Would you prefer to meet on a weekday or at the weekend?
Which day works best for you?- This is a nice simple statement that can be used like this:
"Would love to meet up for a coffee sometime!"
"Me too!, we must organise a day!"
"Yes!, Which day works best for you?-I am fairly flexible"
"Umm, this Saturday?"
"Great! I'll text you!"
Do weekdays or weekends suit you better?- Suit/suits you means whether something is
convenient or useful for somebody
Which day works best for you?
"Would love to meet up for a coffee sometime!"
"Me too!, we must organise a day!"
"Yes!, Which day works best for you?-I am fairly flexible"
"Umm, this Saturday?"
"Great! I'll text you!"
Do weekdays or weekends suit you better?
Suit/suits you(あなたに合う)は、誰かにとって、都合がいいかどうかという意味です。
Would you rather meet on the weekend or on a weekday?
suit (someone)- a suit is an outfit that is fitted to a person... to suit something or someone means to fit them appropriately
A. Did you still want to see the movie this week?
B. Yeah, I did.
A. Ok, which date suits you best?
B. Wednesdays are best for me. I don't like returning to the city on the weekend because I live far away.
A. So this Wed night? I think there's a showing at 5:30pm.
B. That'll work perfectly. I get off 5 so I'll meet you here.
A. Sounds good. See you then!
"suit (someone)" (⦅人⦆に都合の良い)
- "a suit"スーツとは上下が一式になった洋服の事ですよね。
"to suit something or someone"とは人や物に合う、適合するという意味になります。
A. Did you still want to see the movie this week?
B. Yeah, I did.
A. Ok, which date suits you best?
B. Wednesdays are best for me. I don't like returning to the city on the weekend because I live far away.
A. So this Wed night? I think there's a showing at 5:30pm.
B. That'll work perfectly. I get off 5 so I'll meet you here.
A. Sounds good. See you then!
Do you prefer to hang out during the week or over the weekend?
▪ What will suit you best? weekdays or weekends?
suit= be convenient for or acceptable to
This is asking if the weekdays or weekends will be more convenient to hang out
▪ Do you prefer to hang out during the week or over the weekend?
prefer= like better
This is asking if he/she would like it better to hang out on the weekend or weekdays.
Friend: Hey, when can we hang out?
You: What will suit you best? weekdays or weekends?
▪ What will suit you best? weekdays or weekends?
suit= 都合がいい、または満足できる
▪ Do you prefer to hang out during the week or over the weekend?
prefer= さらに良い
友人: Hey, when can we hang out?
あなた: What will suit you best? weekdays or weekends?
"What works best for you a weekend or a weekday?"
"Are you available on weekends or weekdays?"
Even though these two phrases are worded differently they mean the same thing. In both statements you are being polite and curteous because you are giving the other person a choice.
・Do you prefer the weekend or a weekday?
prefer で「より好む」という意味になります。
なので、prefer the weekend なら「週末の方がいい」ということになります。
Which is more convenient for you, weekdays or weekends?
Which is more convenient for you, weekdays or weekends?
see you soon♪