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2015/11/04 07:47
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  • Here's looking at you, kid.

「ライトな感じ」というのがちょっと分からなかったのですが(すみません)、 とりあえず、ハンフリー・ボガート(Humphrey Bogart)が 映画「カサブランカ(Casablanca)」の中で言ったセリフは Here's looking at you, kid. です。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Here's to your beautiful eyes. / Here's to your lovely eyes.

  • Here's to you (and your lovely eyes).

  • Cheers to you. / Here's to you.

Here's to your eyes. ではなく、ちゃんと beautiful などのほめ言葉を含めるのがポイントです。 eyesを使わなくても、Cheers to you. や Here's to you. でも同様のニュアンスを表すフレーズになります。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Here's looking at you!

  • I toast your beautiful eyes!

"Here's looking at you!" This is a famous line from a Humphrey Bogart film entitled: 'Casablanca.' An early filmed instance of the expression also occurs in the movie 'Three on a Match' (1932), as Michael Loftus (Lyle Talbot's character) attempts to woo/seduce Vivian Kirkwood (Ann Dvorak): Michael: Here you are, darling. [He hands Vivian a martini.] Well, here's looking at you. Vivian: At me? Michael: Yeah! And liking it, too! Depending on who you are with, of course, you may also say romantically:"I toast your beautiful eyes!"
"Here's looking at you!" 'Casablanca.'という映画の有名なセリフです。 また、 'Three on a Match' (1932)のMichael Liftusが、Vivian Kirkwoodに迫ろうとするシーンにもあります。 Michael: Here you are, darling. [He hands Vivian a martini.] Well, here's looking at you. Vivian: At me? Michael: Yeah! And liking it, too! 誰が一緒にいるかでロマンティックにいうこともできます。 "I toast your beautiful eyes!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • here's looking at you

  • toast to your beautiful face

  • here's a toast to you

example "Here's a toast to you" or "Toast to your beautiful face" or "Here's looking at you"
 "Here's a toast to you" あなたに乾杯。   "Toast to your beautiful face"  美しいあなたに乾杯。 "Here's looking at you" あなたを見ているよ。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for lending me your eyes

  • Thanks for those beautiful peepers!

If you are thanking someone for looking at something for you, i.e., using their eyes to help you, you can say "thanks for lending me your eyes!" It sounds as though you are borrowing their eyes for a short time, but it is a common expression. If you are thanking someone for having such beautiful eyes, because looking at their eyes brings you joy, an old-fashioned term for eyes is "peepers". It adds to the 'cuteness' of thanking someone for their eyes!
あなたを見つめてくれる誰かに感謝を伝えたい場合(例:誰かが目を使って助けてくれているとき)以下のように言うことができます。 "thanks for lending me your eyes!" 目を貸してくれてありがとうございます! 短期間目を借りているように聞こえますが、これはよく使われる表現です。 見つめられるだけで幸せになるくらい美しい目を持っていることに感謝を伝えたい場合の、目という意味の古い単語は"peepers"(目)です。 これは誰かの目に感謝している、という行いの格好よさを加味します。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • Here's to looking at you.

  • Here's to you.

When making a toast we usually say: Here's to..., Cheers to...., or Toast to..... So if you are making a reference to someone's eyes, you can say Cheers to or toast to your beautiful eyes.
乾杯をするときには、Here's to..., Cheers to..., Toast to...と言います。 ですので、もし「瞳に乾杯」と言いたい場合は、 Cheers to/toast to your beautiful eyes. (あなたのキレイな瞳に乾杯)と言えます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Lets toast to you beautiful eyes.

  • To your beautiful eyes, cheers!

>Lets toast to you beautiful eyes. *toast='verb' in honour of (someone or something) by raising one's glass together with others. >To your beautiful eyes, cheers! *cheers=expressing good wishes before drinking.
Lets toast to you beautiful eyes. 「toast」とは、周りの人と一緒にグラスを掲げる意味の動詞です。 乾杯を意味します。 To your beautiful eyes, cheers! 「cheers」とは飲む前に祝いのときに使われる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
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