世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


オンライン英会話で授業の最後に聞きたいのですがどのように表現したらいいのかわかりません。 お願いします。
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2017/11/14 21:18
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  • How much of my English can be understood percentage-wise?

  • What percentage of my English can be understood?

For someone to gauge just what percentage of your English can be understood, you probably would have to tell a story verbally, or you would have to write a passage which one would have to evaluate percentage-wise, after which you you would have to ask: How much of my English can be understood percentage-wise? or What percentage of my English can be understood? Then he/she might answer: About 90% of your English can be understood.
どのくらい自分の英語が通じるのかチェックしたい場合、何かひとつ話を語ったり、文章を書いてから、以下のように尋ねてみるのがいいです。 How much of my English can be understood percentage-wise? 私の英語は何パーセントくらいわかりますか? What percentage of my English can be understood? 私の英語は何パーセントくらいわかりますか? この質問に対する回答例は、About 90% of your English can be understood.(だいたい90%わかりますよ。)です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • In a percentage how much of my English was understandable?

  • In this class, how much of my English could be understood, can you give me a percentage?

In a percentage how much of my English was understandable?- You could also say, " If you were to give my English a percentage, what would you say? In this class how much of my English could be understood, can you give me a percentage? Also " If you could give my English conversation skills a percentage, what would you say? According to this class?"
In a percentage how much of my English was understandable? (私の英語は何パーセントくらいわかりますか?)または "If you were to give my English a percentage, what would you say?(私の英語力をパーセントで表すなら、どれくらいですか?)と言うこともできます。 In this class how much of my English could be understood, can you give me a percentage? (今回の授業で私の英語はどのくらいわかるか、パーセントで表してもらえますか?)または "If you could give my English conversation skills a percentage, what would you say? According to this class?"(私の英会話力をパーセントで表すなら、どれくらいですか?今回の授業の場合だとどうですか?)と言ってもいいですね。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • How much of my English did you understand? Can you give me a percentage based answer.

  • In percentage. How much of my English did you understand?

  • What percentage of my English was clear to you?

▪ How much of my English did you understand? Can you give me a percentage based answer. Percentage based answer is asking for the answer in percentage, like 80%, 90%. ▪ In percentage. How much of my English did you understand? This is asking how much could the teacher understand out of 100%. ▪ What percentage of my English was clear to you? Clear= to be understood very good. All of the above phrases clearly asks how much of the English the teacher understood and wants the answer in percentage form. 60%, 70%, 100%
▪ How much of my English did you understand? Can you give me a percentage based answer. (私の英語はどれくらい理解できましたか?パーセントに基づいた答えをもらえますか?) Percentage based answerとは、80%や90%のように、パーセントで答えてもらうように尋ねているということです。 ▪ In percentage. How much of my English did you understand? (パーセントでは、私の英語はどのくらい理解できましたか?) 0~100%のうち、先生がどれだけ理解できたかを尋ねている表現です。 ▪ What percentage of my English was clear to you? (私の英語の何パーセントを理解できましたか?) Clear= よく理解すること 上記のフレーズすべては、60%, 70%, 100%等、先生にどれだけ英語が理解できたかをパーセントで答えてもらうように、はっきりと尋ねる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • 1. How effective was my English percentage wise?

  • 2. Where am I on a scale of 0% to 100%, with 100% being a native speaker and 0% being someone completely new to the language?

  • 3. What percentage of my English did you understand?

