世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/31 17:35
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  • France is the country that I want to visit the most.

France is the country that I want to visit the most. 「フランスは私が最も[訪れたい](と思っている[場所](です」 France is the country 「フランスは国です」 that I want to visit the most 「(どんな国かと言うと)私が最も訪れたいと思っている」 thatは関係代名詞で、この文ではフランスについて説明するはたらきがあります。 「行く」は旅行や観光などの目的を持って「訪れる」という意味のvisitが自然かと思います。 例: Which country do you want to visit the most? 一番行きたい国はどこですか? ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I most want to visit France.

  • I am obsessed with France!

  • Visiting France is on my bucket-list.

To show that France is your priority for travel you would say "I most want to visit France". You could show your strong interest in France by saying "I am obsessed with France!". Obsessed means to be constantly thinking about something and in this instance it would be being used humorously as an exaggeration to show hoe much you like France. You could also say visiting France is on your "bucket-list". A bucket-list is a list of things you want to do before you die.
特にフランスに[旅行に行きたい](と表すなら、「I most want to visit France」と言えます。 フランスに対する強い興味を表すなら、「I am obsessed with France!」。「obsessed」は「頭から離れない」という意味です。 これはおどけた言い方で、大げさにフランスへの興味を表します。 「Visiting France is on my bucket-list」と言うこともできます。「bucket-list」は「[死ぬまでにしたいことリスト](」という意味です。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • If there is one place that I want to visit the most, it is France.

  • There is only one place that I want to visit the most, and it is France.

  • Should there be one place that I would like to visit the most, it would only be France.

In the first statement, you have started with a lengthy expression, 'if there is one place that I would like to visit the most'. It can also be said this way: Should there be any one place I would like to visit the most, it would be France. So, should a friend ask you as to which place you would like to visit the most, you may say: If there is one place that I want to visit the most, it is France. or There is only one place that I want to visit the most, and it is France. or Should there be one place that I would like to visit the most, it would only be France.
最初の表現は、長々しい表現「もし一番行きたいところがあるなら」ではじめました。Should there be any one place I would like to visit the most, it would be France.と言うこともできます。 一番行きたいところを聞かれたら以下のように答えることができます。 If there is one place that I want to visit the most, it is France.  もし一番行きたいところがあるなら、それはフランスです。 There is only one place that I want to visit the most, and it is France.  一番行きたいところが一つだけあります。それはフランスです。 Should there be one place that I would like to visit the most, it would only be France. 一番行きたいところは、フランスだけです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • France is my dream destination.

  • I really want to go to France now.

  • I'm fascinated by France and want to go soon.

"dream" is a word that is used often when we really want to go somewhere, but it often implies that, although you really want to go there, you can't, because (for example) it's too expensive, you are too busy at work or school, or some other reason. We can use "dream vacation" or "dream trip" the same way, but "dream vacation" usually means you will go there as a tourist and then come home, but "dream destination" can be more general -- maybe vacation, or maybe for a longer stay to work or learn the language.
"dream" は、どこかすごくいきたいところがあるときに使う言葉ですが、例えば、すごく高い、仕事や学校が忙しいなどの理由で行きたいけれど、行けないということを表します。  "dream vacation" や "dream trip"も同じようなニュアンスです。  "dream vacation" は、観光客としてあるところに行って帰ってくることを意味しますが、 "dream destination" は、休暇で訪れることも、仕事や勉強で長く滞在することも含みます。
David McA DMM英会話講師
  • France is on my bucket list

A bucket list is becoming more frequent these days. It means a list of things that you want to do or places you want to visit before you die. It comes from the phrase "to kick the bucket". This literally means standing on a bucket to hang yourself and then kicking it so that you die. In casual situations, to say that someone kicked the bucket is not disrespectful. You are simply stating a fact: that the person died. Nor do we necessarily think of death when we talk about a bucket list. However, when we start that list, the places we want to visit become special, and many times, people follow through with those destinations. If you say that France is on your bucket list, you mean that you really want to go there.
bucket list(バケツリスト)は最近よく使われています。 これは死ぬ前にしたいこと、訪れたい場所を書いたリストです。 "to kick the bucket"(死ぬ)というフレーズからきた単語です。文字通りの意味は首を吊るためにバケツの上に立り、バケツを蹴って死ぬ、ことです。カジュアルな場面にてkick the bucket のフレーズを使うことは失礼ではありません。誰かが亡くなったという事実をただ伝えるだけです。 bucket list(バケツリスト)について話している際に必ずしも死を考える必要はありません。リストを始めると訪れたい場所が特別になり、この目的地に行くようになります。 例えばフランスがbucket listに入っているとするとあなたは本当にそこに行きたいことになります。
Dudley DMM英会話講師
  • Right now, I am really interested in visiting Italy.

  • Lately, I've been wanting to visit London.

  • As of recent, I'd like to visit Chicago.

"right now/ as of recent, lately" refer to a time close to or at the present moment in time.
「right now」「as of recent」「lately」は、今現在、または現在に近い時間を表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so into .... at the moment!

To say that you are really 'into' something is to say that you are very interested in it at that time.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • the place I want to go the most right now

  • the place I want to visit the most right now

  • the place I am most interested in at the moment

the place I want to go the most right now 今一番行きたい場所 the place I want to visit the most right now 今一番訪れたい場所 the place I am most interested in at the moment 今一番気になっている場所 interested in は「気になっている」「興味がある」という意味の英語表現です。 例: France is the country I want to visit the most right now. 今一番訪れたい国はフランスです。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
  • France would be my current destination of choice

If something is 'current' (adjective) it means, 'at this present time', or 'these days'. "A low pressure system is currently over the Atlantic, which may bring heavy rain or showers to the west coast by mid morning."
「current(形容詞)」は「今現在で」「この頃」という意味です。 A low pressure system is currently over the Atlantic, which may bring heavy rain or showers to the west coast by mid morning. (低気圧が現在大西洋にかかっており、午前半ばまで、西海岸では大雨、激しいにわか雨になる可能性があります。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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