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baby on board. baby in car. 車の後部に掲示されたサインボードについてです どっちが英語っぽいですか?
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2016/01/28 10:37
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  • Baby on board

どちらでもまちがいでないです! On boardのほうが見かけるような気がします
  • Baby on board

  • Baby in car

The most common expression is: 'Baby on board' It is a sign often used in the U.K to show that a baby is inside the car. In terms of the statement, you can also so Baby in car. I hope that helps!
You can also so... say 最もよく使われる表現は Baby on board でしょう。 赤ちゃんが車の中にいることを示すためにイギリスではよく使われるサインです。 その文は、Baby in car と言うこともできます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Baby on board!

  • Baby in car!

  • Kids aboard!

You can use all of the above to express to other drivers that you have a baby or kids in the car! "On board" or "aboard" meaning in the car
赤ちゃんが車の中にいるということを他のドライバーに伝えるために、上記のフレーズのどれでも使っていただけます。 "On board"や"aboard"は、車の中に乗っていることを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Baby on board

  • There is a baby in the car

  • Careful, baby inside.

"baby on board", "on board" means on or in something that can fit a person. When you say baby on board, it's another way of saying there is a baby in here. "there is a baby in the car" is a direct way of saying what it is, that there is a baby in the car. "careful, baby inside" signifies to other drivers to drive carefully and watch where they're going because there is a baby in the car.
"baby on board" -「on board」は「(人が何か)に乗って」という意味です。「baby on board」は、ここに赤ちゃんがいるという意味です。 「there is a baby in the car」は直接的な言い方で、車に赤ちゃんが乗っていることを表します。 「careful, baby inside」は、車に赤ちゃんが乗っているので、他の運転手に慎重に運転するように言う言い方です。
Katrina W DMM英会話講師
  • Baby - keep your distance!

  • Baby Pictures (No words)

Yes, your ideas are the normal signs or messages that there is a baby in the car and these are possible messages. It may not be the best idea to write anything on a sign yourself,,probably better to buy a ready made sign with clear letters and clear message as drivers will drive closer to you to read the message if it is not perfectly clear. A popular message in the UK is 'Keep your distance' which means do not drive too close to the back of your car. It may be safer just to have a diagram or pictorial image of a baby so people are not distracted by reading messages while driving behind you.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Baby on board

  • Baby in the car

In the uk it is common for people to have signs in there back window usually to say "baby on board" This allows other road users to know that there is a baby in the car and to be careful around them You could also say "There is a baby in the car."
イギリスでは、車のリアウインドーに "baby on board" と表示するのが一般的です。こうすることで他の道路使用者は、車に赤ちゃんがいることが分かり、気をつけてくれます。 "There is a baby in the car"(車に赤ちゃんがいます)と言うことも出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Baby On Board

A sign usually used to indicate that there is a baby in the car, then you can say: Baby on board. There are usually ready made signs that say this that are sold in stores.
車の中に赤ちゃんがいることを示す標示には、Baby on boardが使えます。 これは普通お店で売られている既製品です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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