He goes to 〇〇 university.
He goes to 〇〇 college.
He is a student at 〇〇 university.とも表現できます。
"uni" is short/Slang for university. This place can also be called a college.
A college or University is a place you go to study and receive an undergraduate degree.
A college or University is a place you go to study and receive an undergraduate degree.
▪ University
A university that give high-level educational in which students study for degrees
▪ College
A college is a higher level educational institution.
▪ Technikon
A technikon is an institution that give higher level technical education.
*University.- In some countries a college also offer degrees same as a University. A degree is a high level qualification obtained in a course of study.
Example Sentences:
John attained his Medicine degree at University of Pennsylvania.
I registered at Pembroke College for a Biochemistry degree.
*"University" (大学)
John attained his Medicine degree at University of Pennsylvania.
I registered at Pembroke College for a Biochemistry degree.
The school level after high school is usually called "tertiary" education. There different types of tertiary institutions - university, college, technikon.
University is usually research focused education at tertiary level, while technikons are focused on practical application of the theoretical work that is done there.
The standard name for an institution where degrees are gained in the UK is 'university,' sometimes informally shortened to 'Uni' especially by the students attending. However, these days, other institutions and colleges may also be conferred the right to award degrees, either by being affiliated to a university, or in their own right by satisfying governmental requirements.
オーストラリアでは、college よりも university と呼ぶことのほうが圧倒的に多いです。
また、省略で uni と呼ぶこともあります。
He's a friend from uni.
What did you study in university?
Did you go to uni today?
Universities are traditional institutions which focus mainly on theory and conducting research.
Universities of Technology focus on practical knowledge but it is also an institution where degrees can be obtained. A degree at a University of Technology is unfortunately not as valuable as a degree from a university.
Colleges, especially private ones are much smaller than universities and they offer courses in technology, business, design, fine arts, etc.
Universities of Technology focus on practical knowledge but it is also an institution where degrees can be obtained.
A degree at a University of Technology is unfortunately not as valuable as a degree from a university.
"Colleges"とは特に私立の物は"universities"よりだいぶ小規模で"technology"(科学/技術), business(ビジネス), design(設計), fine arts(美術)などのコースを提供しています。
He studies at a university.
I studied linguistic at a collage.
大学は college / university と言います。
A: Where do you go to college?
B: I attend the University of Dublin.
A: 出身大学は?
B: ダブリン大学です
I plan to go to college after I graduate high school.
I studied biology at university.
My son starts college next year.
大学は英語でcollege又はuniversityと言います。アメリカでは collegeの方をよく使います。例えば When I was in college...(私の大学時代に、、、)とよく言います。
他の国では universityの方を言います。それを略して uniと言う人が多いです。例えば「私の大学時代に、、、」は When I was in university 又は When I was in uniと言います。
ちなみに、community collegeという言葉もあり、これは短期大学のことです。
He moved to London to go to university there.
I started a business when I was in college.
University students in Japan start looking for a job more than a year before they graduate.
「university student」は「大学生」という意味です。
彼は大学時代に京都に住んでいた ー He lived in Kyoto when he was a university student
大学はここから遠い ー The university is a long way from here.
大学を卒業する ー To graduate from university.
1. university
2. college
「大学」は英語で university や college と言うことができます。一般的には規模が大きい方が university と呼ばれることが多いです。
例えば日本で言うと、早稲田大学は Waseda University、東京大学は The University of Tokyo となります。
College or university/uni is this place you are trying to describe.Some example:I studied for four years at Harvard University. College is not as difficult as university.
「大学」は "college" または "university/uni" といいます。
I studied for four years at Harvard University.(ハーバード大学で4年間学びました)
College is not as difficult as university.(カレッジは大学ほど難しくありません)
If a student wants to pursue a degree they will most likely attend one of these types
Institution :-
Tertiary level institution
What is the difference between a college and University ?
A university is usually a bigger institution that a college and offers undergraduate as well as advanced degrees.
Most colleges offer mostly undergraduate degrees, some may only offer two year degrees.
Tertiary level institution
"College" と "University" の違いについて。
"University" は普通 "College" よりも規模の大きな、大学および大学院の学位を与えている所をいいます。
"College" は普通学士号を与えますが、一部、短期大学士の学位しか提供していない所もあります。
School is a life long career, it is enjoyed by some and really disliked by many, it is a necessity though in this world. Education comes in many different shapes and colors.
Some schools have a specific curriculum to suit the strengths and weaknesses of its students whilst other systems are more fixed and the curriculum is based on a set of criteria created by a board of members.
An educational establishment is an organization whose purpose is to provide education.
Higher Education Establishments are educational organizations that offer degrees.
Academy is another word we can use to describe a place to further your studies.
Necessity: a need, important
Fixed: not changing
This completely depends on the country. In Ireland we call third level education 'College'. However, in New Zealand they call the same thing 'University' or 'Uni' for short.
He is attending college.
He is attending university.
アメリカ - College
イギリス - University
I will start University from April
I’m a third year University student
My sister goes to the university in the next town.
I want to go to a university because I want to continue onto graduate school.
My school is just a college. I'm planning on going somewhere else for graduate school.
「Higher education」という表現もあります。
「Higher education」は「大学が提供する教育」で、高等学校を卒業した後受ける教育を指している言葉です。
Do you plan on pursuing higher education after high school?
My mother works in higher education.
University is the most common word used to describe institutions at the highest levels. There are many different types of universities but typically they describe which studies they focus on more. Within the U.S. it can be common to hear the term, College, as being referred to university studies.