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普段着ている服のことです。 洋服を買いにショッピングに行く時、自分が洋服が欲しいことを伝えるために知っておきたい言葉です。
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2018/01/23 10:10
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  • outfit

  • clothes

日本語で普通に言う所の『洋服』であれば "outfit" "clothes" でいいと思います。 『西洋の服』と言う意味だったら "European style clothes" (西洋スタイルの服) と言う感じでしょうか。 ちなみに "jacket" (ジャケット)"coat" (コート) "shirt" (シャツ) "T shirt" (Tシャツ)"tops" (上着) "pants" (ズボン) "skirt" (スカート)etc.. "enjoy your shopping!" (買い物楽しんでください!)
Tomoko 英語講師
  • Clothes

* It's called clothes. A: What were you doing during the weekend? B: I went to the shops to buy clothes for my children. *Clothing can be a noun or verb. Example Sentences: My kids when they are clothing they leave a mess. The new shop only sells women's clothing.
* それは"clothes"と呼びます。 【例】 A: What were you doing during the weekend? (週末は何をしてたの?) B: I went to the shops to buy clothes for my children. (子供たちの服を買いにお店に行きました) *"Clothing"(衣類)は名詞にも動詞にもなります。 【例文】 My kids when they are clothing they leave a mess. (私の子供たちが着替えてる時彼らは散らかします) The new shop only sells women's clothing. (新しいお店は女性用の洋服しか売っていない)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Clothes

The most common word to describe things you buy at the shop to wear on your body is "Clothes,"
お店で購入したり、身に付けたりする洋服の 最も一般的に使われる表現は "Clothes"です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Clothes

  • summer outfit

  • winter wardrobe

"Clothes is the most common word used to refer to the items we wear to cover our body. We can be very specific when refering to our clothes. We can use the word "underwear" to refer to the first items of clothing that we put on. We can also use the different seasons to describe our outfits. For example: I need to find a new summer outfit for this year. The word "wardrobe" refers to our entire collection of clothes that we have or own. We can also be specific and refer to our wardrobe by using a season to distinguish the difference in the type of clothing we have. For example: I need to change my winter wardrobe.
身にまとったり、身体を覆ったりするものを"Clothes"と言うのが、一番よくつかわれる言葉です。 洋服の事を言う時私たちはとても具体的に言いますよね。 一番最初に着る服の事を "underwear"(下着)と言います。 また、季節を使って洋服を表現します。 【例】 I need to find a new summer outfit for this year. (今年の新しい夏服を探さなくてはいけません) この "wardrobe"とは持っているすべての洋服の事を言います。 また季節名を使う事によって"wardrobe"を明確に自分の持ってい他の種類の服と区別して言い表すことも出来ます。 【例】 I need to change my winter wardrobe. (冬服を変えなくちゃいけない)
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • Clothes

  • Garments

  • Clothing items

Clothes is far and away the most common term used for these items. However people are generally more specific. Some examples: "Could you please show me your range of jeans?" "I'd like to try on these shorts please." "Are these all the jackets your store carries?" Garments is another more old-fashioned term which is used much less often but refers to different clothing items.
この意味では「clothes」がまず間違いなく最も一般的です。 ただ、大抵はより具体的に言います。例えば: "Could you please show me your range of jeans?" (ジーンズを見せていただけますか) "I'd like to try on these shorts please." (このショーツ試着させてください) "Are these all the jackets your store carries?" (ジャケットはこれで全部ですか) 「garment」も「衣類」という意味ですが、少し古めかしい言い方です。「clothes」の方がずっと一般的です。
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • Clothes

  • Clothing

EX 1. "I need to go to the shops to buy some clothing." EX 2. "I'm going into town to buy some clothes." Clothes or clothing are what we cover our bodies with in daily life.
【例1】"I need to go to the shops to buy some clothing." (洋服買いに行かないと) 【例2】"I'm going into town to buy some clothes." (洋服買いに行く) 「clothes」または「clothing」は、私たちが普段身につけている物のことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Clothing shopping

  • clothes

  • outfit

When you buy clothes, you can say : "I am going clothing shopping." "I am going to buy clothes." "I need retail therapy." "I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work." Retail therapy is the activity of shopping for clothes and other things in order to make yourself feel happier. An outfit is a set of clothes.
洋服を買う時、次のように言いあわらすことが出来ます。 "I am going clothing shopping." (洋服を買いにショッピングに行きます) "I am going to buy clothes." (洋服を買いに行きます) "I need retail therapy." (買い物セラピーが必要だわ) "I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work." (職場での新しい洗練された洋服にお金を沢山つかった) "Retail therapy"とは洋服などを買い物に行くことで気持ちをすっきりさせることです。 An outfit is a set of clothes.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • clothes

