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100人のグループやチーム、あるいはクラスで 例えば成績が7番目だった時の表現です。 ご教授よろしくお願い致します。
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2018/01/28 14:04
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  • I came 7th place

  • I was 7th out of 100 people

When referring to your position amongst a quantity of people, you can refer to yourself as, for example "7th out of 100 people". This particular applies to a race where you may have come seventh place out of 100 people who ran the race, or you may have been 7th in the class of 100 students with the highest score.
人の数のなかでのあなたの[順位](を言いたいときは、例えば"7th out lof 100 people"(100人中7位)と言うことが出来ます。これは特に100人のレース参加者のうち7番目だったとか、100人の学生のうち[成績](順に高いほうから7番目だったという時に使えます。
Emmy M DMM英会話講師
  • I came 7th out of 100 people

  • There were 100 people and i came in 7th place

You would phrase this in a few different ways. The most common of these two examples is the first one, "i came 7th out of 100 people". If for example you wanted to include some more information about what you were taking part in you could add it on the end. e.g. I came 7th out of 100 people in a long distance race.
いくつか方法があります。2つの回答例のうちより一般的なのは、最初の方です。"I came 7th out of 100 people."(100人中7番目でした。) もし、例えば[参加](したレースなど何か他の情報も付け加えたいということであれば、文の最後に付け加えましょう。例えば、 "I came 7th out of 100 people in a long distance race." (私は[長距離](走で100人中7位だったよ。)
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • I placed 7th out of 100 other people.

  • I got 7th place out of 100 others.

  • I won 7th place out of 100.

You can use the verbs of "placed", "got", or "won" to talk about the placing you achieved in a competition.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I came 7th...

  • Out of a hundred runners in the race...I came 7th

In any competition...we are " placed". IE We come first / second / third / fourth / fifth / sixth ...or in this case seventh (7th) in consecutive order... (Out of the number of participants) We can say here ; "I came 7th" out of 100.
競争をすると順位がつけられます。順番に表すなら、1位、2位、3位、4位、5位、6位(first / second / third / fourth / fifth / sixth )または今回の場合だと7位( seventh (7th))となります。 例文: (Out of the number of participants) "I came 7th" out of 100. ((参加者中で)100人中7位になりました。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I finished seventh out of a hundred

  • I beat 93 other competitors from 100.

Well done! Seventh may not be a gold, silver or bronze position but it is a very respectable result. '...out of..' is a construction used when you wish to state your position compared to the total number of people taking part.
お見事! 7位は金、銀、又は銅ではないですけど尊敬に値する結果です。 '...out of..' は、参加した総数の中での順位を言う場合に使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I came 7th out of 100 competitors.

  • I finished 7th out of 100 runners.

If you finished at number 7 in the competition involving 100 people, it means that you finished the competition in the 7th place. Finishing a competition at number 7 out of 100 competitors is not bad at all compared to someone who finishes at number 50 (50th place) out of 100 people. You must be proud of yourself even though you did not finish at number 1(1st place) or number 2 (2nd place) or number 3 (3rd place). So, you may say: I came 7th out of 100 competitors. or I finished 7th out of 100 runners.
競争で100人中7番目で終わった場合、あなたは7位(7th place)です。100人中7位は、100人中50位の人と比べれば、全く悪い成績ではありません。1位(1st place)、2位(2nd place)、3位(3rd place)ではありませんが、自分自身を誇りに思っているでしょう。 下記のように言えます。 I came 7th out of 100 competitors. (100人中7位になりました) I finished 7th out of 100 runners. (100人のランナーの内、7位になりました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I came 7th out of 100 particpants

  • I placed 7th

If you are in a competition and you are 7th from 100 people, the most common way of expressing this is that you came 7th. Sometimes you will also hear the expression about 7th place or I placed 7th out of 100 people. Colloquially you may also hear people say 'I got 7th' though I find this informal and wouldn't use it in a business setting.
競争で、あなたが100人中7番目になった場合、最も一般的な表し方は: I came 7th(7位になった) 7th place(7位)、またはI placed 7th out of 100 people(100人中7位だった)という言い方をすることもあります。 会話では、I got 7thと言われることもあるかもしれませんが、くだけた表現なので、ビジネスでは使わない方がいいと思います。
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
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