A lot of people in Japan think that Australia is a pretty safe country.
A lot of Japanese people believe Australia is a fairly safe country.
In saying 'a lot' we are saying, not everyone, but a large number of Japanese people. 'pretty safe' and 'fairly safe' both mean that these people think it is a safe country but admit there may still be crime in the country. On a scale of one to ten it would be about a 8.
Many Japanese people believe Australia is a safe country to visit.
Most Japanese people think Australia is a very safe place.
"Most and "Many" mean not everyone however a large amount of people. "think and believe" mean how they feel about something, someone or somewhere. "Very safe" means not 100% safe but safe enough that you can travel to Australia without fear.
Example " 90% of Japanese people think that Australia is a safe place to live or visit.
Hope this helps
「Very safe(とても安全)」は、全く危険がないわけではないが安心して(オーストラリアを)旅行できるレベルと伝えます。
"90% of Japanese people think that Australia is a safe place to live or visit."
Generally, Japanese people consider Australia to be a safe country
In terms of the whole world, Japanese people believe Australia is one of the safer countries
'Generally' is an adverb that may be used when speaking about: the majority, most people, many people, in most cases, or the largest proportion of a group.
EX. "Generally speaking, it's better to prepare all your ingredients before starting to cook."
'Generally' (一般的に)は副詞で大多数、ほとんどの人、
例えば. "Generally speaking, it's better to prepare all your
ingredients before starting to cook."
Many Japanese share the idea that Australia is a relatively safe country.
Many Japanese people are of the opinion that Australia is generally a safe country.
Most Japanese people consider Australia to be a safe place.
To share the idea generally means to be of the same opinion. In saying this you are expressing that most Japanese people have the same perception or idea of Australia.When we are speaking generally we are saying that this is the situation in most cases.
To share the idea'は、一般的に同意見と言う意味です。これ
Most Japanese people believe Australia is a safe country.
Many people in Japan see Australia as a safe country.
"Most Japanese people believe Australia is a safe country." Here is a way to say that Japanese think Australia is a safe country.
"Many people in Japan see Australia as a safe country." See here just means believe, or have an opinion that, Australia is a safe country.
"Most Japanese people believe Australia is a safe country."(ほとんどの日本人はオーストラリアは安全な国だと考えています)
"Many people in Japan see Australia as a safe country."(日本では多くの人がオーストラリアを安全な国と思っています)
- "see" はここでは「考えている」という意味です。オーストラリアを安全な国と考えているということ。