Of course, this is a very difficult question to answer because the term of reference is 'being understood,' and 'being understood' is not directly connected with speaking a language correctly, using appropriate verbs and phrases, having good intonation and accent, or paying attention to established rules of grammar and awareness of context. For example if someone says, "Me like good meat," in terms of being understood, the speaker probably scores 100%. as there is no confusion whatsoever in the message. However, in terms of English level compared to a native speaker, the score is probably below 20%? Most useful may be phrases 1 or 2, if you are motivated by reducing things to percentage terms. Phrase 3 is what you appear to want to say.
今回、'being understood'(理解している)という単語がありますが、'being understood'は、正しく言語を話すことや、適切な動詞やフレーズを使うこと、良いイントネーションやアクセントで話すこと、文法のルールや内容に注意することと直接関係しているわけではないので、当然、今回の質問は答えるのがとても難しいです。例えば、もし誰かが"Me like good meat"と言えば、理解力の点ではその人は100%をもらえるでしょう。なぜなら、このメッセージに困惑させることはないからです。しかし、ネイティブスピーカーとの英語のレベルを比較すると、この人のスコアは恐らく20%以下でしょう。 あなたのパーセントが少なくなってしまうのでもよければ、一番使いやすいフレーズは、1と2です。3は、あなたが言いたいことかと思われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you were going to rate how you understood my English what percentage would you give me?

*If you were going to rate how you understood my English what percentage would you give me? To rate someone means to consider that someone or something has achieved a particular standard or level. Therefore the teacher can respond by saying " You spoke very well and I will rate you 70% because I understood what you were saying. The reason why I didn't give you a 100% is because you need to work more on your pronunciation."
*If you were going to rate how you understood my English what percentage would you give me? (私の英語をどれだけ理解してもらえたかを評価するとしたら、何パーセントですか?) rate~は、特定の基準やレベルに達したかどうかを考えるという意味です。 そして、先生の返答は、" You spoke very well and I will rate you 70% because I understood what you were saying. The reason why I didn't give you a 100% is because you need to work more on your pronunciation."(とてもうまくお話ししていて、何を言っているか理解できたので70%です。100%にしなかったのは、もっと発音を頑張る必要があるからです。)のようになります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of my English could you understand?

  • What percentage of my English could be understood?

When you want to know how well you are doing then a percentage is a good way of telling as you know 100% is everything and 50% is half so it gives you a more clear idea of how well you are doing rather than being told good or very good to understand means you know what the other person means or is saying
自分がどのくらいできているのか確認したいなら、'percentage'(パーセンテージ)が分かりやすいですね。'100%' なら全てですし、'50%' なら半分ということになります。'good' や 'very good' などと言われるよりも明確です。 'to understand' は「相手の言っていることが分かる」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Percentage wise, How much did you understand?

  • Can you give me a rough percentage of how much you understood?

"Percentage wise, How much did you understand?" "Percentage wise" is asking for a rough/estimate percentage of something, ex. "Percentage wise, how much money do you spend on food?" "Can you give me a rough percentage of how much you understood?" "Rough percentage" 'Rough' Is a commonly used phrase, this is asking for an estimate, "about how much".
"Percentage wise, How much did you understand?"(パーセンテージで言うと、どのくらい理解できましたか) = "Percentage wise" は大まかなパーセンテージを尋ねます。 例: "Percentage wise, how much money do you spend on food?"(パーセンテージで言うと、どのくらい食品にお金を使っていますか) "Can you give me a rough percentage of how much you understood?"(どのくらい理解できたかだいたいのパーセンテージを教えてください) "Rough percentage"(大まかなパーセンテージ) = 'Rough' はよく使われる言葉です。これは、"about how much"(だいたいどれくらいか)を尋ねます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • How much of my English can be understood percentage-wise?

  • How much of my English can you understand?

This is asking someone how much of your English they can understand. When you say “percentage-wise” you are asking someone to rate you. 100% meaning they can understand everything, and 0% meaning they can understand nothing. Ex: -A: “how much of my English can you understand percentage-wise? B: “I can understand about 60 % of your English.”
自分の英語がどのくらい相手に伝わったかを確認しています。 “percentage-wise”(パーセンテージで言うと)は、相手の評価を尋ねます。'100%' なら「全て理解できた」、'0%' なら全く理解できなかったという意味です。 例: A: “how much of my English can you understand percentage-wise?”(パーセントで言うと私の英語はどのくらい伝わっていますか) B: “I can understand about 60 % of your English.”(60%くらいです)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of my English can you comprehend?

