世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/03 14:43
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  • Im am sorry but I cant understand everything you are saying, Would you be able to it it in an email to me?

  • Could you please put the details in an email to me, It would be easier for me to understand.

"I'm am sorry but I cant understand everything you are saying, Would you be able to it in an email to me?" "I'm am sorry but I cant understand correctly" This explains to the person that you catch understand all the things that they are saying. "Would you be able to it in an email to me?"This asks them to send you all of the information in an email. "Could you please put the details in an email to me, It would be easier for me to understand. " This firstly asks them to put all of the details into an email to you and then explains that the reason for it is because you will be able to understand it all better.
【例文】 "I'm am sorry but I cant understand everything you are saying, Would you be able to it in an email to me?" (すみせんがあなたが話していることを全て理解できません。メールで送ってもらう事は可能でしょうか?) "I'm am sorry but I cant understand correctly" (すみません。正しく理解することが出来ません) これらの表現は相手が話していることを全部をきちんと理解することはできませんと言う意味になります。 "Would you be able to it in an email to me?" (メールで答えてもらう事は出来ますか?) これはそれらの情報をメールで送ってくださいとお願いする表現です。 "Could you please put the details in an email to me, It would be easier for me to understand. " (詳細をメールで送ってください、そちらの方が簡単に理解することが出来ます) 最初にメールで詳細をおくてくださいとお願いして後の文でメールの方がよく理解できるという理由を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My English is not strong enough to get every meaning. Would iy be popssible to email me the details>

  • Would you kindly let me have an email response?

You may be confident that you are able to form a question - the question you want to ask - in English. However, you are not so confident about your ability to catch the precise meaning of a reply in English. The speaker may have a regional or foreign language accent themselves - they may be from Manchester or South Africa! The easiest way to be sure you obtain all the information needed is to ask the listener to kindly send an email response.
質問を自分で作ることが出来たら自信がつきますますよね、質問することを、英語で。 ですが、英語での回答を正確に理解することに自信がありません。 話し相手はもしかしたら地域的なもしくは外国人のアクセントがあるかもしれません。 彼らはマンチェスター出身かもしれないし南アフリカ出身かも!! 一番簡単に必要な情報を得るには丁寧にその情報をメールで回答してくれるようにお願いする事ですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please respond to me via email, as my English is not very good.

  • Could you please put your response in writing.

Asking for the listener to reply or respond via email or in writing is a simple way to get them to email you a reply.
相手にto reply や respond via email をお願いするのが一番シンプルな伝え方です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Please email me your inquiry.

  • It would be easier for us to communicate via email.

  • I would like to answer you, but if you send an email it will be easier for me to respond.

"Please email me" is a very easy way to address this situation. Also, you could preface these responses with "I'm sorry" to be more polite. "via" means through.
この場面では、"Please email me" という表現が便利です。 また、これらの文の前に "I'm sorry" を加えるとより丁寧になります。 "via" は「~を通して」という意味です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, my English is not very good. Could you reply in writing by email please?

  • My English is not very good, could you email me instead please?

  • Could you please email me details, it will be easier for me to understand

Sometimes it is easier to see it written down then you have time to check and make sure you know what they are saying therefore an email would be easier for you to understand and know what they mean
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in English, could you please email me your concerns?

  • I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in English, would it be possible if you could email me your questions?

I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in English, could you please email me your concerns? - this is a polite form of asking them to send their inquires via email. I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in English, would it be possible if you could email me your questions? - this is another way of rephrasing response number one. And both responses check to see if it is okay with them to contact you via email.
I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in English, could you please email me your concerns?(ごめんなさい。英語が得意でないので、ご質問はEメールで送っていただけますか) - 質問はEメールで送って欲しいと丁寧に伝えています。 I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in English, would it be possible if you could email me your questions?(ごめんなさい。英語が得意でないので、ご質問はEメールで送っていただけますか) - これは最初の例の別の言い方です。どちらの例も、Eメールで連絡をくれるかどうか確認しています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Please respond by e-mail.

  • I prefer to use e-mail.

  • E-mail is best for me.

I would avoid saying the reason why you want to be in touch by e-mail. You do not need to explain that your prefer to read than listen. Simply request that the person you are working with will respond by e-mail by using these simple questions. Will you please respond by e-mail? I prefer to communicate by e-mail. E-mail is the best way to reach me.
私なら、Eメールで連絡して欲しい理由は伝えません。聞くよりも読んだ方が良いということは説明する必要ありません。以下のフレーズを使って、シンプルにEメールで回答してくださいと伝えましょう。 Will you please respond by e-mail?(Eメールで回答してもらえますか) I prefer to communicate by e-mail.(Eメールでやりとりしたいです) E-mail is the best way to reach me.(Eメールが一番連絡が取りやすいです)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • via email

  • communicate through written correspondence

This is a very common problem when communicating in a second language . The best way is to ask for written communication . You can request it in many venues or ways but the most common are email or message like a text message . Remember to always be polite when asking because this is a usual thing to do in our country just not for language barrier. It's more for clarification on a matter or something was said . To request this just simply ask for clarification through email ( if that is what you prefer ) . You can say "Can you please send me an email about ............ " . You can ask about : the information you were discussing earlier, or clarification on what was discussed in a meeting or conversation.
これは第二言語でやりとりするときによくある問題です。一番いいのは文書でのコミュニケーションを求めることです。いろいろな手段がありますが、最も一般的なのはEメールや携帯メールなどのメッセージです。 お願いをするときには丁寧に言うようにしましょう、これは「外国語だから」というだけではありません、私たちの国ではそれが普通なのです。 これはどちらかというと、ある事柄あるいは相手の言ったことについての確認です。シンプルにEメール(もしそれが望みなら)での確認を求めましょう。 次のように言えます。 "Can you please send me an email about ............ "(~についてEメールを送っていただけますか) その前に相手と話したことや、ミーティングで話したことの確認ができます。
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
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