世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/04 18:12
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  • He took a photo surreptitiously

  • He is a secret snapper

  • He has a hidden camera

To snap (a photograph) = to take a photograph. A snapper = someone who takes snaps. "Michael placed a hidden camera in the female changing room." Someone who takes photos or makes film and tries to hide this fact may be described as doing this surreptitiously. Surreptitiously = In a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively. "Mary surreptitiously slipped from the room."
To snap (a photograph) = 写真を撮ること A snapper = 写真を撮る人 例文 "Michael placed a hidden camera in the female changing room." マイケルは女性の更衣室に隠しカメラを仕掛けた。 写真や映画を作り、このことを隠そうとする人は、こっそりとすると表現することが出来ます。 Surreptitiously =気付かれないように、注意をひかないようにする様子。こっそりと。 例文 "Mary surreptitiously slipped from the room." メアリーはコソコソと部屋から出ていった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He slyly/sneakily took a photo of her.

  • He was slick in the way he took the photo.

  • A peeping Tom.

"He slyly took a photo of her" - To be "sly" means to have or show a cunning or deceitful nature. Also, deceiving people in a clever way in order to get what you want. This sentence means that he intended to take a photo of her secretly and that he was successful because he did so slyly. Using the word "sneakily" would also be correct since this means doing things in a secret and unfair way especially when you do it without telling anyone or when you should not really do it "He was slick in the way he took the photo." - For something to be "slick" means for it to be done in a smooth or efficient way. In this sentence this can mean that the photographer took the photo he wanted in a smooth and efficient way, namely to hide the camera away so as soon to attract attention to himself and what he was doing. "A peeping Tom." is a phrase used for a person who derives sexual pleasure from secretly watching people undressing or engaging in sexual activity. This person can then takeout a step further and document this by taking photographs of women undressing or naked.
"He slyly took a photo of her" - "sly"でいるということは、狡猾に欺くことを示しています。 また、ずるがしこい方法で人を欺くということはあなたが欲しいものを手に入れるためです。 この文章は彼が彼女の写真を内緒で撮りたがっていて、ずる賢いので成功したということを意味しています。 "sneakily"という単語を使うと、何かを内緒で行うこと、特に誰かに何も言わずに、本当はすべきではないことを不当な方法で行うことを意味しているので、これも正しいです。 "He was slick in the way he took the photo." - 何かに対して"slick"でいることは、順調に効果的な方法で何かを終えるということを意味しています。 この文章では、写真を撮った人が望んでいたものを順調に効果的な方法で撮ったということ、つまり、注意をひかずに素早くカメラを隠したということを意味しています。 "A peeping Tom." これは、服を着ていない人や性に関することをこっそり見ることで性的な興奮を得る人を表すのに使われるフレーズです。 この人は服を脱いだ、または裸の女性の写真を撮ることによって記録して、さらに一歩を踏み出す可能性があるでしょう。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Peeping Tom

"Peeping Tom" thats basically it, there is no other way of describing this person. Since it is for immoral purposes. A peeping tom is a person that finds sexual satisfaction watching other people get undressed and or having sex. All these people have mental health issues and are very dangerous.
「peeping Tom」。基本的にはこれです。これ以外にこの人を表す言い方はありません。ふしだらな目的ですなので。「peeping Tom」とは、性的な欲求を満たすために、人が着替えたり性行為をするのをのぞき見する人のことです。精神的な問題があり、とても危険な人ですね。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • He has a hidden camera.

  • He secretly took some photos.

Using words such as "hidden" and "secretly" implies that the other person(s) don't know. You can also use words like "slick" or "sly". There are also persons who their job is to take pictures in this way. They usually take pictures of celebrities and they are referred to as paparazzi.
 "hidden" や "secretly" は、他の人が知らないということを指します。 "slick" (巧妙な、ずる賢い)や "sly"(悪賢い)という言葉を使うこともできます。また、このように写真を撮ることを仕事にしている人もいます。たいていセレブの写真を撮り、パパラッチと言われています。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • sneaky pic

  • candid photo

  • taking a photo without consent.

