世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/14 21:57
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  • What do you do for fun?

  • What is your favorite game?

The most simple way to ask someone what they do in their free time is to ask them what they do for fun. When we describe our hobbies we describe them as things that are fun. Since games are a way to have fun, we can also ask what games someone likes.
自由な時間にする好きなことを尋ねるもっともシンプルな聞き方は、what they do for funと聞くことです。hobbies(趣味)についての説明では、楽しみのためにすることを説明します。ゲームは楽しむためのものですので、what games someone likes(何のゲームが好きか)と聞くこともできます。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • Do you have any hobbies? Which is your favourite.

When asking what someone likes to do for fun or in their spare time, we ask if they have any hobbies. A hobby is something we like/love doing and do often. If someone has many, and you'd like to know which one is the most fun then you can ask, "which hobby is your favourite?".
その人が趣味や余暇に何をするのかを聞くときは、趣味があるかどうかを聞きます。"hobby"は何か好きなこと、よくすることという意味です。もしその人がたくさんの趣味を持っているなら、おそらくどの趣味が一番好きかを聞くと思います。その時は"Which hobby is your favorite?"(どの趣味があなたのお気に入りですか?)と聞きましょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favorite game?

  • What game do you enjoy playing?

Sometimes children may not understand the statement "What do you like to do for fun?" You can ask them "What is your favorite game/food etc" It helps if you specific with them. For example: You:What is your favorite game. Child: I like hide and seek
"What do you like to do for fun?"(楽しみのために何をするのが好きですか?)という文章を理解できない子供がたまにいます。そのため"What is your favorite game/food etc"(お気に入りのゲームや食べ物等は何ですか?)と具体的に聞いてあげるとより答えやすいかもしれません。 あなた:"What is your favorite game." (お気に入りのゲームは何ですか?) 子供:"I like hide and seek."(いないないばあだよ。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What do you like to do for fun?

  • What is your favorite game?

You can ask any of these questions:- 1. What do you like to do for fun? 2. What is your favorite game? Asking any of these questions is an easy way to ask a child what they enjoy doing the most or what they consider to be the most fun activities. Example Adult : What do you like to do for fun? Child : I like to draw pictures of nature for fun.
このように質問できます。 1. What do you like to do for fun? (あなたは楽しみの為にどんな事をするのが好きですか?) 2. What is your favorite game? (あなたのお気に入りのゲームは何ですか) これらのどの質問も簡単に子供にどんな事をするのが楽しいのか聞く事が出来ます。 例文  Adult : What do you like to do for fun? 大人(あたなは楽しみのために何をするのが好きですか?) Child : I like to draw pictures of nature for fun. 子供(私は自然の絵を描く事が好きです。)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What is your favorite game to play?

  • What game do you like playing the most?

"What is your favorite game to play? " This asks the child to tell you which game they enjoy playing more than any other. "What game do you like playing the most?" This asks the child to tell you which game they like playing more than the others.
"What is your favorite game to play? " (お気に入りの遊びは何かな?) これは子供に何の遊びをして遊ぶのが好きか尋ねる表現になります。 "What game do you like playing the most?" (何の遊びをいつもしているの?) これは子供にどんな遊びをいつもしているのか尋ねる表現になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a favourite game?

  • Do you like playing.... ?

You can ask the child directly "Do you have a favourite game?" This can be child directed and then they can tell you what it is they like. If the children are struggling to think of a game or activity, you can be more direct and ask "Do you like playing Monopoly?" for example, or choose a different game or activity to ask about.
子供に直接、 “Do you have a favorite game?” (好きなゲームはありますか?) と聞くことができます。 これは、子供に指示して、何が好きなのか教えてくれます。 もし子供がゲームやアクティビティを考えるのに苦戦していたら、 導いてあげて、こう聞くことができます。 ”Do you like playing Monopoly?” (モノポリーをしたいですか?) あるいは、違うゲームをきいてあげることができます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What do you do in your free time?

  • 2. Where do you get most enjoyment in your life?

Explanation: Sentence one just asks how someone spends their free time. Logically, people would do things they enjoy in their free time. The second question seeks to identify the precise thing from which the listener derives most enjoyment. Example sentence: "What do you really like to do to have fun?"
最初の文は、どのように時間自由時間を過ごすのかを聞く文です。 論理的には、人は自由な時間に自分の好きなことを楽しむものです。 二つ目の文は、相手に何をするのが楽しいのか聞く文です。 例文:  "What do you really like to do to have fun?" 何をすることがすきですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favourite game?

As you are speaking to a child, its best to keep your language as simple as possible. Therefore the easiest and child-friendly way to ask would be to say: "What's your favourite game?".
子供に聞くのであれば、できるだけシンプルな言い方にしたほうがいいでしょう。 ですので一番子供に伝わりやすい文章は"What's your favourite game?"(あなたが一番好きなゲームは何?)です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • What do you like to do for fun?

  • What games do you like to play?

  • What is your favorite game?

We can generally ask, "what do you like to do for fun," to describe what someone enjoys, whether it's a game or some other hobby. We can be more specific by asking what games they like to play or we can ask which is their, "favorite game."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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