世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/15 00:35
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  • Life was wonderful when I just had to think about eating strawberries.

  • Life was easy when all I had to worry about was eating strawberries

  • Life was wonderful when simply eating strawberries was the greatest thing.

"Life was wonderful when I just had to think about eating strawberries." This explains that life was very good at a time when you didn't have worried and just thought about eating strawberries. "Life was easy when all I had to worry about was eating strawberries" This explains that life was easy and you did not have to worry or stress when you were a child and only had to think about simple things like eating strawberries.
"Life was wonderful when I just had to think about eating strawberries." (イチゴのことだけ考えれば良かった頃は人生が素晴らしかったのに) これは、心配なく、イチゴを食べることだけを考えていた頃は、人生が良かったことを表現する言い方です。 "Life was easy when all I had to worry about was eating strawberries" (心配事といえばイチゴを食べることだけだったあの頃の人生は簡単だったのに) これは、イチゴのことだけを考えていれば良かった子供の頃はどれすや心配事と無縁で人生が簡単だったという意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When I was a child, the thought of eating strawberry cake made me happy.

When I was a child, the thought of eating strawberry cake made me happy. This means that when you were a child you were happy whenever you thought about strawberry cake or you were told you would have strawberry cake.
When I was a child, the thought of eating strawberry cake made me happy. (私が子供だった頃、いちごのケーキを食べる事を考えるだけで幸せだった) これはあなたが子供だった頃はいちごのケーキを食べる事、もしくは食べられると言われる事を考えるだけで幸せだった、という事を意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • In my childhood, I used to be happy when I was told there was some strawberry cake.

  • When I was a child, I recall being happy just by hearing there was some strawberry cake.

「子供のころ」また「小さいときは」を"In my childhood!" または"when I was a child".たまに"when I was little"も聞きます。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • Fresh strawberries remind me of my childhood

  • Even the scent of strawberries can send me back to my childhood

"Even the scent of strawberries can send me back to my childhood" Our senses can trigger strong memories of emotional times in our lives. Having such a happy memory associated to strawberries could be triggered simply by the smell as well as the thought of eating them! :)
"Even the scent of strawberries can send me back to my childhood" (イチゴの香りをかぐだけで子供時代に戻れます) 私たちの人生の中で私たちの感覚は強い感情の思い出を呼び覚ますことがあります。 例えば、イチゴに関する楽しい思い出がちょっとしたイチゴの香りをかいだだり、食べることを思うだけで思い出されたりします! :)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I was excited just at the thought

  • The anticipation was enough

"the anticipation of eating strawberries as a child was enough to excite me". or "i used to get excited at the thought!"
例文 "The anticipation of eating strawberries as a child was enough to excite me". 子供の時はイチゴが食べられると思うだけでワクワクした。 "I used to get excited at the thought!" 昔はイチゴが食べられると考えるだけでワクワクしていた。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Delighted by the very thought of...

  • As a child I was delighted by the very thought of strawberry cake...

"To be delighted by the very thought of "(...something ) is a extremely rare event... We do not need th physical object or person to ignite our excitement... The " thought is enough" We all have some childhood memories that delighted us... :As a child I was delighted by the very thought of strawberry cake..."
"To be delighted by the very thought of "(...something ) (...を考えるだけで嬉しい)はとても珍しいことに使います。 自分を興奮させるような物や人は必要ではありません。考えるだけで十分です。 私達はみんな嬉しくなるような子供時代の思い出があります。 例文 As a child I was delighted by the very thought of strawberry cake..." 子供の時は、イチゴケーキのことを考えるだけで嬉しかった
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Mmmmm, as a child, strawberries were always a great treat.

Explanation: 'Mmmmm' means that you think something is tasty or delicious. To set the scene in the past, you can start your sentence, "As a child/infant/young man etc. Example sentence: "As a former chief inspector with the metropolitan police, I fully appreciate the financial constraints."
説明: 'Mmmmm' は何かが美味しいと思うことを意味します。過去のことを話すときには"As a child/infant/young man etc."と言うことから始めます。 例文: "As s former chief inspector with the metropolitan police, I fully appreciate the financial constraints." (首都警察の前調査長官として、財政上の制約については充分理解しています。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I used to get happy just thinking about eating strawberries.

  • I used to get excited just thinking about eating strawberries.

  • I used to get happy just by the thought of eating strawberries.

In this example we can either use the adjectives, "happy," or, "excited," to express the same meaning in terms of the idea of eating strawberries as a child. We can also use the gerund, "thinking about," or use noun, "the thought of," interchangeably as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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