スーパーでよく見かけるきゅうりは、Lebanese cucumber。日本のよりずんぐり体形です。味はさほど変わらないのでよくスーパーでよく買っていました。
cool as cucumber; きゅうりのように冷たい=すごく冷静な、沈着な
That guy was trying to piss off Kevin, but Kevin walked away as cool as cucumber.
I love cucumbers.
I don't like cucumbers
I love cucumber sandwiches.
The long green vegetables are called cucumbers, they are part of the gourd family and grow on vines. There are more than 100 varieties
of cucumber.
The Slicer cucumbers have a thick dark green skin that feels a little bit waxy, lots of seeds in the middle and is slightly bitter to the taste.
The English cucumbers are the most common ones. They have fewer seeds, a thinner skin and are not so bitter they are the favourite cucumber for slicing into salads. They are grown commercially and normally sold wrapped in plastic as the skin is not waxy.
Pickling cucumbers are normally shorter and wider and are more uniform in width. They may have a bumpy or spotted skin.
Slicer cucumberは光沢のある厚い濃い緑の皮が特徴です。真ん中にたくさんの種があり少し苦いです。
English cucumberは最も一般的なものでしょう。これは種も少なく皮も薄く、また味も苦くないのでスライスしてサラダに入れるのには最も一般的なのでしょう。育て上げられた後は、皮がぴかぴかしていないので普通はビニールに入れて出荷されます。
Pickling cucumberは一般的にはやや短く幅広いのが特徴です。幅にはあまりむらがありません。でこぼこで斑点のある皮が特徴です。
a cucumber is a large version of this vegetable.
A gherkin is a smaller version of this vegetable
and is usually pickled or salted.
cucumbers are usually served uncooked in a salad,
gherkins are often used as an accompaniment and come
in small or large varieties.
In the UK we sometimes call large gherkins "wallys".
"A cucumber" この野菜の大きいバージョンのことを言います。
"A gherkin" この野菜の小さいバージョンを指し、通常ピクルスにしたりサラダに入れたりします。
"Gherkins"は 添え物としてよく使われ、大小様々な大きさがあります。
イギリスでは大きな "gherkins"を "wallys"と呼ぶことがあります。
It is a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and seedless.
きゅうりは cucumber と言います。
He loves putting cucumbers in his salad.
Her son is a cucumber farmer.
My husband doesn’t like cucumbers.
Slice the cucumbers and put them in the bowl.
Shall I put cucumber in the salad?
Cucumber is a vegetable that is used in many dishes, it is a very popular ingredient for a salad.
Cucumber is part of the melon family.
It is high in water content and has a cool, refreshing taste.
An interesting fact is that the inside of a cucumber is about 20 degrees cooler than the outside temperature.
Melon family: round shaped, watery fruits e.g watermelon, Cantaloupe.
→「My little brother doesn’t like vegetables but he likes cucumbers」
→「I want to put cucumbers in this salad」
→「Cucumbers are good for your health」
「きゅうり」は英語で cucumber と言います。発音は「キュウカンバ」といった感じです。サラダに使ったり、ピクルスにしたり、キムチやお漬物にしたり、かっぱ巻きにしたりと、案外色々使える野菜ですよね。
I love the pickled cucumbers in hamburgers.
野菜のきゅうりは "cucumber"です。
3つのキュウリは 3 stick of cucumber / 3 cucumbersです。
Sorry, could you buy a cucumber to put in the salad tonight on your way home?
I want to make a salad.
Okay, what do you need?
The red circle thing.
A tomato?
Yeah, and a long green thing that is mainly water.
A cucumber?
A cucumber? Yeah, that is what I need.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Compared to Western cucumbers, Japanese cucumbers are longer and thinner
Western cucumbers are thicker than Japanese cucumbers
For the party, I'm going to make a cucumber, onion, and tomato salad
Cucumbers are often used for pickles
A cucumber is a long. green vegetable commonly used in salads and other cold dishes. In a supermarket these are sometimes sold as half cucumbers and so in that case, a complete cucumber would be differentiated by calling it a 'full cucumber.'
EX: 'Please get me a full cucumber at the supermarket, will you?"
cucumberは、サラダや冷菜で一般によく使われる長くて緑色の野菜です。スーパーでは、半分のキュウリを売るときがあります。そのためこの場合、full cucumberと言うことで丸ごとのきゅうりと区別します。
例:Please get me a full cucumber at the supermarket, will you?
My favourite vegetable is the cucumber.
I always eat cucumbers at summer festivals.
Cucumber: This is a fruit but most people will consider it as a vegetable. Cucumbers are popular long, lean, and green garden vegetables
Cucumber example sentence: I usually eat cucumber in a salad. I enjoy eating cucumber slices at home after school.