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2017/12/06 05:09
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  • I read whatever my mood dictates

  • At any one time, I may read one of current a variety of books according to my mood

Your mood may affect what you read in that, for example, if you have had a hard day at work, you may not feel like looking at some heavy book of difficult text - perhaps Shakespeare or some detailed factual history account of battle manoeuvres. Something light may be much more appropriate such as a romantic magazine, some cooking recipies or even a superhero comic.
何を読みたいかはあなたの気分が影響します。 例えば、仕事で大変だった日はずっしりとした難しい内容の本は読みたくないですよね。 ひょっとしたらシェイクスピアや歴史的事実の戦闘戦略など。 ロマンス物の雑誌や料理本などの軽い読み物が適切かもしれませんね、スーパーヒーローのコミックなんかもいいかもしれませんね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Some days I am in the mood to read history books, on other days novels."

  • "My mood decides what type of books I read each day."

There are many reasons why you choose to read what you do. Maybe you have a book on history, science, etc. to read for school or work. But for pleasure you enjoy reading novels. In your free time your mood, how you feel helps you decide what you want to read. "Some days I am in the mood to read history books, on other days novels." "My mood decides what type of books I read each day."
どんな本を読むか選ぶにはいろいろな理由があります。 もしかしたら歴史本をだったり、科学の本、学校や仕事の本と色々あります。 しかし、小説は楽しみのために読みます。 自由な時間はあなたの気分次第でどんな本を読みたいか決まりますよね。 【例】 "Some days I am in the mood to read history books, on other days novels." (ある日は歴史本の気分で、ある日は小説を読みたい気分です) "My mood decides what type of books I read each day." (その日の気分によってどんな本を読むか選びます)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The type of book I read often depends on my mood.

  • My mood depicts the type of books I read.

"The type of book I read often depends on my mood." This explains to the person that the type of book they decide to read that day depends on how they are feeling. "My mood depicts the type of books I read." "depicts" means to choose. This explains that your mood that day chooses the type of book you decide to read.
"The type of book I read often depends on my mood." (どの種類の本を読むかは気分によります) これはどんな種類の本を読むかはその日の気分によって決まる、 と言う事を説明しています。 "My mood depicts the type of books I read." (気分によって読むの本種類を選びます) "depicts"とは選ぶという意味です。 これはその日の気分によってどの本を読むか種類が決まる、 という事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm into different types of books.

  • I mostly choose a book to read based on my feelings at that moment.

  • I like various book genres.

: I'm into something means you like something. So if you are ''into different types of books'' it means you like different types of books. :''I mostly choose a book to read based on my feelings at that moment.'' This suggests that you do not have one favorite type of book - you read different types of books depending on your feelings. :I like various book genres. > ''book genres'' means types of books.
"I'm into something" とは何かがとても好き、という意味になります。 ですので、 あなたが''into different types of books'' と言う事は、違う本の気分、と言う意味になります。 ''I mostly choose a book to read based on my feelings at that moment.'' (ほとんどの場合、その時に気分で読む本を選びます) これは特に決まった好きな本の種類はありませんと言う事になります。 その時の気分によって色々な種類の本を読むという事になります。 "I like various book genres." (いろんなジャンルの本が好きです) この''book genres'とは本のジャンルと言う意味です。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • What i want to read depends on the mood I'm in (on that day)

  • I decide what I want to read by my mood

  • My mood dictates what type of book I read

We feel all different emotions this is called your 'mood', sometimes we do things according to those feelings so if you are feeling sad you might want to read a novel if you are happy you might read a thriller book to make your mind up is also called 'deciding' (to decide)
人はいろいろな感情を感じます、これは 'mood' といいます。時に人はこの 'mood' に従って何をするかを決めます。 例えば、悲しい気持ちのときには小説を読みたいかもしれません。幸せな気分なら、スリラーを読むかもしれません。 'to make your mind up'(決断すること)は 'deciding/to decide'(決める)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My mood determines what I want to read.

  • I read according to my mood.

My mood determines what I want to read. - this response implies that what you want to read is determined or relies upon how you are feeling. I read according to my mood. - this is just a simple way of explaining that you read whatever you are in the mood for.
My mood determines what I want to read.(読みたい本はその時の気分によって変わります) - これは「その時の気分によって読みたい本は変わる」という意味です。 I read according to my mood.(何を読むかは気分で決めます) - これは、気分によって何を読むかを決めていることをシンプルに伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • My book choice really depends on my mood.

  • My reading choices vary with my moods.

  • My mood determines what I will read that day.

The key word to learn is mood. This is how you are feeling. For example, you can be in a good, upbeat mood or you can be in a bad, introverted mood. This emotional state will decide what it is you read. All three of these sentences use the idea of your mood and explain that you book choices vary with your mood.
キーワードは "mood" です。"mood" は人の気分を言います。これは、明るく陽気なときもあれば、暗くて内向きになることもあります。この感情が何を読むかを決めるわけです。 お示しした三つの文は全て "mood" を使っていて、それによって読む本が変わると伝えています。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I decide what type of book to read depending on my mood.

  • I choose what to read based on how I feel that day.

  • How I feel determines what I will read.

"I decide what type of book to read depending on my mood." This means that your current mood or how you feel makes you decide what book to read. "I choose what to read based on how I feel that day." You may be happier and in a better mood than usual on certain days and this may put you in the mood to read something fun, interesting and exciting. "How I feel determines what I will read." What book you'll read will depend on how you are feeling.
"I decide what type of book to read depending on my mood."(その時の気分によって何を読むかを決めています) - これは、その時の気分によって何を読むかを決めているという意味です。 "I choose what to read based on how I feel that day."(その日の気分によって何を読むかを決めています) - 普段よりも幸せで気分の良い日は、楽しくて面白い、刺激的なものが読みたくなるかもしれません。 "How I feel determines what I will read."(その時の気分によって何を読むか決めます) - 何を読むかはその時の気分によるという意味です。
Marnie DMM英会話講師
  • Often, what I choose to read is based upon my mood.

  • My mood is a determinant for what I will read.

  • My choice of book is influenced by how I feel.

Your mood refers to how you feel at a particular time: happy, sad, funny, romantic etc. All these are moods which can influence what you do and what you read. If you are in a funny mood, you may be drawn towards a comic book, however if you are sad you may want a more motivational genre to lift your spirit.
mood' とは、その時の気分をいいます。うれしい、悲しい、楽しい、ロマンチックなど。これらはどれも 'mood' で、人の行動やどんな本を読みたいかに影響を与えます。 もし楽しい気分なら、漫画を読みたくなるかもしれません。もし悲しい気分なら、元気が出るようなものが読みたくなるかもしれません。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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