Being "sneaky" means to sneak around or to act without others' knowledge. "Pic" is short for "picture" so a "sneaky pic" is good way of saying to take a photo without someone's knowledge. "Candid photo" also means the same thing; however, a candid photo is often something welcomed as it captures a more natural pose. For example, at a wedding, photographers often try to get candid photos of the bride and groom and guests. "Without consent" means that the person in the photo did not give permission for the photo to be taken and/or used.
「sneaky(形容詞)」は「(人に気付かれず)コソコソする」という意味です。「pic」は「picture(写真)」の省略なので、「sneaky pic」は、人に気づかれずに写真を撮ることになります。 「candid photo(ポーズをとらない写真)」も同じ意味です。ただ、こちらは自然体の写真を撮ることなので、ポジティブな意味のことが多いです。例えば、結婚式でよくカメラマンが新郎新婦、ゲストの「candid photo」を撮ります。 「without consent」とは、写真の中の人が、写真を撮ったり使ったりする許可をしていないことを表します。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • It is not right to take a photo of someone without their consent.

  • Snapping a top secret photo without someone noticing is not a done thing!

  • Secretly taking a picture of someone is really bad!

You need permission before taking a photo of someone. If you do not get their consent, you are in breach of the Privacy Act. Taking a photo of a person on the sly shows poor character.
人の写真を撮る前は、許可を 取る必要があります。 同意を得ていない場合は、 プライバシー法違反になります。 こっそりと人の写真を取れば 性格が良くないということが 分かります。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • sneak taking photos / videos

盗撮という単語自体英語にはないので「内緒で写真(ビデオ)を撮影する」というように英語にするときは言い換える必要があります。 These photos were taken non-consensually. これらの写真は同意なく撮られたものです。 He secretly took a photo of his ex-girlfriend. 彼は元カノの写真を内緒で撮影した。 A: Do you think he was a spy? B: Maybe. I saw him trying to sneak taking photographs. A: 彼はスパイだと思いませんか? B: 多分。盗撮してるのを見かけました。
  • taking pictures without permission

  • taking secret photos

英語には「盗撮」のような便利な一言がないため、taking pictures without permission(無許可で写真を撮ること)や taking secret pictures(写真をこっそり撮ること)と言わなければいけないです。 例) The man was arrested on suspicion of photographing women secretly 男性が女性の盗撮の容疑で逮捕されました。 The celebrity complained of being secretly photographed while on vacation その芸能人が旅行中で盗撮されたことについて不満を言いました。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • He is a voyeur

  • He enjoys voyeurism

  • There are hidden cameras everywhere

Someone who take videos/photgraphs without permission for immoral purposes is called a voyeur. They take part in voyeurism.
モラルに反する目的で許可をとらずにビデオや写真を撮る人のことを、 voyeurと言います。そのような人は、voyeurism(のぞき見)をします。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • He sneaked in a few shots without her knowledge.

  • He took some underhand shots without her permission.

He sneaked in a few shots without her knowledge. The word sneaked implies sly and deceitful behaviour. The victim is often unaware of what has happened until it is too late. He took some underhand shots without her permission. Underhand also implies that, by not asking permission first, he acted in a cunning and immoral way.
He sneaked in a few shots without her knowledge. 彼は、彼女に気づかれずにこっそり写真を何枚か撮った。 sneakedとはこそこそ、人を騙す行為を意味します。  The  victim is often unaware of what has happened until it is too late 被害者は多くの場合、手遅れになるまで何が起こったか気づかない。  He took some underhand shots without her permission. 彼は、彼女の許可を得ずにこそこそ写真を撮った。 Underhandも、許可を得ずに、こそこそするモラルに反する行為を意味します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • a) He took a photo of her without her consent

