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卒業式に、今までの気持ちを込めたメッセージを書いて先輩に渡そうと思っています。 「先輩に卒業メッセージを送る」と英語で言いたいです。
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2018/01/23 10:19
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  • graduation message

卒業メッセージ graduation message 先輩に卒業メッセージを送る I'll write a graduation message to my senior. 先輩ー senior 後輩ーjunior 別れのあいさつ farewell speech ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Graduation message

"Graduation message" is a message you send someone who is graduating from an educational course/place, like a university. The person graduating can be older or younger than you.
"Graduation message"(卒業メッセージ) とは、課程や場所(学校、大学)などから卒業していく人々へ送るメッセージの事です。 卒業していく人はあなたより年上だったり年下だったりしますよね。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Graduation message

  • A message for graduation

*Graduation message A: Did your older brother graduate last week? B: Yes I'm planning on sending him a graduation message. *A message for graduation A: Did your older brother graduate last week? B: Yes I'm planning on sending him a message for graduation.
*Graduation message(卒業メッセージ) 【例】 A: Did your older brother graduate last week? (先週、あなたのお兄さん卒業した?) B: Yes I'm planning on sending him a graduation message. (うん、卒業メッセージを送るつもりなんだ) *A message for graduation(卒業メッセージ) 【例】 A: Did your older brother graduate last week? (先週、あなたのお兄さん卒業した?) B: Yes I'm planning on sending him a message for graduation. (うん、卒業メッセージを送るつもりなんだ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • graduation message

A message you send to someone depends on what the occassion is so if it was for their graduation then it would simply be called a 'graduation message' by saying you will send a message you would say 'I will send ............. a graduation message'
message' の言い方は、それをいつ送るのかによります。 卒業のタイミングで送るなら、これはシンプルに 'graduation message' と言えます。 「卒業メッセージを(人)に送ります」は 'I will send ............. a graduation message' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to send him a graduation message

  • I'm going to congratulate her on her graduation by sending a message/card

In terms of a message that is sent to someone to congratulate them on graduating, you want to say that you will send one of these to a senior (someone older than me).
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Graduation Message

  • Graduation Wishes

A "Graduation Message" is a message you send to someone that has completed a study or program at a University or College, and they have received a diploma or certificate for that study. If you are sending a formal note to congratulate a student, you will use a "Graduation Message". If you want to grant well being to the person that is graduating, you will use a "Graduation Wish". formal - smart grant - to give Example of Graduation Message: You are brilliant and ambitious. Happy Graduation. May you live a proud life. Example of Graduation Wish: Your brilliant achievement today is remarkable. We praise you for your efforts and send good wishes to you. May all your dreams come true and good luck for the future.
"Graduation Message" は大学の課程を修了しその証書を受け取った人に送るメッセージをいいます。 フォーマルなメッセージを送るなら、"Graduation Message" を使います。 その人の幸福を願うなら、"Graduation Wish" を使います。 formal - 賢い grant - 与える "Graduation Message" の例: You are brilliant and ambitious. Happy Graduation. May you live a proud life. (あなたは有能で、そして志もあります。卒業おめでとう。素晴らしい人生を送られることを祈っています) "Graduation Wish" の例: Your brilliant achievement today is remarkable. We praise you for your efforts and send good wishes to you. May all your dreams come true and good luck for the future. (今日あなたは素晴らしいことを成し遂げました。あなたの努力を称賛しお祝いの言葉を贈ります。あなたの夢が全てかないますように。幸運を祈ります)
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • I will send him/her a graduation message.

  • I will send him/her a message for his/her graduation.

  • Graduation message.

A graduation message is something that you send to someone who has just graduated. I will send him/her a graduation message. I will send him/her a message for his/her graduation.
graduation message' とは、卒業したばかりの人に送るメッセージをいいます。 I will send him/her a graduation message. I will send him/her a message for his/her graduation. (彼/彼女に卒業メッセージを送ります)
Niabh DMM英語講師
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