世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 22:23
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  • I will make this for you next time.

  • I have wanted to make this for such a long time.

  • I will make this next time you are over.

"I will make this for you next time." this explains that you will make the food that is in the picture for the person next time they come around. "I have wanted to make this for such a long time. " This explains that you have wanted to cook what is in the picture for a very long time. "I will make this next time you are over." This explains to the person that the next time they are at your house you will cook what is in the picture for them.
"I will make this for you next time." この文章は相手が次に来た時にはその写真にある料理を作ってあげるということを説明しています。 "I have wanted to make this for such a long time. " この文はずっとあなたがその写真の料理を作りたいと思っていたことを説明しています。 "I will make this next time you are over." この文は、次回家に来た時にはその写真にある料理を作ってあげるということを伝えています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I will make some for you next time.

  • I will cook it for you sometime.

I'll make it for you the next time you come over. I'll cook this for you sometime. I'll fix this for you the next time you come over. I will be happy to cook it for you sometime.
【例文】 I'll make it for you the next time you come over. (今度うちに来た時に作ってあげるよ) I'll cook this for you sometime. (今度作ってあげる) I'll fix this for you the next time you come over. (今度うちに来た時に作ってあげる) I will be happy to cook it for you sometime. (今度作ってあげるよ)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to prepare it for you!

  • You can actually taste that dish next time you come over!

  • I'll cook it especially for you in the very near future!

How you phrase this invitation does in part depend on to whom you are offering the invitation. If it is a friend with romantic associations, then you may use the word 'love' as in: "I'd love to prepare it for you!" although such phrase may not be so suitable for your 100 kg rugby-playing friend. A more appropriate invitation for a simple friend would be: "You can actually taste that dish next time you come over!"
ご飯を作ってあげるというお誘いの表現は、誰に対するものかで少し変わってきます。 ちょっといいなと思っているような人には、'I'd love to prepare it for you!' 「ご飯つくってあげたいな」のように、'love'を使うといいかもしれません。このフレーズは、100キロ級のラグビー大好きな友達には不向きなのでご注意を。 友達同士であれば、'You can actually taste that dish next time you come over!' 「今度家にきたときに食べてってよ」のように表現できます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will cook for you the next time you visit.

  • You should come visit and I will make sure I cook this for you.

*I will cook for you the next time you visit. This means the time they come to your place you will cook for them For example: A:Oh wow that food looks delicious. Please cook for me. B:I will cook for you the next time you visit.
*I will cook for you the next time you visit. この文は相手があなたの家に来る時にあなたが料理をしてあげるということを意味しています。 例文: A:Oh wow that food looks delicious. Please cook for me. −その料理美味しそうだね。私に作ってください。 B:I will cook for you the next time you visit. −次来た時に作りますよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad you liked the photo, I will definitely have to cook for you sometime!

  • If you would like, I would gladly cook this dish for you!

  • It would be no problem for me to make this dish for you anytime, just let me know when you are free and we will make plans!!

All of these sentences will tell someone that you would not mind making for them the dish they liked on your page sometime in the future.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I am very glad that you think it looks good! Maybe I could cook this when you next come to visit.

  • I would be very happy to make this for you at some point.

  • Thank you for the compliment! You are welcome to experience my culinary capabilities the next time you visit.

The key here I think is to express gratitude / thanks for the compliment, & to then say nicely that you would like to cook the dish for them; & also that you are happy to do so. You will see elements of these factors in all the options; option 3 however is a little more sophisticated (using words such as 'culinary', meaning to do with food)
まず大切なのは、作った料理をほめてくれたことへの「感謝」(thanks)を表し、それから「今度作るね」ということかと思います。 そして、「今度作ってあげることを楽しみにしている」ということも伝えるとよいでしょう。 3つの回答例どれも、上記の内容を含んだものになります。 最後の例文は"culinary"(料理の)という言葉が入っていて、より洗練された文章になっています。
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • I am inviting you to dinner at my place this evening so you can enjoy this food.

  • Please join me for lunch at my house tomorrow and I will prepare this food for you.

Since the only times one can enjoy well prepared food are during lunch or during dinner, it would be ideal to invite this person to one of these meals at your place. To invite him/her, you may have to either call him/her by phone or send him/her an email. You have to invite him/her to your house because you can not have food that you have personally prepared elsewhere. So, you may say: I am inviting you to dinner at my place this evening so you can enjoy this food. or Please join me for lunch at my house tomorrow and I will prepare this food for you.
きちんと準備された食事を楽しめるのは昼食と夕食のみであるため、昼食か夕食どちらかに人を家に招待することが最適でしょう。 彼または彼女を招待するには電話をかけたりメールを送ったりしなければならないかもしれません。 自分が準備した料理を自宅以外で食べることはできないため、彼または彼女をあなたの家に招待しなければなりません。 したがって以下のように言うことができます: "I am inviting you to dinner at my place this evening so you can enjoy this food." (あなたが食事を楽しめるように、今晩私の家の夕食にあなたを招待します) または "Please join me for lunch at my house tomorrow and I will prepare this food for you." (明日ぜひ私の家で一緒に昼食をとりましょう。私が食事を用意します。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can cook it for you sometime.

  • I'll make it for you next time you visit my house

  • I'll make it for you sometime.

When you've shown someone a picture of what you cooked and want to offer to make it for them sometime, then you can say: -I'll make it for you sometime. -I'll make it for you next time you visit my house -I can cook it for you sometime.
あなたが誰かに自分が料理した物の写真を送り、いつか作ってあげたいと思ってるなら、以下のように言えるでしょう。 -I'll make it for you sometime. -I can cook it for you sometime. (今度作ってあげるよ。) -I'll make it for you next time you visit my house. (次回あなたが私の家に来たとき、作ってあげるよ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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