" (イェイ!学校終わった!) "yay, we finish early today" (イェイ!今日は早く終わった) 'You did it'(よくやったね) graduationの代わりにこのフレーズを使うことも出来ます。 You did it (やったね)= you graduated (卒業した) 'graduation'の言葉を含みたかったら、次のように言うことが出来ます。 "Yay! You graduated! Congratulations". (イェイ!卒業したね!おめでとう!)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on your graduation buddy!

  • You actually graduated dude!

  • I thought you'd drop out years ago, but you surprised me!

Youn could congratulate your friend in a straightforward way: "Congratulations on your graduation buddy!" Or, as this seems a little overused, more typically, people may comment something like: "You actually graduated dude!" or, "I thought you'd drop out years ago, but you surprised me!" These are attempts at humour and it is not unusual for such comments to sometimes be rude or insulting - but of course, in a friendly way.
友人をシンプルな表現でお祝いすることができます: "Congratulations on your graduation buddy!" (卒業おめでとう!) または、これは少し頻繁に使われすぎている様にも思えますが、 もっと一般的には、 "You actually graduated dude!" (おい、本当に卒業したなッ!)または、 "I thought you'd drop out years ago, but you surprised me!" (数年前に学校をやめてしまうと思ったが、驚いたもんだよ!) この言い方は冗談をほのめかしているので、 時々失礼な言い方であることはは珍しくありません。 ですが、もちろんフレンドリーな表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on your graduations. You did it!

  • Well done for your graduation. You outdid yourself.

*Congratulations on your graduations. You did it!- Remember we say "on" we do not say "of." This shows that you are happy for your friend and you are happy for them. *Well done for your graduation. You outdid yourself.- This means that you did unexpectedly well. It may mean that you even graduated with distinctions. What an icing on the cake. Icing on the cake is an expression that means something that makes a good situation even better. In this case your friend did not only graduate but they also graduated with distinctions.
*Congratulations on your graduations. You did it! (卒業おめでとう!やったね!) "of"ではなく "on" を使うのを覚えておきましょう。これは、お友達が卒業する事が自分も嬉しいという事を表しています。 *Well done for your graduation. You outdid yourself. (卒業おめでとう。あなたはよくやりましたね) これは、予想以上によくやりましたね、と言う意味です。 "What an icing on the cake." (なんて花を添えているんでしょう) "Icing on the cake"とは、すでに良いものにさらに花を添えて状況をよく言う表現です。 この場合、あなたの友人はただ卒業しただけではなく、りっぱな成績で卒業したわけですね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Well done on your graduation!

  • Good job graduating school!

Congratulations = Word we use when we want to commend someone else's accomplishment We use this word when we understand that the achievement we are referring to is important to the person that achieved it (the person we are congratulating). You can say "Good job graduating school" or "Good job graduating from school", both of these are acceptable.
Congratulations = 人が何かを達成したことを褒めたいと思っている時に使う言葉です。 この言葉を使うのは、話題にしている功績が、それを達成した人(お祝いしている人)にとって重要な時です。 "Good job graduating school" 又は"Good job graduating from school"(頑張って卒業したね)は 両方共好ましい表現です。
Matt We DMM英会話講師
  • congratulations

  • congratulate, to comment on an achievement or event

Examples "congratulations on your graduation" or "i wanted to congratulate you on passing your exams"
例文 "Congratulations on your graduation" 卒業おめでとう! "I wanted to congratulate you on passing your exams" 試験に合格したことであなたにおめでとうを言いたかった。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on graduating!

  • Congratulations on your graduation! You should be so proud

  • What an achievement! You've graduated! Well done!

You can say to someone who has just recently graduated 'congratulations'. This means that you are pleased and happy for their achievements and you want to congratulate them for it. hope this helps teacher jemxii
最近卒業した人に対して “Congratulations!” (おめでとう!) ということができます。 その人の成果に対して満足で嬉しくてお祝いしたいという意味です。 役に立ちますように Jemxii先生
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on graduating!

  • Congratulations on your big achievement!

"Congratulations on graduating!" Congratulations = praising someone for an achievement or accomplishment they made. "Congratulations on your big achievement!" Achievement = something done successfully, such as finishing school.
Congratulations on graduating! (卒業おめでとう!) Congratulationsは、誰かがなしとげた業績や成功を称賛するときに使います。 Congratulations on your big achievement! (偉大な業績、おめでとう!) Achievementは、学校を終了する等、成功した何かを指します。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on your graduation.

  • So proud of you, Congradulations.

Simple way would be just saying "Congratulations on your graduation" But by using the second phrase it would be showing you was happy for them.
シンプルに言うなら、 "Congratulations on your graduation"(卒業おめでとう) となるでしょう。 二つ目の例では、話し手の喜びも表しています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on your graduation!

  • You graduated! well done!

"Congratulations on your graduation!" a very widely used phrase, congratulations often at the start of the sentence, to emphasize the word, ex."congratulations on passing your driving test!" "You graduated! well done!" 'Graduated' is the term for someone who has passed graduation.
"Congratulations on your graduation!"(卒業おめでとう) = 非常に一般的なフレーズです。'Congratulations' はしばしば文頭に置かれその後の言葉を強調します。 例: "Congratulations on passing your driving test!"(運転免許試験の合格おめでとう) "You graduated! well done!"(卒業だね。おめでとう) = 'Graduated' は「卒業した」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Well done on your graduation!

  • Congratulations for your graduation!

  • Great work on your graduation!

Graduating is a long-awaited experience, studying is difficult and exhausting and so once we pass and complete our studies, it feels great to graduate. To congratulate someone, use the sentences above. Long-awaited: something you have been waiting for a long time for Exhausting: very tiring "Congratulations on your graduation Thulani, you have made us all proud!"
卒業は待ちに待った機会で、勉強は難しく大変です。ですので、学業が終わると、気持ちよく卒業を迎えることができます。 お祝いするときはこれらのフレーズがぴったりです。    Long-awaited: 長い間待つこと Exhausting: とても疲れる "Congratulations on your graduation Thulani, you have made us all proud!" (トゥラニ、卒業おめでとう。誇りに思うよ!)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • congratulations on your graduation

  • good work on graduating

Congratulations = Word we use when we want to commend someone else's accomplishment.
Congratulations = 他人の成果を褒めたいときに使われる言葉。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Congratulations on your graduation!

  • Congratulations on graduating!

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・Congratulations on your graduation! ・Congratulations on graduating! どちらも「卒業おめでとう」という意味の英語表現です。 graduate で「卒業する」、graduation で「卒業」です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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