  • clothing

  • apparel

洋服は英語で clothes 又は clothing と言います。 Apparel という言葉もありますが、apparelは「洋服」より日本語の「衣料」に相当します。 Clothes は洋服そのものを指します。Clothingは洋服を分野として指します。 例) 洋服の買い物が好き I like clothes shopping(I like clothing shopping とは言わないです) 新しい洋服が要る I need some new clothes 洋服屋 Clothing store (Clothes storeはあまり言わないです) ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Clothes

  • Outfit

洋服はclothesはメインです。発音はクローズです。 Outfitもありますけどこれはシャツ、ズボン、靴、全部一緒にする言葉です。 新しい洋服を買いたい I want to buy new clothes あなたの洋服はすごい綺麗ですね Your clothes are so pretty aren’t they
  • Clothing

  • Clothes

The word that you use to describe something used to cover the body is clothes or clothing. Clothing can be in different forms depending if the person is male or female. Some clothing can also be unisex, that means it can be worn be either male or female.
衣服は英語では、"clothes"または"clothing"と言います。 衣服は男性か女性化によって形態が異なります。 また、"unisex"(ユニセックス)の服もあります。つまり、男性でも女性でも着られるものです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • clothes

  • outfit

you can either call these clothing or an outfit. example sentence: "i want to buy some new cloths from the mall today." "there is a sale on at the mall, i want to go buy a new outfit."
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • clothes

「洋服」は英語では「clothes」と言います。 「clothes」は「洋服」という意味の名詞です。 【例】 I'm putting my clothes on. →今着替えています。 I wear my clothes until they're worn out. →洋服はぼろぼろになるまで着ます。 I don't use a dryer; it damages my clothes. →乾燥機は使いません。洋服が傷むので。 Put your clothes on. →服を着なさい。 Take off your clothes. →服を脱ぎなさい。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • clothes

「洋服」は英語で「clothes」といいます。発音は「クローズ」に近いです^^ I like going shopping for clothes. (私は洋服を買いものする事が大好きです。) Her clothes are always really cute. (彼女の洋服はいつもかわいいです。) I have lost weight recently so I need to buy some clothes in a smaller size. (私は最近痩せたのでもっとサイズの小さい洋服を買う必要がある。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • clothes

  • clothing

We wear "clothes" on our bodies for protection from the weather, heat, cold and the elements. You can also refer to the things we wear on our bodies as "clothing". One will often see this at places that sell "clothes" called "clothing stores".
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • clothes

  • clothing

"clothes"(名詞)は「洋服」を意味します。カジュアルな言い方です。 "clothing"(名詞)も「洋服」を意味します。ちょっと硬い言い方ですが、日本人にとってこれはもっと発音しやすいなら、日常会話でも"clothing"と言っても問題ありません。 例文一: I would like some clothes to give as gifts to my friends in Japan. 日本の友達へのお土産のための洋服が欲しいです。 例文二: I would like some clothing to give as gifts to my friends in Japan. 日本の友達へのお土産のための洋服が欲しいです。
Michael H DMM英会話講師
  • Clothes

  • Attire

  • Dress

Clothes are the items of material or cloth that are worn by humans to cover their body. Animals do not wear clothes. Wearing clothes has become not only essential but also so important to people, because of this the fashion industry is very big. People wear clothes to show off status or to be recognised in ranking, in some professions. For example, you can tell a businessman from a military commander by the clothes they wear. Clothes are often trendy one season, and then out of season or 'old-fashioned' the next season. People will often want to keep up with trends and most stores often sell what's 'in fashion.' Attire refers to clothes as well, especially formal clothes. Example: A suit and tie is considered to be business attire and is appropriate in most companies. Dress is referred to as our clothing as well. Example: I admire his way of dress. He always looks professional.
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Clothes

  • Outfit

  • Garms

These words are used to describe the items that you will wear and to cover your body. Clothing or clothes is primarily the term we will use. "I want to buy some new clothes, all mine are too small for me now". "My goal is to start my own clothing brand". Outfit is used to describe all of the clothes on your body. "How does my outfit look today?".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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