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2017/12/10 22:24
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  • How do I say this in a full sentence?

  • Could you explain to me how to say that in a full sentence?

If you want to find out how to explain your answer in a full sentence, you can say: "How do I say this in a full sentence?" "Could you explain to me how to say that in a full sentence?"
自分の言いたいことのフルセンテンスでの言い方を確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "How do I say this in a full sentence?"(これはフルセンテンスではどう言いますか) "Could you explain to me how to say that in a full sentence?"(これはフルセンテンスではどう言いますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • How may I make a complete sentence with that word?

  • Could you help me construct the full answer for that question?

When answering a question about a piece of text, for example, it is often quite easy to give a one word answer: for example, 'Mount Everest.' However, it is far more useful to you as a student to try to reply in a complete or full sentence: 'Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.' In this sentence you are also demonstrating your knowledge and use of superlatives.
文章についての質問に、例えば'Mount Everest'(エベレスト山)のように一語で回答するのは簡単なことが多いですが、'Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.'(エベレスト山は世界で一番高い山です)のように完全な文章で回答しようとすることは、学び手としてはるかに役立つことです。この文章では、あなたは知識と最上級の使用法も示しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please teach me how to say...

  • Can you please tell me what the correct way of saying (sentence) is?

"Could you please teach me how to say..." This asks the teacher to tell you the correct/right way to say something. "Can you please tell me what the correct way of saying (sentence) is?" This is asking the teacher to tell you the correct way of saying the sentence.
"Could you please teach me how to say..." (~を何といえばいいか教えてください) これは先生に正しい言い方を教えてください、という表現になります。 "Can you please tell me what the correct way of saying (sentence) is?" (~を正しく言う表現を教えてください) これも正しい表現の仕方を先生に尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me how to phrase it...?

  • How can I say that in larger detail...?

  • How can I form my response? / How can I give a complete response?

How can I form my response? / How can I give a complete response to that question? - To form a response is different than just answering the question with a word or two.It means to answer in a complete phrase. e.g. Instead of answering 'no' to an opinion question, you can use this form: "My opinion is..." or "I believe..."
How can I form my response? (どのように私の答えを形作ればいいですか?) How can I give a complete response to that question? (その質問に対してどのように完璧に答えることが出来ますか?) - "form a response"とはただ一言、二言で質問に答える事とは違います。 これは完全なフレーズで答える、と言う意味になります。 【例】 'no'と質問に答える代わりに次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 "My opinion is..." (私の意見は~) "I believe..." (私は~だと思います)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Could you help me say that in a full sentence.

By asking for help to use full sentences your teacher will help you to word things in a complete way.
Kirst English teacher
  • Could you explain how I can answer this in a complete sentence?

"Could" is the best word to use to make a request. We use the phrase "complete sentence" to talk about a sentence that is both complete and correct. I hope that this helps. :)
人に何かを頼むときには "Could" を使うのがベストです。 "complete sentence" は完全で正しい文章を指します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please tell me how to say that in a full sentence?

  • Can you please tell me how I would say that in a sentence?

When you want to ask your teacher to show you how to answer in full sentences; then you may ask in the following ways: -Could you please tell me how to say that in a full sentence? -Can you please tell me how I would say that in a sentence?
先生に「フルセンテンスでの言い方を教えてください」とお願いするなら、次のように言えます。 -Could you please tell me how to say that in a full sentence?(それをフルセンテンスにしてもらえますか) -Can you please tell me how I would say that in a sentence?(それをセンテンスにしてもらえますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How can I use that word in a Sentence

  • I want to use this word in s sentence

Both acceptable questions asking for assistance. Both have pronouns replacing actual word you are talking about(that,this). As you build your vocabulary it will become easier. I’m sure your teacher would suggest trying to make a sentence rather than s one word answer example. How is the weather there? Your answer could be Raining. This could become The weather is awful it’s been raining for hours now
どちらの質問も手伝ってほしいことを表すフレーズです。どちらの文も代名詞、that とthisが使われています。 語彙力が増えると、より簡単になっていくでしょう。先生はきっと単語だけで答えるよりも文を作るように提案してくれるでしょう。 例えば、  How is the weather there?(そこの天気はどう?)に対するあなたの答えは、 Raining(雨)なのが、 The weather is awful it’s been raining for hours now(天気はひどいよ。何時間も雨が降っているよ。)になるでしょう。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
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