世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/19 00:20
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  • Which train line did you use?

  • Which train line did you catch?

Both phrases are natural to use. We normally say 'catch' when we are talking about transport, and often we use 'grab' too. "Did you manage to catch the bus?" "I'll grab a taxi". You can say train line, but you can also shorten it to just line. If the person already knows you got the train then they might just say, "Which line did you use?".
どちらの表現も自然なフレーズです。交通機関について話しているときに 'catch' (乗る、つかまえる)は普通よく使いますが、'grab'も同じ意味で使われます。 "Did you manage to catch the bus?" バスをつかまえようとした? "I'll grab a taxi". タクシーをつかまえるわ。 路線という意味のtrain lineを短くしてlineということもできます。もし、相手があなたが電車に乗ったことを知っているなら、 "Which line did you use?" 何線に乗ったの? と言うことができます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Which train line did you arrive on?

  • What was your arrival line?

As we are talking about your friend's final rail destination here, we are only interested in the line he used to arrive at the station. On the London underground, the lines all have distinguishing colours and if you don't know the name of the line, you may just say the colour of the line. A: "Did you arrive on the Circle Line?" B: "I don't know. It was a yellow line." A: "Yes, that's the Circle Line."
友達の目的地まで何線できたか話すときは、そこ着くのに使った線を知りたいですよね。ロンドンの地下鉄では、路線は色別になっているので、路線の名前がわからなくても、色を言えばいいのです。  A: "Did you arrive on the Circle Line?" サークル線で来たの? B: "I don't know. It was a yellow line." わからないけど、黄色だったよ。 A: "Yes, that's the Circle Line." そう、それがサークル線だよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which line did /will you use... to get here

  • I almost forgot to ask ...which line did/will you use, to get here?

There are so many different lines running. It can be difficult to park near to the correct exit point;-) It is perhaps best to check before hand! "I almost forgot to ask which line did/will you use to get here?"
様々な異なる線が走っていて、正確な出口で落ち合うことが難しい場合もあるでしょう。こんなときは事前に確認することが一番です。 例文: "I almost forgot to ask ...which line did/will you use, to get here?" (忘れるところだったけど、どの線を使ってくる予定?(will ) 使ってきたの?(did))
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Which train platform should I get you?

  • Which train line are you on, because I want to get you at the nearest exit?

  • What platform are you on? I want to get you on the nearest exit

When you want to ask your friend which train they are on so you can get them on the nearest exit; then you can ask them in the following ways: -Which train platform should I get you? -Which train line are you on, because I want to get you at the nearest exit? -What platform are you on? I want to get you on the nearest exit
一番近い出口に迎えに行けるように、どの電車に乗っているか尋ねたいなら、次のように質問できます: 【例文】 -Which train platform should I get you? (どの線のプラットフォームに行ったらいいですか?) -Which train line are you on, because I want to get you at the nearest exit? (何線に乗っていますか。一番近い出口まで迎えに行きます) -What platform are you on? I want to get you on the nearest exit (どのプラットフォームにいますか?一番近い出口まで迎えに行きます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What train line did you use?

  • What train line did you catch?

Both of these are a great way to ask your friend what train they got/caught so you know where to pick therm up from 'What train line did you catch' would be a great way of saying this
どちらも、(どこに迎えに行ったらいいか分かるように)どの列車に乗ったのかを尋ねる言い方です。 「What train line did you catch?(何線に乗ったの)」は、すごくいい言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • which is the best train line to take?

These are examples of how to use the sentence. Which train line did you take to get here? Which train did you take? This is the best way to ask someone how they can travel via the train and which line they are able to use.
以下、例文です。 Which train line did you take to get here? (何線で来ましたか) Which train did you take? (何線に乗りましたか) これは、電車での移動と利用できる路線について尋ねるベストな言い方です。
Baiden DMM英会話講師
  • Which track will you arrive on?

  • Which train did you take?

  • Which train line were you on?

Both metros (subways) and trains use "lines" or "tracks". Sometimes passengers know which track they will arrive on, but sometimes they don't. You can ask "which track will you arrive on" just in case they are aware. Otherwise, you can ask for the actual line. Subways usually have colors. "Will you be arriving on the blue line or the red line?" Which train line did you take? What train are you on? You can also explain that you would like to meet them at the closest exit, as long as you know which train line or train track they should be arriving at.
地下鉄と電車どちらも"line"(路線)や"tracks"(線路)を使います。 何番線に到着するのか、知っていて乗っている人もいれば、知らないで乗っている人もいます。 次のように聞くことが出来ます。 "Which track will you arrive on" [訳]何番線に到着しますか? もしくは何線(line)に乗っているのか聞いてもいいです。 地下鉄などは普通、路線によって色が別れていますよね。 【例文】 "Will you be arriving on the blue line or the red line?" [訳]青線で来ますか、それとも赤線ですか? "Which train line did you take?" [訳]どの電車に乗りましたか? "What train are you on?" [訳]何線に乗っていますか? また、何番線に乗ってくるのかが分かれば、最寄りの出口まで迎えに行きたいと伝えてもいいです。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Which train line did you use to get here?

・「Which train line did you use to get here? 」 (意味)何線で来た? <例文>Which train line did you use to get here?/ I used the A line. <訳>何線で来た?/Aラインを使いました。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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