  • b) He secretly took pictures of her

  • c) He took a photo without her knowing

a) He took a photo of her without her consent *Consent -give permission for something to happen. "he consented to a search by a detective" b) He secretly took pictures of her *Secretly -in a secret way; without others knowing. "the two were secretly married in 1751" c) He took a photo without her knowing She did not know he was taking pictures of her / She was unaware that he was taking pictures of her I hope this helps ! :-)
a) He took a photo of her without her consent  彼は彼女の同意なしに彼女の写真を撮った。 *Consent -何かをするのに許可をとること "he consented to a search by a detective" 彼は、探偵の捜査に同意した。   b) He secretly took pictures of her  彼は密かに彼女の写真を撮った。 *Secretly -密かに、気づかれずに "the two were secretly married in 1751" その二人は1751年に密かに結婚した。 c) He took a photo without her knowing  彼は、彼女に知られずに写真を撮った。 She did not know he was taking pictures of her / She was unaware that he was taking pictures of her 彼女は、彼が彼女の写真を撮っていたのをしらなかった。/彼女は、彼が彼女の写真を撮っていたのに気が付いていなかった。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • "He took photos up a woman's skirt."

英語には「盗撮」を一言で表す単語がありません。 「盗撮」は文章で説明しなければなりません。 【例】 "He took photos up a woman's skirt." 〔直訳〕彼は女性のスカートの中をカメラで撮りました。 〔意訳〕彼は女性のスカートの中を盗撮しました。 この文は「彼は女性のスカートの中を盗撮した」という意味です。 最近はスマートフォンを使ってスカートの中を盗撮する行為が海外でも問題になっています。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • He sneakily took a photo.

  • He secretly took a photo.

If you want to explain that someone took a photo in way that other people couldn't see, you can say: "He sneakily took a photo." "He secretly took a photo."
「こっそり写真を撮った」は次のように言えます。 "He sneakily took a photo." "He secretly took a photo." (彼はこっそり写真を撮った)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • peeping tom

  • secret photographer

  • voyeur

ご質問ありがとうございます。 盗撮 は英語で peeping tom と訳出します。
  • non-consensual photography

  • ~without consent

「盗撮」を完璧に英訳はできないが、一番近い "フレーズ” は non-consensual photography です。non-consensual は承諾してないという意味で、photography は写真のことです。 例文: Non-consensual photography is a crime. 盗撮は犯罪です。 又は without consent ともいえます。これも承諾してないという意味です。 That man took a girl's photo without her consent. あの男は女の子を盗撮した。
  • Taking photos in secret

  • Voyeurism

日本語の「盗撮」が英語でか「Taking photos in secret」か「Voyeurism」といいます。 以下は例文です。 社会問題でもある盗撮です ー Voyeurism is a big social issue 電車に乗っているときに、盗撮に注意する必要があります ー You must be careful of people taking photos in secret on the train 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Police will arrest anyone who is a voyeur.

  • Voyeurism is a very bad habit to have.

  • Photos taken in secret, being a voyeur is evil, stop it.

盗撮 voyeur, un-consensual photos 警察は盗撮者を逮捕します。 Police will arrest anyone who is a voyeur. 盗撮は非常に悪い習慣です。 Voyeurism is a very bad habit to have. 秘密裏に撮影した写真は、盗撮あることは、 それを停止し、悪です。 Photos taken in secret, being a voyeur is evil, stop it.
  • peeping tom

the most common way to refer to a person who does this, is to call them a peeping tom. this includes somebody who takes photos without consent, tries to look into the window of somebody who is changing or somebody who would steal items of somebody for sexual satisfaction.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • secretly taking a photo

  • sneaking a snap

When someone takes a photo of someone/something in a way that people can't may be reffered to as: -secretly taking a photo -sneaking a photo. You may use the above phrases in the following ways: -Secretly taking a photo of a person is wrong because you are doing it without their consent. -Sam tried to sneak a snap of his employee when he was stealing from the cash register.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sneaky

  • Sly

  • Peeping Tom

"Sneaky" and "sly" are both very similar in their meaning, when something is done usually without consent and in a secret and cunning manor. "I took a sly Photo without them knowing". "I was very sneaky getting into my house so my parents didn't see me". "Peeping Tom" is the expression given to someone who takes photos of people without their permission, usually these photos are off a adulterous demeanor.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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