世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 17:58
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  • People from temperate countries have a better tolerance to low temperatures

  • People from Scotland have no conception of the cold

Temperate - relating to or denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures. "These plants can be grown outdoors in cool, temperate climate.s" In this sentence, of course, people from Scotland understand what cold is, but in this sense, 'no conception' means that they are too silly to understand the implications of being cold! No conception of something - to be unable to understand something because you have no experience of it 'Children who have no conception of stress lead a carefree and happy existence."
"Temperate"(温暖な) - 温暖な地域や気候の特徴に関連していたり示していることを意味します。 【例】 "These plants can be grown outdoors in cool, temperate climates" (これらの植物は涼しい温暖な気候の野外で育ちます) この表現ではもちろんスコットランド出身の人は何が"cold"(寒い)かわかります。 ですが、この表現では 'no conception'(観念がない)とは"implication of being cold"(寒い暗示的な表現)を理解するのがばかばかしいという意味になります。 "No conception of something" (~の観念がない) - 経験がないので何かを理解することが出来ない、という意味になります。 【例】 'Children who have no conception of stress lead a carefree and happy existence." (子供たちは楽しい事や気楽な事の存在へストレスを引き起こすことに対しての観念がない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Different nations are used to different climates.

  • Temperature effects differently, depending on where they are from.

"Different nations are used to different climates. " This explains that people from different countries are used to different temperatures. "Temperature effects differently, depending on where they are from." This is another way of explaining that depending on which country people come from depends on how the temperature effects people.
"Different nations are used to different climates. " (それぞれの国はそれぞれの気候になれている) これはそれぞれの国の人々はそれぞれ違った気温になれている、 と言う説明をしています。 "Temperature effects differently, depending on where they are from." (出身地によって気温の感じ方は違う) これはもう一つの表現でその人がどこの国の出身かによって気温の感じ方は違うという説明をしています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How you are affected by temperature is dependent on which country you are from.

"How you are affected by temperature is dependent on which country you are from. " - Meaning that the country you are from plays a big role in the way you feel temperature.
"How you are affected my temperature is dependent on which country you are from. " 人がどのように気温を感じるかは出身の国によって大きく変わるということ。
Kirst English teacher
  • People from colder countries think Japan's winters are warm.

  • Foreigners like Japanese winters, as they are warmer than theirs.

"People from colder countries think Japan's winters are warm." Here you explain that foreigners or people from other countries think Japan has warmer winter weather. You can then add onto your explanation and say, "I often see them walking around in T-shirts." This gives a further explanation as to why you think people from outside of Japan believe winters there are different. "Foreigners like Japanese winters, as they are warmer than theirs. " This is just another way of saying the exact same thing.
"People from colder countries think Japan's winters are warm."(寒い国から来た人は日本の冬を暖かいと感じます) - ここでは、外国人は日本の冬を暖かいと感じると伝えています。この後、次のように続けることもできます。 "I often see them walking around in T-shirts."(Tシャツで歩いているのをよく見かけます) これは、なぜ外国人が日本の冬を暖かいと感じていると思うのかの説明を補強します。 "Foreigners like Japanese winters, as they are warmer than theirs."(日本の冬が暖かいので外国人は気に入ります) - これは上の文と同じことを別の言い方で伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • How people feel temperature seems to be very subjective.

  • How you feel temperature depends on what you're accustomed to.

  • People adapt to be comfortable at different temperatures.

"Subjective" means that something is based on individual perspectives or feelings. The opposite of "objective." Since people seem to feel temperature differently, it can be called "subjective." "Accustomed to" means what a person is used to, what they experience on a normal, regular basis. Since people come from many different climates, it is reasonable to assume that, over time, they have adapted to be comfortable at slightly different temperatures.
"Subjective" は、「個人のものの見方や感じ方によっているさま」をいいます。反対は "Objective" です。人によって気温の感じ方が違うように感じられるということですから、これは "Subjective" と表せます。 "Accustomed to" は、「慣れていること」、「日常的に経験していること」を表します。 人はいろいろな気候の中で育ちますから、長い時間の中でそれぞれ異なる気温に順応していると考えるのは合理的です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • People from different countries are used to different temperatures

  • People adapt to different climates differently

Temperature is a scale of how hot or cold something is when talking about the weather temperature this can also be called 'climate' to adapt means to alter something to fit (you would fit in with the weather)
temperature'(温度/気温)は暑さ寒さの尺度をいいます。気温について言う場合には、'climate'(気候)も使えます。 'to adapt' は「適合させる」という意味です(気候に適合する)。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Temperatures affect people differently depending on where they are from.

  • People from different countries seem to tolerate certain climates better than others.

1. "Temperatures affect people differently depending on where they are from" The word 'affect' is a verb used for showing a relationship between one thing and another. For example, 'temperatures affect people differently' shows that the temperature has an effect on people. 2. "People from different countries seem to tolerate certain climates better than others" The word 'tolerate' means to accept. In this example sentence, you are saying that people from different countries are more accepting of certain temperatures. 'Climate' encompasses both the weather and temperature.
1. "Temperatures affect people differently depending on where they are from"(出身国によって気温の感じ方は違う) 'affect' は二つのものの関係を表すときに使われます。例えば、'temperatures affect people differently' は、気温が人に影響を与えることを表します。 2. "People from different countries seem to tolerate certain climates better than others"(出身国によって気温の感じ方は違うようだ) 'tolerate' は「耐えられる」という意味です。この文では、出身国によって耐えられる気温は異なると言っています。'climate' は天気と気温を含みます。
Liam F DMM英会話講師
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