世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/27 12:13
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  • I'm studying English so I can speak it with my child.

  • I want my child to speak English, so I'm learning it to speak with her.

A. Why are you always studying English? I heard that Spanish is the best foreign language to study. B. That's not true. English is very important too. Besides, I want my child to speak English, so I'm learning it to speak with her. A. Ok, that makes sense. Maybe I should learn English too.
(英文) A. Why are you always studying English? I heard that Spanish is the best foreign language to study. B. That's not true. English is very important too. Besides, I want my child to speak English, so I'm learning it to speak with her. A. Ok, that makes sense. Maybe I should learn English too. (訳) A. どうしていつも英語を勉強してるの?スペイン語を習うのが一番良いと聞いたよ。 B. それは本当じゃない。英語ももちろん大切だ。それに、娘に英語が話せるようになってほしいから、一緒に話せるように勉強してるんだよ A. なるほど。自分も英語を勉強したほうがいいかも
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I'm learning English so as to assist my child in their English studies

  • I'm setting an example to my child by learning English

To set an example - to behave is a way that someone can copy, especially by doing something good. "You should set an example for your younger brothers." as... = 'in order to..' You may explain that you are learning English yourself for the reason of than being in a position to help your child.
To set an example - to behaveというのは、特に良いことをして誰かを真似る様子です。 【例文】 "You should set an example for your younger brothers." as... = 'in order to..'(…のために) 子どもを手伝う立場としてだけでなく、自分自身のためにも英語を学んでいると説明できるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am learning how to speak English because I want to teach my child after.

  • I am learning how to speak English because I want to speak in English with my child.

*I am learning how to speak English because I want to teach my child after. This means you are learning how to speak English so that you can start teaching your child before they grow older. *I am learning how to speak English because I want to speak in English with my child. This means you want to use English when speaking with your child so that they can be fluent by the time they get older.
例文 *I am learning how to speak English because I want to teach my child after. 後で子供に教えたいから、英会話を習っている。 子供が大きくなったら子供に教えることができるように、 英会話を習っているということです。 例文 *I am learning how to speak English because I want to speak in English with my child. 子供に英語で話したいから、英会話を習っている。 子供達が大きくなるまでに英語が流暢に話せるようになるために、 子供と話す時に英語を使えるようになりたいということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Since I want my child to be able to speak English in the future, I first am studying English myself.

  • I am currenlty studying English because I want my child to be fluent in English in the future.

「英語を話せるようになる」は"to be able to speak English"は一般的ですが "to be fluent in English"も同じ意味合いになります。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • I'm studying English as i want to be able to help my child learn

  • I thought i should study English first to help/asist my son/daughter learn

When referring to your child then you can simply say 'child' or also 'son/daughter' when explaining why you are studying English first both the sentences give a detailed reason/explanation why you are doing it
自分の子どものことはシンプルに 'child'(子)、あるいは 'son/daughter'(息子/娘)とも言えます。 どちらの文も、なぜ子どもよりも先に英語を勉強しているのか詳しく説明しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My reason for studying English is that I'd like to have my children speak it fluently in future.

  • I'm learning English so I can teach it to my children.

  • English is a popular language that's why I am learning it, I'd like to teach it to my children.

The above sentences can be used to explain reasons for learning English. English is a language you can find spoken in almost every country in the world, it is a great tool to have, there are many opportunities that come with being able to speak it fluently. It is great for children to grow up speaking the language so they can be fluent in it as they grow older and they will be open to many opportunities.
これらの文は、英語を勉強している理由を伝える表現です。 英語は世界中のほとんどすべての国で話され、便利な言語です。英語が流暢になると使える多くのチャンスがあります。子供のころから英語を話しながら育つと、たくさんのチャンスが開けてくるのでとてもいいことです。 
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I am studying English so I am able to teach my children English

  • The reason I learn English is so I can teach my children English

"I am studying English so I am able to teach my children English" This sentence is explaining that The individual is learning the English language so once they can understand English they are able to teach/learn/show their children to speak and understand the English language. "The reason I learn English is so I can teach my children English" Using the expression 'The reason', this explaining 'Why', the reason why you do something.
"I am studying English so I am able to teach my children English" (子供に英語を教えてあげられるので、英語を勉強しています。) これは、その人が英語を勉強していて、そうすれば子供に教えてあげられるという意味です。   "The reason I learn English is so I can teach my children English" (英語を勉強している理由は、子供に教えてあげられるからです。)  'The reason'とは、なせかというと、と理由を説明するときに使います。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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