世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/08 08:35
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  • Did I say that right?

  • Do you understand what I am saying?

  • Do I make sense?

Did I say that right? - A simple way of asking someone whether what you have said is correct. Do you understand what I am saying?- A way of politely asking whether what you have said has been understood. Do I make sense? Did my sentence make sense? - This is a great way of asking whether what you are saying is correct and understood.
Did I say that right? - あなたが言ったことが正しいかどうかをきくシンプルな表現です。 Do you understand what I am saying? - あなたが言ったことが理解されていたかをきく丁寧な表現です。 Do I make sense? Did my sentence make sense? - これはあなたが言っていることが正しく理解されたかどうかを尋ねる素晴らしい表現です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Did I express myself in the correct way?

  • Was my sentence correct?

  • Was my word order correct?

▪ Did I express myself in the correct way? express = say what one thinks or means This is asking the teacher if you have said what you wanted to in the correct way. ▪ Was my sentence correct? This is asking directly if your sentence was correct and or if there were any mistakes. ▪ Was my word order correct? Word order is when you make a sentence and putting your words in the correct order to construct the perfect sentence. If your word is is not correct your sentence will not make sense.
・Did I express myself in the correct way? express =自分の思ったことや意見を言うこと。 講師に自分の思ったことが正しく言えていたかを聞くときに使うと良いでしょう。 ・Was my sentence correct? このフレーズはあなたの英文が正しいか、間違いがないかを聞いています。 ・Was my word order correct? Word orderとは、文を作る時の語順で、正しい英文になる為には、この語順が重要になります。 文を作るうえで正しい語順にしないと、意味が通じない表現となります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Am I saying that correctly?

  • Does that sound correct/natural?

The first phrase simply asks if you are speaking correctly, if your sentence structure is correct, vocabulary use and form. The second phrase is asking how it sounds, 'does it sound natural?' - is it correct? Both phrases are okay to use and allows the teacher to correct you if needed.
最初のフレーズは、文の構造、言い回しや語彙の使い方が正しいかどうかを尋ねる文です。 2番目のフレーズでは、自然な英語ですか?正しいですか?と聞いています。 どちらのフレーズを使っても良いでしょう。 また、先生があなたの英語を必要に応じて訂正できるフレーズです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that correctly?

  • Did I word that correctly?

The two questions you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your teacher if your sentence was correct or not. In the second sentence you will see the verb word. This means to express something in the correct way. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文は二つとも、あなたがの英文が正しいか否かを先生に確認するときに使います。 二つ目の文章に”Word"という言葉がありますが、この場合、「言葉で表す」という意味として使っています。カジュアルな場面でもフォーマルな場面でも使えます。 あなたのボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know of any incorrect sentence, word, or mispronunciation - and then correct me

  • Please stop me and correct me any time I make a mistake

It is very common for students to ask to be corrected. Some students prefer to be told immediately if they make a mistake, while others like to let that part of the lesson continue and be corrected at the end when there is a natural break in proceedings. If you wish to be corrected immediately, you could also say to the teacher: 'Please interrupt whatever we are doing when you need to correct me.'
生徒さんが訂正を求めるのはよくある事ですね。 間違った時に直ぐに訂正してほしい人もいれば、区切りの陽所まで進めてから正しい言い方を 教えてもらいたい人もいると思いますので、あなたが間違えをすぐに指摘してほしいなら、 'Please interrupt whatever we are doing when you need to correct me.' (私の言い方が間違っていたら、いつでも中断して直してください) と言うのも良いでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that right/correctly?

  • Do/Did you understand what I'm saying?

  • Did I make sense?

If you are asking someone if what you said is correct then you can ask 'Did I say that right?' or 'did I say that correctly?' To be correct is to also be right. You could also ask if the other person understood you that would then tell you if you said it correctly Another way of asking is 'Did I make sense?'
自分が言ったことが正しいか確認したいなら、 'Did I say that right?'(正しく言えてましたか) または、 'Did I say that correctly?'(正しく言えてましたか) と聞けます。 'correct'も、正しい(right)という意味です。 'Do/Did you understand what I'm saying?'(私の言っていること分かりますか/分かりましたか)でも、正しく言えたかどうかを尋ねることができます。 別の言い方としては: 'Did I make sense?'(意味分かりましたか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that correctly?

  • Can you tell me if what I said was correct?

Any of these questions can be used during an English lesson to ask if you answered correctly or not. 1. Did I say that correctly? 2. Can you tell me if what I said was correct? Both sentences are polite ways of asking the teacher if what you said was correct, or if you made a mistake. Some other examples include:- 1. Did I pronounce that correctly? 2. Can you tell me if my grammas was correct?
上記例文はどちらともレッスン中に「言い方があっているか?」について確認するときに使える文章です。 ●Did I say that correctly? (正しく言えた?) ●Can you tell me if what I said was correct? (私が言ったことが合っているか教えてくれますか?) 他の例文です: ●Did I pronounce that correctly? (今ので発音あっていますか?) ●Can you tell me if my grammar was correct? (私の文法があっているか教えてくれますか?)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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