世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/14 20:59
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  • Japanese people take time to choose something.

  • Japanese people take time to decide what to eat.

take time to=時間をかける、ゆっくりする Don't worry take your time. = ゆっくりで大丈夫だよ。のようにyourを入れる使い方もある。 take a long time to ____ でも言えます。 choose=pick=選ぶ 日本人に多く見る間違えで、I can't choise. 和製英語の「チョイスする」からきているようですが、choise(名詞)=選択 my choise, a good choise, choose - chose - chosen 「食事を選ぶのに時間がかかる」で他に考えられる状況 Japanese people take time to decide what to eat.  日本人は何を食べるか決めるのに時間をかける/がかかる decide what to eat = 何を食べるか決める decide what to order= 何を注文するか decide where they eat= どこで食べるか(レストラン) 他にも言い方はあるので一例としてご参考にしていただければ!
  • The Japanese are not hasty when making a purchase

  • Japanese people like to chew things over carefully before making a decision

  • The Japanese like to look before they leap.

"Look before you leap" is an old English proverb meaning that you should take time to consider everything before making an important decision. If you decide something 'hastily' it may not be a 'sound decision' as you have not considered every possible negative aspect. To chew things over, means to be thoughtful about something for a period of time.
“Look before you leap.” (直訳:跳ぶ前に見てください。意訳:石橋を叩いて渡る。) これは古い英語のことわざで、何か大切な決断をする前に、 全てを考慮するのに時間をかけるべきだという意味です。 “hastily”(慌てて・急遽)、何かを決めるとき、 全ての可能性のあるネガティブな要素を考慮していないので、 “sound decision”(正しい決断)ではないかもしれません。 “to chew 〜over”(〜を熟考する)とは、ある一定の期間、 何かについて考えることを意味します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people take a while to make decisions.

  • Japanese people take time to choose something.

"Japanese people take a while to make decisions." This explains to the person that in the Japanese culture they take time to make decisions and choose a final item. "Japanese people take time to choose something." This is another way of explaining to a person that they take time to choose what they will eat or to make decisions.
例文 "Japanese people take a while to make decisions." 日本人は決断するのに時間がかかる 日本の文化では決断をして、最終的な物を選ぶのに時間がかかることを人に説明しています。 例文 "Japanese people take time to choose something." 日本人は物事を決めるのに時間がかかる。 何を食べるか又は決断をするのに時間がかかることを人に説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese like to take their time making a choice.

  • It takes the Japanese time to choose a meal.

"Japanese like to take their time making a choice." (Like - fond of "Mark likes to eat cookies." ) "It takes the Japanese time to choose a meal." (Takes, this is synonymous with the word make. You could also say, "The Japanese like to think before they make a decision about their meals.")
"Japanese like to take their time making a choice." (日本人は選ぶのに時間をかけるのが好き) "Like" -好き 【例】 "Mark likes to eat cookies." (マークはクッキーを食べる事が好き) ) "It takes the Japanese time to choose a meal." (日本人は食事を選ぶのに時間がかかる) "Takes"(かかる)これは"make"と同意語になります。 また次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 "The Japanese like to think before they make a decision about their meals." (日本人は食事を選ぶことを考えるのが好きです)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Choose

  • Decide

*Choose/Decide - to select or pick from two or more alternatives. Past tense of choose is chose. Past tense of decide is decided. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose from given options. Example Sentences: Japanese take time to decide on their options. Have you decided on what you will have for breakfast.
*Choose/Decide (選ぶ/決める) -二つの物やそれ以上の物から何かを選択することを言います。 "choose"の過去形は"chose"になります。 "decide"の過去形は"decided"になります。 色々な選択から決めなくてはならないのは時々難しいですよね。 【例文】 Japanese take time to decide on their options. (日本人は選ぶのに時間がかかる) Have you decided on what you will have for breakfast. (朝食を何にするか決まりましたか?)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Mull it over

  • In Japan they do not rush into decisions quickly...they prefer to mull it over...

"Mull it over" The verb "mull" means to think deeply about something, in the way you might "mull over your choices" . When you mull something over, you ponder or seriously consider it. "Ruminate" "In Japan they do not rush into decisions quickly...they prefer to mull it over.."
"Mull it over" (~について熟考する) この動詞 "mull"とは何かをじっくり考えるという意味になります。 この場合 "mull over your choices" . (じっくり考えて選ぶ) と言う事が出来ますね。 あなたが何かを"mull over"するということはとてもじっくり何かについて考えるという意味になります。 "Ruminate"(時間をかけて じっくり真剣に考える) 【例】 "In Japan they do not rush into decisions quickly...they prefer to mull it over.." (日本では何かを決める事を急ぎません、彼らはじっくり考えることを好みます)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Japanese people take time when they need to choose/decide something"

  • "Japanese people like to take time to know that they are making the wisest decision"

  • "Japanese people take a while to make decisions"

if you wanted to explain that Japanese people take time to choose or decide things, you can say any of the following: "Japanese people take time when they need to choose/decide something", "Japanese people like to take time to know that they are making the wisest decision" or "Japanese people take a while to make decisions". All three of these sentences adequately express what you want people to know.
日本人は時間をかけてものを決めると説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Japanese people take time when they need to choose/decide something"(日本人は時間をかけてものを決める) "Japanese people like to take time to know that they are making the wisest decision"(日本人は時間をかけてものを決めることが多い) "Japanese people take a while to make decisions"(日本人は時間をかけてものを決める) これらどの文でも、あなたの言いたいことを伝えられます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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