Piano' is actually a shortened version of 'pianoforte' and the shorter form is the usually spoken form. There are two basic types of piano: an upright piano - which is usually found in people's houses, or, a grand piano, which may be used by professional musicians or for concerts.
"No more buttered scones for me - I'm off to play the grand piano!"
Piano'(ピアノ)は実のところ 'pianoforte'(ピアノフォルテ)の略形で、こちらの方が口語でよく使われますよね。
"an upright piano"(アップライトピアノ)
"a grand piano"(グランドピアノ)
"No more buttered scones for me - I'm off to play the grand piano!"
A Piano is an acoustic musical instrument made up of black and white keys, inside there are strings that are hit by hammers when pressed.
There are three main types of piano:
Grand, Upright and Electronic.
"I practice playing the piano every day!
"I am a pianist - I play the piano!"
"Piano" には三つのタイプがあります:
"I practice playing the piano every day!(私は毎日ピアノを練習しています)
"I am a pianist - I play the piano!"(私はピアニストです。ピアノを弾きます)
プロのピアノはgrand pianoといいますがpianoでも大丈夫です。
I’m so happy when I play the piano
My child wanted to learn the piano so I bought him one
The most common word to describe this instrument is a "Piano."
You get many different types of pianos. Some are electric and some are not.
A piano is a string instrument that has black and white keys.
この楽器を一番一般的に表現する言葉は "Piano"(ピアノ)です。
A piano is a string instrument that has black and white keys.
▪ Piano
It is also called a Piano in English.
A piano is from Italy and its a string musical instrument.
Types of Piano's
a. Grand Piano
b. Upright Piano
▪ Piano
a. Grand Piano
b. Upright Piano(アップライトピアノ)
* Piano is a musical instrument. Just like a keyboard or trumpet it's used to make music.
Example Sentences:
Next year i would like to go for piano lessons.
Susan plays the piano so softly.
* "Piano"とは音楽楽器ですよね。
Next year I would like to go for piano lessons.
Susan plays the piano so softly.
In English, this is likewise called a piano. It plays a melodious tone and is great for classical music and covers.
A slight variation of this instrument, called the organ, has pipes above the instrument itself producing a deeper, richer sound. It is more apt for somber ceremonies and are often used in churches, shrines, and temples.
「ピアノ」は英語でもそのまま piano と言います。
・I didn't know you could play the piano.
・Why is there a piano in the room?