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2017/12/20 19:16
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  • To determine your future.

The best way to say it in English is "I would like to decide my future career based on the outcome of my study abroad trip." This way you are providing a cause and effect of what your decision will be based on. An example of this is saying: I will bring my umbrella today, based on what the weather will be later.
“I would like to decide my future career based on the outcome of my study abroad trip.” (留学で得られるものに基づいて、私の将来のキャリアを決めていきたいと思います。) が一番の良い英語のフレーズだと思います。 こう言うことによって、自分自身の決心が何に基づいているのか、 原因と結果(cause and effect)を表すことになります。 他の、原因と結果(cause and effect)を表す例として、 “I will bring my umbrella today, based on what the weather will be later.” (私は、このあとの天気がどうなるかに基づいて、今日傘を持っていきます。)
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • Studying abroad will help me decide what I want to do with my future.

  • Studying abroad will give me a chance to think about my future.

"Studying abroad will help me decide what I want to do with my future." This explains to the person that you don't know what you want to do yet but you will have a chance to decide while you are studying. "Studying abroad will give me a chance to think about my future." This is another way of explaining that you have time to think about what you want to do because you are still going to study abroad.
"Studying abroad will help me decide what I want to do with my future." (留学をすることで将来何をしたいのか、決めやすくなると思います) これは、まだ何をやりたいのか決まっていないけれど、留学をしている間にやりたいことを見つけられる可能性があることを意味します。 "Studying abroad will give me a chance to think about my future." (留学をすることで将来について考える機会ができる) これも留学期間に将来何がやりたいのか考えることができる、という事を意味します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When i go study abroad will use that as an opportunity to think of my future prospects

  • When i go study abroad will use that as an opportunity to think of my career

* When i go study abroad will use that as an opportunity to think of my future prospects. An opportunity is a chance. Example Sentences: Next week's trade fair is an opportunity to market your products. Last chance to register for nursing.
“When I go study abroad, I will use that as an opportunity to think of my future prospects.” (私は留学に行くとき、それを将来の可能性を考える機会とします。) “an opportunity”とはチャンス、機会という意味です。 例文 “Next week’s trade fair is an opportunity to market your products.” (来週の貿易フェアはあなたの製品を市場に出す機会です。) “Last chance to register for nursing.” (看護に登録する最後の機会)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I will decide on my future after I study abroad.

  • I will make plans for my future after I study abroad.

"I will decide on my future after I study abroad." Decide - to come to a decision after taking time to consider all the options. Here you are saying you will make a decision about your future, after, not before, you study abroad. "I will make plans for my future after I study abroad." Plans - a list of things you want to do, to accomplish. You will make this list after your studies abroad. Either way to say it, you are letting your listener know that you will not make a decision right away, but after your study.
“I will decide on my future after I study abroad.” (留学を終えたあと、将来について決めたいと思います。) decide=全ての選択肢を考慮したあと決定に至ること。 ここでは、留学の前でなく、あとに自分の将来について決断をすると言っているので、この表現となります。 “I will make plans for my future after I study abroad.” (留学のあと、私は自分の将来について計画したいと思います。) plans= したいことやすべきことのリスト。 留学を終えたあとに、このリストを作るという表現です。 上記ふたつ、どちらの文も、すぐに決めるのではなく、 留学後に決める、ということを聞き手に伝える表現です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I will use my time studying abroad to evaluate what I truly wish to do with my future.

  • Whilst I am studying abroad I intend to use the time to get a clear picture of what I want my future to be.

Both of the answers denote the use of one´s time abroad studying to be multi faceted. Both give the notion of simultaneous action and thought process during the same period of time. The first response uses the more certain "will" intention. The second is more descriptive prose.
両方の答えは留学の使い方がたくさんの側面をもつ、ということについてです。 両方とも、留学の間、行動と思考が同時進行であることを表しています。 最初の返答は”will”(意志)を使っています。二個目はより説明的です。
Franky B DMM英会話講師
  • I will ponder my future whilst studying abroad.

  • Whilst studying abroad I'll chew over my future

Explanation: To ponder something / to chew something over = to consider something, to contemplate something, to think about all aspects of something. Example sentence: "I'll chew over your offer and let you know tomorrow."
To ponder something / to chew something over =何かを考慮すること、考えること  例文: "I'll chew over your offer and let you know tomorrow." あなたの提案を熟慮して、明日知らせます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Studying overseas will give me the chance to figure out what I want to do with my life

Figure out' is a phrasal verb that means to take the time to understand an issue or solve a problem.
"Figure out"という動詞句は、時間をかけて問題について考えたり、解決策を見つける、という意味で使われます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I want to use my study abroad experience to think about my future studies.

  • I'm going to decide my future studies based on my study abroad experience.

We can use the term, "study abroad experience," to talk about our experience when studying overseas. When connecting this with, "my future studies," we can make the sentence that talks about how our study abroad will help us determine our future studies.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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