世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/30 19:18
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  • Do you have pictures? I want to see them!

  • Do you have pictures? Can you show me?

  • Did you take any pictures? May I see them?

1番目の"Do you have pictures? I want to see them!"は「写真はありますか?見たいです!」と言う意味です。 2番目の"Do you have pictures? Can you show me?"は「写真はありますか?それらを私に見せていただけますか?」という意味です。 3番目の"Did you take any pictures? May I see them?"は「写真は撮りましたか?それらを私が見てもいいですか?」という意味です。 他にも"I would love to see some pictures."(写真をとても見たいです)などと伝えることもできます。
Karen I English teacher
  • Did you take any pictures? Can I see them?

  • May I please take a look at the pictures of your trip if you have any?

  • Can I see the pictures you took of your trip?

If you want to be polite about asking someone to see the pictures of their trip you can say: Do you have any pictures of your trip? May I see them? May I please take a look at the pictures of your trip if you have any? Did you take any pictures of your trip? Would you mind if I take a look? If you are close friends and you know they always take pictures: (informal) Can I see the pictures of your trip? Got any pics I can see? Can I see some pics? Can I see some photos?
旅行の写真を見せて欲しいと丁寧にお願いするなら、以下のように言えます: Do you have any pictures of your trip? May I see them? 旅行の写真はありますか?見せてもらってもいいですか? May I please take a look at the pictures of your trip if you have any? もしあったら、旅行の写真を見せてもらってもいいですか? Did you take any pictures of your trip? Would you mind if I take a look? 旅行で写真を撮りましたか?見せてもらってもいいですか? 相手が親しい友人で、いつも写真を撮る人なら:(インフォーマル) Can I see the pictures of your trip? 旅行の写真見せてもらえる? Got any pics I can see? 写真とかある? Can I see some pics? 写真見せてもらえる? Can I see some photos? 写真見せてもらえる?
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • Let me see the pictures. That's if you took any.

  • May I see some of the photographs you took?

The first answer here is an informal request of a friend or colleague and the second answer is more formal and polite, perhaps if you were speaking to a superior. 'May I' is a polite way of requesting something. It cold be proceeded by the word 'Please'. e.g. 'Please may I see....'
1つ目の回答は友達や同僚のカジュアルなお願いで、2つ目は(目上の人と話すときなど)よりフォーマルで丁寧な表現です。 'May I'(~してもいいですか?)は何かをお願いする丁寧な表現です。'Please'を付けるとより丁寧になります。 'Please may I see....' ~を見てもいいですか?
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Did you take any pictures? I'd like to see them

  • Do you have any pictures? I want to see them.

When you want to ask your friend about pictures taken at an event they went to, then you can ask in the following ways: -Did you take any pictures? I'd like to see them -Do you have any pictures? I want to see them.
友達が何かのイベントに行ったときに撮った写真を見せてほしい時は、 次のように尋ねることが出来ます。 【例文】 -Did you take any pictures? I'd like to see them (写真撮りました?見たいです) -Do you have any pictures? I want to see them. (写真ありますか?見たいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Did you take any pictures? Show me!

  • May I see any pictures you took?

Take any pictures: the word take is a verb used with pictures meaning they snapped a pictures with their camera. Any of the two phrases can be used with friends and acquaintances. May I is a correct form to use instead of Can I. May I is asking permission and politer. Hope this helps!
Take any pictures(写真を撮る): takeは、カメラで写真を撮るという意味の動詞です。 この2つのフレーズどちらも、友達や知り合いに使うことができます。   May Iとは、Can Iの正式な表現で、~してもいいですかという意味です。 May Iは、許可を求める、より丁寧な表現です。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any pictures of the event? Please show me if you have them.

  • Please show me pictures of the event if you have any.

  • If you do have any pictures of the place, please show me. I would like to see them.

When talking about events or places they attended or visited, some people can make it so interesting that you wish you were there. As a result, you become so interested that you would like to see pictures of the event or place they are talking about. Whether it is an event or a place that your friend is talking about, you may ask him/her as follows: Do you have any pictures of the event? Please show me if you have them. or Please show me pictures of the event if you have any. or If you do have any pictures of the place, please show me. I would like to see them.
参加したイベントや行った場所について、自分もそこにいたかったと思わせるように上手に話す人がいますね。そのイベントの写真を見てみたいと思うかもしれません。 イベントであれ、場所であれ、次のように聞けます。 Do you have any pictures of the event? Please show me if you have them. 【訳】イベントの写真はありますか。あれば見たいです。 Please show me pictures of the event if you have any. 【訳】イベントの写真があれば、見せてください。 If you do have any pictures of the place, please show me. I would like to see them. 【訳】その場所の写真があれば見せてください。見たいです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you have any pictures of it?

  • Can I see the pictures of [that event]?

  • I would love to see some pictures of that.

If someone is telling you a story of how they went swimming with the dolphins, of course you would ask to see some pictures. "I would love to see pictures of that" or "Do you have any pictures?" You do not need to repeat the specific event, but just mention "of it" or "of that" or nothing at all. This is only if you are in the middle of a conversation. Instead, if you want to see picture of a specific thing your friend did, "I would love to see pictures of when you went swimming with the dolphins!"
もし誰かに、イルカと一緒に泳いだ話をされたら、当然その時の写真を見せて欲しいとお願いすると思います。 "I would love to see pictures of that"(その写真を見たいわ) "Do you have any pictures?"(写真持ってないの?) 具体的なイベントを繰り返す必要はありません。"of it"(それの)や "of that"(あれの)、または何も言いません。ただこれは会話中だけです。 具体的なことに言及するなら、例えば: "I would love to see pictures of when you went swimming with the dolphins!" (あなたがイルカと泳いだ時の写真が見たいわ!)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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