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今回の正月休みは6連休でした。 1月5日を休んで10連休にすることもできましたが、 そんなに休めば仕事に行くのがさらに嫌になるので、 5日は出勤することにしました。
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nobuyuki yoshidaさん
2018/01/03 21:30
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  • The longer the vacation, the lazier I get to go back to work.

>▪ The longer the vacation, the lazier I get to go back to work. >This sentence is directly saying that you are getting lazy to go back to work the more you are on vacation. >You can also say: >It is not easy to go back to work after a long vacation.
>▪ The longer the vacation, the lazier I get to go back to work. 休みが長いほど、仕事に戻ることは億劫になります。 休みが長いほど仕事に行くことが億劫に感じるようになることを表しています。 またこのようにも言えます。 >It is not easy to go back to work after a long vacation. 長い休暇の後に仕事へ戻ることは簡単ではありません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The longer I am off the harder it is to go back.

  • The longer my holiday the less I want t go back.

"The longer I am off the harder it is to go back." This explains to the person that the more time you are away from work the more difficult it is to want to go back. "The longer my holiday the less I want t go back." This is another way of explaining that the longer you are away the more difficult it is to go back.
例文 "The longer I am off the harder it is to go back." 長く休めば休む程仕事に戻るのが辛くなる 休みが長ければ長いほど仕事に戻りたいと思いにくくなると説明しています。 例文 "The longer my holiday the less I want t go back." 休日が長くなればなる程仕事に戻りたくなくなる 休みが長ければ長いほど仕事に戻りたいと思いにくくなると説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The more time you take off, the harder it gets to go back to work.

  • The longer your vacation, the worse you feel on your first day back at work.

①The more time you take off, the harder it gets to go back to work. the more time you take off→休みを取れば取るほど the harder it gets→(気持ち的に)もっと大変になる、難しくなる go back to work→仕事に戻る ②The longer your vacation, the worse you feel on your first day back at work. the longer your vacation→休暇が長ければ長いほど the worse you feel→もっと嫌な気持ちになる your first day back at work→(休み明けの)仕事復帰の初日 上記例文では、主語がYouになっていますが、これは、話し相手のことを指しているのではなく、一般論として述べています。アメリカの場合ですが、このように、Youを主語にして会話するネイティブスピーカーは多いです。もちろん、主語をIに変えてもノープロブレムです。 ●1月5日を休んで10連休にすることもできましたが →I could've taken a vacation day on the 5th, but ●5日は出勤することにしました (その日は出勤することにしました) →I decided to go to work that day (on the 5th). ●Because→何故なら…例文①または②をここに入れます。 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • The longer i stay on vacation, the more i feel like quitting my job

*The longer i stay on vacation, the more i feel like quitting my job. Quit means stop. Example Sentences: It's good to take some time off but it's difficult to resume work. Take some time off but it's going to be difficult to go back to work.
*The longer i stay on vacation, the more i feel like quitting my job. 休暇が長いほど仕事を辞めたいと思ってしまいます。 Quitは辞めるという意味です。 例文: It's good to take some time off but it's difficult to resume work. たまに休暇をとるのはいいのですが仕事復帰することが難しくなります。 Take some time off but it's going to be difficult to go back to work. 休暇をとってください、でも仕事に戻りたくなくなりますよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It gets harder and harder to return to work, the longer you are on holiday

You can use a comparative adjective twice with 'and' - for example: 'harder and harder,' to show that something is increasing. "It's getting hotter and hotter today!" "I'm getting lazier and lazier every day I spend on holiday."
比較級を2つ、"and"(と)で繋いで使うことができます。 例えば、 "It's getting hotter and hotter today!" (今日はだんだん暑くなっています!) "I'm getting lazier and lazier every day I spend on holiday." (休日の過ごし方は毎日だんだんとだらだらしています。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The longer I'm away from work the harder it is to go back.

"The longer I'm away from work the harder it is to go back. " Here you are exhaling that the longer or the more time you spend away from work, the harder or more difficult it is for you to back to it.
"The longer I'm away from work the harder it is to go back."(休みが長ければ長いほど仕事に戻るのが嫌になる) - ここでは、仕事から遠ざかっている期間が長ければ長いほど、戻るのが嫌になると伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • The longer I am away from work, the harder it is to get back into it.

  • It is so hard getting back into the idea of working when I have been relaxing on holiday.

  • Returning to work after a holiday gets harder the longer your away.

After a relaxing holiday, it is really difficult getting back into the flow of work again. You may feel lazy and it is hard getting back into the rhythm of it. Rhythm: specific timing of movement. When we are in rhythm with something we are in tune and things are going according to plan.
休暇でリラックスした後に、仕事に戻るのは本当に大変ですね。 怠けてしまって仕事のリズム(Rhythm)になかなか戻れないということがあります。 Rhythm: 特定の動きのパターン "In rhythm with something" は、何かと調和して物事が計画通りに進むことをいいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The longer you're away, the harder it is to go back!

  • The longer I'm away from work, the harder I find it to go back.

The longer you're away, the harder it is to go back! - The longer you spend away from work, whether it is on vacation or sick leave, the harder it is to go back to work. The longer I'm away from work, the harder I find it to go back.
The longer you're away, the harder it is to go back!(休みは長ければ長いほど戻るのが大変) は、「バケーションであれ病気休暇であれ、仕事の休みは長ければ長いほど戻るのが大変」という意味です。 The longer I'm away from work, the harder I find it to go back.(仕事の休みは長いほど戻るのが大変)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • The longer I take off work, The harder it is to get back to work.

  • The more time off work I take, The lazier I become.

"The longer I take off work, The harder it is to get back to work." this sentence is expressing that the longer/more time you take off/don't go to work, the harder/more difficult it is to start/get back to work. "The more time off work I take, The lazier I become." When using the term 'Lazier' this refers to not wanting to do something, to become idol and not want to do any task.
"The longer I take off work, The harder it is to get back to work."(休みが長ければ長いほど仕事に戻るのが大変になる) は、「休みが長ければ長いほど仕事に戻るのが大変になる」と伝えています。 "The more time off work I take, The lazier I become."(休みが長ければ長いほど怠けてしまう) 'Lazier' は「やる気が起きないこと」、「怠けて仕事をする気が起きないこと」を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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