世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/03 00:29
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  • He/she was my senior in college.

  • He/she was my classmate in college.

[先輩]( senior [後輩]( junior He was my senior in college. 彼は[大学](で先輩でした。 彼は大学時代の先輩です。 ※in college=大学で university を使うこともできます。 同級生 classmate ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • He was ahead of me in college.

He was two years ahead of me in college. 彼は[大学](より2年[先輩](でした。 その逆は「behind」です。 She was two years behind me in college. 彼女は大学より2年後輩でした。
Tim Young 主催
  • my senior during college (most common)

  • an upperclass/higherclass student during my university years

  • an older student in college

先輩 can be 'senior' or 'upperclassman' or 'upperclass/higherclass student'. Can be male or female. 後輩 can be 'junior' or 'underclassman' or 'underclass/lowerclass student'. Can be male or female. 時代の can be 'during the time of' or 'in the period of'. In this case, the time period of interest is "college" (大学). my senior during college (most common) an upperclass student during my university years an older student in college
「先輩」は、「senior」「upperclassman」または「upperclass/higherclass student」と言えます。男性でも女性でもかまいません。 「後輩」は「junior」「underclassman」または「underclass/lowerclass student」と言えます。男性でも女性でもかまいません。 「時代の」は「during the time of」「in the period of」と言えます。この場合、関心のある時代は「college」 (大学)です。 my senior during college (最も一般的) an upperclass student during my university years an older student in college (大学時代の先輩)
Toney DMM英会話講師
  • He/she was one year above me at college.

  • He/she was one grade higher than me at college.

  • He/she was one year ahead of me at college.

Each year level at school is called a "grade". Sometimes these grades are named using numbers, for example "In Australia, you start high school in the seventh grade". Other places might use words like "freshman", "sophomore", "junior", or "senior" to name each grade. Generally at high school, ninth grade is called "freshman year", tenth grade is called "sophomore year", eleventh grade is called "junior year", and twelfth grade is called "senior year". A sophomore is one year above a freshman. A sophomore is two years below a senior.
学校の学年を「grade」と呼びます。時々、これらのグレードは数字を使って呼ばれます。例えば、 In Australia, you start high school in the seventh grade. オーストラリアでは、7年目で高等学校が始まります。 他のところでは、各学年を「freshman(高校・大学1年生)」、「sophomore(高校・大学2年生)」、「junior(高校・大学3年生)」、または「senior(高校・大学4年生)」と呼びます。 一般的に、高等学校では、9学年を「freshman year」、10学年を「sophomore year」、11学年を「junior year」、12学年を「senior year」と呼びます。 A sophomore is one year above a freshman. (2年生は1年生の1つ上です。) A sophomore is two years below a senior. (2年生は4年生の2つ下です。)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • He was my senior in college

  • He was a year/ two years/three years ahead of me in college

This is a way to describe an upperclassmen that you knew. In comparison to your level at college he would be farther along in his studies. It could be by one, two or three years since college typically lasts for four years.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • He/she was ahead of me in college. I was a junior and he/she was a senior.

  • He/she was in a higher level than me in college.

To express that someone was ahead of you in college you may refer to said person as the senior. To emphasize that you were a level lower you may say that you were a junior. You may also make use of the following examples: He/she was in a higher level than me in college. He/she was a few grades above me in college. He/she was my college senior.
大学で上の学年だったと表現するのは、senior(先輩)ということです。学年が下と強調するなら、I was a junior(私は、後輩でした)と言えるでしょう。 下記の例文も使えます。 He/she was in a higher level than me in college. 彼(彼女)は、大学で私より一学年上でした。 He/she was a few grades above me in college. 彼(彼女)は、大学で私より2,3学年上でした。 He/she was my college senior. 彼(彼女)は、大学で私の先輩でした。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • In the year above me

In the UK, we would describe this situation as being 'a person in the year above me'. For example: "I went to school with him, he was in the year above me." "She was in the year above me in college." "He was in the year below me at school, so he is only a little bit younger than me."
イギリスではこの状況を「a person in the year above me」と表します。例えば: I went to school with him, he was in the year above me. (私は彼と一緒の学校に行きました。彼は1年先輩です。)   She was in the year above me in college. (彼女は大学の1年先輩です。) He was in the year below me at school, so he is only a little bit younger than me. (彼は学校で私の1年後輩だったので、私よりも少し若いだけです。)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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