  • Can you tell me how much of my English is understandable in a percentage?

"comprehend" is another word for "understand", and is used much more in the academic context. However, English speakers would not typically say "can you comprehend me?" It is far more natural to say "can you understand me?" Asking for the answer in a percentage format will make it clear what you want. The teacher will know you are looking for a quantitative response (meaning numerical), not qualitative (meaning wordy).
"comprehend" は "understand"(理解する)の別の言い方です。これは学問的な文脈で使われることが多いです。 ネイティブスピーカーは "can you comprehend me?" とは普通言いません。"can you understand me?"(理解できますか)の方がずっと自然です。 "percentage"(パーセンテージ)は、何を求めているかを明確にします。"percentage" は、言葉でなく数字による評価を求めます。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • How much of what I said did you understand?

  • Am I easily understandable?

  • What percentage of what I said was understandable?

How much of what I said did you understand? Am I easily understandable? What percentage of what I said was understandable? All saying the same thing, pick one and practice it.
How much of what I said did you understand?(私の言ったことはどのくらい分かりましたか) Am I easily understandable?(私の話は理解できますか) What percentage of what I said was understandable?(私の言ったことは何パーセント理解できましたか) どれも同じ意味です、一つ選んで練習してみましょう。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What percentage of my English did you understand?

  • What percentage of what I said was understandable for you?

Some students asked me such a question. The best way to ask the questions would be to use any of my examples. Both of them are polite versions of how you can ask about the percentage of your English.
私も生徒にこういった質問をされたことがあります。ベストな聞き方は、上にお示ししまた。 どちらも「私の英語は何パーセントくらい通じましたか」の丁寧な言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • How would you rate my cohesion percentage wise?

  • What percentage could you understand what I was saying?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate my speaking ability?

How would you rate my cohesion percentage wise? - Cohesion is the skill to communicate & percentage wise is asking how it is measured. Student: "How would you rate my cohesion percentage wise?" Teacher: "You did a great job overall, I would say 70%, you could try adding a subordinate clause & giving some examples". Student: "What percentage could you understand what I was saying?" Teacher: "I completely understood what you were trying to put across, it was about 80%, you need to refine your pronunciation & try adding stress to support your statements". Student: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate my speaking ability?" Teacher: "Fantastic! You spoke so clearly & supported your point effectively. I would give you a 9 out of 10! Try adding some highers vocabulary & slip in an idiom or two!".
How would you rate my cohesion percentage wise?(私の説明力は何点くらいですか) 'Cohesion' は「説明力」、'Percentage wise' は「パーセンテージで言うと」という意味です。 生徒: "How would you rate my cohesion percentage wise?" (私の説明力は何点くらいですか) 先生: "You did a great job overall, I would say 70%, you could try adding a subordinate clause & giving some examples". (全体としてすごく良かったですよ、70点くらいですかね。従属節を使ったり例を挙げるようにするともっと良くなるかもしれません) 生徒: "What percentage could you understand what I was saying?" (私の言っていることは何パーセントくらい理解できましたか) 先生: "I completely understood what you were trying to put across, it was about 80%, you need to refine your pronunciation & try adding stress to support your statements". (言いたいことは完全に理解できましたよ、80%くらいですかね。発音を上達させないといけませんね、話に抑揚をつけるのも大切です) 生徒: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate my speaking ability?" (10点満点で私のスピーキングは何点くらいですか) 先生: "Fantastic! You spoke so clearly & supported your point effectively. I would give you a 9 out of 10! Try adding some highers vocabulary & slip in an idiom or two!". (素晴らしいです!発音も話もとても分かりやすかったです。10点満点中9点です!もっと難しい言葉にも挑戦して、イディオムも使ってみましょう!)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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